Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
SVP Best Seller List
Books, Pamphlets & Videos
Quantum Arithmetic products
Common and Statutory Law Self Study Course vol.1 (Torts, Liens and Criminal Procedures) & vol. II (Practice and Civil Actions), Constitutional Law



Volume I
Law of Torts, Part I, Trespass
Law of Torts, Part II, Conversion
Law of Torts, Part III, Legal Cause & Negligence
Law of Torts, Part IV, Negligence
Law of Torts, Part V, Defamation
Law of Torts, Part VI, Malicious Prosecution
Law of Torts, Part VII, Interference in Relations
Law of Torts, Part VIII, Privacy
Law of Liens and Pledges
Law of Criminal Procedure
Law, Origin, Nature & Development

Practice in Civil Actions
Law of Attachment & Garnishment
Law of Judgments & Executions
Law of Extraordinary Remedies
Law of Evidence
Constitutional Law, Constitutions
Constitutional Law, Powers of Government
Constitutional Law, Guarantees
Constitutional Law, Eminent Domain
Constitutional Law, Taxation
Constitutional Law, Naturalization


Over 800 8 1/2" x 11" pages in two volumes - B0405 $95.00

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Harmonies of Tones and Colors - Developed by Evolution


Mrs. F. J. Hughes, a grandniece of Darwin, gained from her study of the Bible the material for her book on "The Evolution of Tones and Colours," which work, Keely says, saved him years of research in the realm of inaudible sounds possessed by man, without which his various organs would be utterly useless. Bloomfield-Moore sent copies of this book to every known university because of its value to scientific research as proven by Keely. Reprint of the original book. 8.5" X 11" - B0007488 $14.95

The Divine Triplet

or the Law of One in considering Gold, Silver & Platinum as appiled to the Mind, Body & Spirit


Dale Pond's new book bringing the spiritual aspects of gold, silver and platinum into focus as colloids and vibrational influences and aids to the human Mind, Body and Spirit. This investigation substantiates the theoretical premise that humans may be "as Gods" (ala ancient God-men) if the given qualities of these metals were appropriately applied to the body, mind and spirit. The text explains the workings of the Cayce Wet Cell appliance as a vibratory therapeutic device. There is substantial discussion of the vibratory (alchemical and etheric) aspects of gold, silver and platinum and their vibratory effects on the human body, mind and spirit. Rarely have so many levels or dimensions of a subject been so well considered. Amply illustrated. 8.5" X 11" B1597 $17.95

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Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets

Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic Vibration Dream Interpretation & Recording

Ten years of research went into this book. This collection of articles by Keely, Tesla, Dale Pond and many others reveals the scientific significance and correlations of Keely's work: the science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. The text has been completely retypeset, laid-out and re-illustrated. This volume contains the most comprehensive interpretation of SVP ever done. This is the definitive book on Keely's discoveries and science. It includes Pond's clarifications on Keely's 40 Laws of Harmony. Extensively illustrated including the original crystal clear Library of Congress photographs. Most of Keely's beautiful Acoustic Charts (donated by Mr. Tonn) have been computer enhanced and are legible and are included. Contains a comprehensive bibliography of source materials. 8.5" x 11", 284 pages. ISBN 1-57282-003-9
"I have studied Keely's work and compared it to many other scientific and esoteric sources without finding anything proven that contradicts it. The thing is, there have been many impressive scientific achievements over the years which have been very useful but their explanations always seem uncomfortable, unsatisfactory speculation without cohesion. Whereas Keely's theories just seem to feel so right. When I read Keely's explanations I can't help but say to myself, that has to be how it is. "M.H., July, 1998
"This is future technology beyond anything we have discussed in FTIR. We have known of John W. Keely (and Dale Pond) since 1990, and brought Keely's work to your attention on a couple of occasions.
Now comes this beautifully produced volume, over-size, with photographs, patent drawings, charts, graphs, etc. May be, at long last, Keely's genius and Dale Pond's persistence will penetrate a substantial market. Keely is truly unique, a technology unlike anything else we know about, magnificent intricacy. In brief, all is sympathetic vibration, and sympathetic vibration is the etheric force.
But this essential simplicity may be why Keely's work has taken so long to penetrate.
The casual reader opening a Keely book is faced with equipment that superficially resembles late 19th century workbench apparatus but described in musical, acoustical terms.
Dale Pond has done a masterful job at laying out Keely's ideas and blending text with diagrams and photographs, but many of the concepts are elusive (As an example, Keely's triple chords still baffle this Editor.) Working in 1880, Keely is 200 years ahead of the rest of us. For example, on page 165 is a Keely schematic dated 1894 compared to a similar schematic by famed quantum physicist Richard Feynman over 80 years later.
It takes an understanding of acoustics and musical theory to even begin to understand Keely. The essence is the "music of the spheres" known to ancient wisdom ... more simply all is sympathetic vibratory resonance. While modern engineering recognizes harmonics, Keely proposes many more relationships than merely doubling and halving frequencies.
But this should not stiop you from spending time with Keely's ideas. With just an introductory physics course somewhere in your background and acquaintance with musical theory (much of Keely is in musical notations) you will travel a long way with this book.
This is the kind of book you pull out time and time again over the years each time mastering a little more of Keely's intricate, unique concepts.
This should be in your library, DEFINITELY." Anthony C. Sutton, editor Future Technology Intelligence Report. March, 1996. - B0001689 $19.95

