Keely Explains his Motor

The following is an article written by Keely where he explains one of his motors. This is one of his later motors, perhaps the last one he ever built. I have been fortunate to find three contemporary photographs of the device. Mark Baker in the attached biography of Keely wrote:

The New Science Review for April 1895 has an article discussing the action of the motor, entitled "The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit", by Mr. Keely himself. It is an almost incredible jumble of technical terms: 'molecular vibration', 'sympathetic equilibrium', 'oscillation of the atom', 'etheric disintegration','quadruple negative harmonics', 'atomic triplets'.

I believe this to be the article. I omitted Part 2 of this article as it deals with magnetism and is not helpful here.


(By Polar and Depolar Sympathetic Interchange,
as Associated with the Transmitter.)



I have long held an opinion almost amounting to a conviction that the various forms under which the forces of matter are made manifest have one common origin; or, in other words, are so directly related and mutually dependent that they are convertible, as it were, into one another, and possess equivalents of power in their action. FARADAY.

The working part of this device consists, first, of an outside ring carrying on its inside face nine pieces -- equidistant from each other --- called polar accelerators; which constitute the polar field or polar circuit. Second, another ring of less diameter, situated inside of the larger ring, and carrying on its face eight disks, with a triple grouping in each, representing the depolar field, or field of high polar interference.

In the Centre is placed a resonating intensifier, through which the sympathetic currents pass. By a spiro-vibrophonic arrangement these currents are diverted toward the neutral Centre of the earth. This device is the sympathetic multiplying agent for the polar field, and the negatizing agent for the anti-polar field. When under action it is entirely subservient to the transmitter, both in regard to high intensification and thorough neutralization of polar and depolar interchange.


The circles containing the sensitized disks -- both polar and depolar - are in sympathetic relation to the polar negative circuits of the earth, and in a condition to be brought into action by the negative transmitter. The sympathetic conditions of the polar and depolar field of the circuits remain latent until the transmitter is associated and the introductory impulse given. Then conditions assert themselves which demonstrate the wonderful power of sympathetic action in abeyance to the laws by which they are governed.

The introductory impulse represents the sympathetic chord of unity to polar attraction. When this is given, the polar outreach is immediately established in the polar circuit, which seeks to assimilate itself to the anti-polar, or triple groupings; but as the alternation of the two circuits represents a condition of sympathetic antagonism (as 8 is to 9), an intensified differentiated wave motion is induced between the two, thus developing eight alternations, or waves, to one revolution of the device.

Consequently, an equation cannot be established on account of this negative interference, which represents the power exerted to bring about sympathetic equation between the neutral centre of terrestrial gravity and sympathetic outreach,1 the power that induces planetary suspension.

Every revolution of the circuits represents eight distinct polar and depolar waves. When the maximum (five hundred revolutions per minute) is reached, there are four thousand polar and depolar interchanges. In sympathetic philosophy the polar circuit represents the brain power of the instrument, or the medium of impregnation from celestial radiating outflow; the depolar circuit represents the organism, which is actuated to do the sympathetic work as dictated by the same power, or element, 2 that virtually operates our physical organisms; the work done representing the power expended to equate the power transmitted, although the movements in the physical organism are much more complicated.

The polar flow, as induced by the transmitter, is intensified or diminished by an oscillating bar which governs the revolutions to any number without variation.

The aerial propeller has a sympathetic polar accumulator and disperser in one instrument, which is entirely distinct from any of the devices intended for terrestrial use; also other mechanical adjuncts not needed on land nor water.

All forms of non-sympathetic machinery have, associated with them, conditions of centrifugal force on the ratio of the velocity induced; the diverging power from the centre of induction being governed specifically by its gravital weight according to the diameter it occupies in its circle of rotation.

In a sympathetic negative circuit this order of conditions is reversed; for the power of neutral attraction draws the molecules of any mass, no matter what the weight, toward the centre of rotation (instead of toward its periphery) according to the intensity of the negative vibration that is induced upon that particular circle.

Our earth, in its routine of revolution, is governed by the same law in every particular; its mass tending toward its centre of neutrality with a force that is equivalent to the character and velocity of its rotation. If its rotation were increased, the tendency of everything associated with it would be increased toward its centre of neutrality on the same ratio. That is, a pound in weight would, under certain conditions of increased velocity, become two pounds in weight. The laws governing the sympathetic rotation of vibratory machinery are the same laws that govern planetary suspension. To those who have not witnessed the operation of my devices, my theories must indeed seem wild; but the laws of nature are the same yesterday today and forever. They know no change; and sympathetic physics, demonstrated mechanically, must triumph over all ridicule and opposition in the end. To contradict the laws governing sympathetic rotation is to contradict the laws governing planetary suspension, as I am prepared to demonstrate.

If the earth were rotated on a shaft by mechanical force, the present condition of its rotations would be reversed; everything on its surface would fly off at a tangent, on the ratio of the velocity induced. The equilibrium of all things would also be changed. The gyroscope reveals astounding facts in relation to this philosophy, even when operated mechanically. No other known device is so nearly associated with sympathetic vibratory physics.

The vitalization of the disks for the polar and depolar field is established on the ratio of thirds, sixths, and ninths; the ninths being the circuit occupied by the polar field, must represent, in the scale of vitalized focalized intensity, 100 in my system: sixths in the depolar field, or 66 2/3; and in the neutral field, or thirds, 33 1/3. The triplets must represent one true chord of equation. The sympathetic transmitter transfers any degree of intensity desired from zero up to disintegration; all the transfers being made above the line of the first inaudible, as associated with my resonating system of transfer.

On the sixths and ninths, in the progressive triple subdivision of the elements of water, the nearest sympathetic approach is made to the high luminous, which is the main sympathetic link to the earth's polar negative envelope, and the one whereby coordination is effected for commercial work. In short, this progressive condition establishes the necessary association between celestial radiation and terrestrial outreach, in regard to controlling the polar negative attractive force in mechanics; whether for serial navigation or for terrestrial commercial work, in all its multiplied forms.

The atmospheric envelope of our earth owes its activity and its volume entirely to celestial radiating forces. Reception and dispersion are kept up by atomic and interatomic conflict between the dominant and enharmonic currents of the triune polar stream. The harmonic and enharmonic current with the dominant (in the electric stream) by their sympathetic association evolve the energy of matter. The mechanical proof of the correctness of my theories, in sympathetic or spiritual physics, is so overwhelming in its simplicity that it needs but to be witnessed to convince the most learned or the most simple mind that this system will place both science and commerce on a platform which will elevate each to a level far higher than those they now occupy.

Next Chapter:


Hans von Lieven, copyright 2007