Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

Great Flood Mystery
Author: Iverson, Ben
A geological study of the broad view of North America Geology with emphasis on the general background of many present geological reports. THESIS: 2000 years ago, two floods of over 5000 cubic miles of water came out of northern Canada at tremendous speed, sufficient to completely demolish large gaps in the Rocky Mountain chain. From Jasper, Canada north, across Montana and Wyoming, and across New Mexico/Arizona. The routing, the force and direction of this flood is followed along with the destruction along the way. The deposition pattern of an estimated 4000 miles of soil is also established, reaching, in one case, an elevation of 11,000 feet above sea level. Speeds of the flood were up to 500 miles per hour and maintained by the Coriollus force.
Pages: 267

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