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The Physics of Love - The Ultimate Universal Laws


Explore Keely's 40 laws of physics of love, of harmony and of consciousness in an easy-to-understand and exciting book. The universal laws in this book are applicable to music, electronics, mechanics, healing and all branches of science and philosophy. This rapidly expanding science demonstrates the commonality that underlies all phenomena - vibration. Another name for Sympathetic Vibration is Love. This work is designed to give you an insight and understanding of the basic principles operating within the realm of sound and vibration. This book was primarily written to explain the basics of SVP as found in "Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets." It is also designed to enhance the evolution of a more wholistic philosophical concept of life and nature. 8.5" X 11" 145 pages. ISBN 1-57282-002-0
"It's slow reading - at times difficult reading, but when one finishes there is a strong and basic insight into fundamental principles. I cannot recommend it highly enough." Special from Frederic Stoessel: Recommended reading for those who want to know answers to what is really going on.
"I did, however, want to thank you for your warm list welcome and tell you how thrilled I am to be reading your "The Physics of Love" book. I have only recently come across it, but this is definitely the right timing, as I have been intensely studying Earth energy, vibrational frequencies and everything in between for two years. I'd been searching for exactly what it was that I'd "discovered" - and this was difficult, since I'd been exploring so many different functions of vibratory physics...genetics, color therapy, health, sound, psychology, radionics, crystallography and how these mught be tied into ancient history and ancient art.
I was extremely pleased to see your umbrella diagram on page 4, breaking "Sympathetic Vibratory Physics" into all the various fields. This was a beautiful confirmation for me that even though I might be studying many parallel "lines" , I am still on one basic track." C. 10/98 - B0001396 $15.95

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Scientific Basis and Build of Music

Bloomfield-Moore indicated this book was extremely important to understanding what Keely was doing. Mr. Ramsay gives the background analysis of how musical scales are evolved. Contains many charts, diagrams and drawings illustrating his methodology. 8.5" x 11" - B0008488 $17.95

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Atlin - Knowing I AM
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"A few years ago a project was undertaken to create a machine to generate mechanical power that would produce useable electricity and drive machinery. This machine had been originally invented and built in the 1880s and did indeed generate mechanical power. The team, assembled to recreate this device, thought they could duplicate this instrument using modern technology. As innocent as this goal was - things turned out rather differently. The machine was built in a surprisingly short time. Did it successfully generate power? Not in the expected way but in a way so surprising as to be near unbelievable."
The story of Atlin and the people who built her. How the dynasphere was built, when, where, how and who. A personal account of the historical backgrounds, events and people by Dale Pond. Includes extensive review of construction, operation, experiences and findings on heart, health, Consciousness and connections between Mind and Matter. 8.5" x 11" 88 pages with photos, references, bibliography and glossary. - B2001 $14.95


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Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine with Tesla's original patents

This is a manual on Nikola Tesla's original Earthquake Machine, the device Tesla called his "greatest achievement in the field of engineering". This machine is capable of attaining self-resonance and multiplying its own power. Manual contains the original patents and complete history of Tesla's experience as well as articles, lectures, theory of operation and construction blue prints for building an actual working unit. Also includes drawings and theory for a low-temperature phase change Solar Energy device developed by Dale Pond using Tesla's Oscillator as the core mechanism. This device is a synthesis of Tesla, Keely, Vortex, Carnot, Lee and contemporary engineering. If you've been waiting for hands-on building plans - this is it. Color photos available: see item PIC1298. This book replaces Tele-Geodynamics. 8.5" X 11" 145 pages. ISBN 1-57282-008-X - B0010992 $16.95

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Trust Yourself!!!

The Do-It-Yourself Business Trust

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Boom your business to success, capture the rewards due you. The do-it-yourself pure business trust. Protect yourself from bureaucracies, licences, fees, moochers and looters. Liberate your creativity to mushroom your wealth. Everything you need to create your own Unincorporated Business Organization. All forms supplied - just fill in the blanks. It is the same trust used by the super-rich and those who wish to keep what is theirs private and secure. Legal and background documentation, instructions and legal cites guide you to perfect preparation of your own easy to operate business trust. - B0021194 $99.00
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Chord of Life Windchime
Overall length can be from 30" to 60".
Size varies according to tone wave length.
The Perfect Unique Gift for births, birthdays,
anniversaries and special events.

The Divine Melody of your creation is replicated in a hand-crafted custom built windchime just for you. No two windchimes are exactly alike just as no two individual's are exactly alike.

Each windchime is individually designed to sound your birth chord of vibrations which are derived from the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. The planet positions are resonant to and symbolic of the same Universal Forces you were born through and into. Planetary positions at the time of your birth are converted into musical notes. The music notes provide the frequency of vibration and wave length. These are converted into individual chimes that sound the musical notes represented by each planet's position reflecting the energy matrix of your formation and birth. W041292 $199.00
When you place your order please email your birth data for calculating your Planet's Positions. Send the PLACE, DATE and TIME of birth. Please allow 7-14 days for delivery.
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