Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

The Message of the Divine Iliad, Volume II
Author: Russell, Walter
The Message of the Divine Iliad express the heart and soul of Walter Russell's inspired philosophic cosmic thinking and knowing. He contends that genius is inherent within everyone and that cosmic knowledge alone will make each person aware of his or her unique genius. Every person can become what he or she desires to be. Comprehension of universal law, the unity of all life, and the nature of communion with our Source will make it possible to attain any desired goals. To give that comprehension of the Cosmos is the purpose of The Message of the Divine Iliad. VOLUME II: Three books from The Message of the Divine Iliad: Part I: The Book of Love; The Book of Beauty; and The Book of Healing Part II: Five Lectures: The New World-Thought; The Dawn of Cosmic Consciousness; The Reincarnation Principle; the Healing Principle; Scientific Answer to Sex Promiscuity (first Lecture); Scientific Answer to Sex Promiscuity (Second Lecture). Part III: Questions Answered by Walter Russell. 236 pages 5 3/4" x 8 1/4"

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