Aquaeous Disintegration.

It took Keely a long time to repeat his disintegration of water and, incurring many explosions, even longer to get it under some measure of control.

That the explosions occurred of that there was no doubt. Many of them were so serious they were reported in the press and put Keely out of action for weeks at a time. So what took him so long? Keely was a meticulous researcher, he would have kept notes. He knew precisely what frequencies he used as well as the precise design and composition of his apparatus. Simple, build a new one, tune it the same way and repeat the experiment.

Keely would have been stunned to see that in spite of meticulous reconstruction he could not get the device to work.

He had done the same experiment with and without water many, many times and nothing spectacular occurred. What was different that time when it blew up?

He experimented and experimented until he caused another explosion, still not knowing why.

He kept on doing this until he found out what was different when the explosions occurred.

He had noticed that as a result of repeated experiments changes had occurred in his equipment that brought forth a new set of conditions.

He talks about it repeatedly in his writings and in his interviews. I am surprised that for so many years of study I have missed the significance of it when it was plainly laid out before me.

I will quote here only one reference, this one perhaps the most explicit. He is talking to a reporter about his demonstrations at Sandy Hook where he was firing a gun using his "etheric vapour".

A reporter of the Press was cautiously examining a vaporic vibrator that lay on the table in the middle of the room. Laying down his paper the inventor wheeled around in his chair, and, after studying for a moment, broke the silence that he has so persistently maintained, and, for the first time in several years, communicated his thoughts to a newspaper man. "My experimenting days are over," he said. "This will develop my active enterprise. Complete success is very near at hand. My experiments at Sandy Hook demonstrated that my vaporic force is a fact and not a mere creation of fancy, as many persons have persisted in declaring. I am now able to produce a power of projection thrice greater than that of gunpowder, and there is no limit to this force. My motor will be completed in less than two months and I will then make a public exhibition of its wonderful power, which are already in a position to manifest themselves. The adaptation of my force to gunnery is positively assured. I can apply it with more effect than that of nitroglycerine."

The inventor paused and took out of a satchel what looked like a policeman's billy. "This," he said, "is what I call a vibrator. It is a hollow coil of steel of the finest quality. In one end is an orifice, by which it is attached to the gun. It is the most peculiar piece of steel in the world. Listen," and the inventor tapped one end of the coil twice, sharply, upon the floor and held it to the ear of the reporter. "Do you hear anything?" The reporter did hear something. The steel cone was humming in a very high key. The noise was like that of a tuning fork. Taking the core in his hand, the reporter found that it was quivering from one end to the other. Mr. Keely continued: "It hums, don't it? No other piece of metal in the world of similar shape will hum at all. See if it does," and he tapped another hollow bar of steel on the floor and held it to the reporter's car. Not a sound was audible, not a quiver could be detected.

"That steel bar," said Mr. Keely, "was the beginning of my motor. By means of it I stumbled on my discoveries. For seven years I have kept flowing through that core a stream of etheric vapour. The action of the vapour has been to affect the relations of the molecules and to alter to a certain extent their conditions. For this reason it has become subject to these vibrations, which are excited in the manner I have shown you. There has been no apparent out ward change in the steel. Its weight is the same as before, but it is in the process of silent dissolution. Were I to pass through it for 20 years longer, this etheric vapour, it would crumble into nothingness, be transformed into the most impalpable dust, or whatever you may choose to call it.

The steel core is necessary for the promulgation of the projecting force of the etheric vapour when applied to gunnery. When the vapour was first allowed to flow through the core of steel, the vibrations were scarcely audible. Gradually they increased in volume, and the noise became more and more audible. The vibrations through it have averaged 300,000 per second. It has sufficient force to operate a 500-horse power engine. So what does that mean and how does it relate to problems encountered with the disintegration of water?

What he is saying is that prolonged exposure to specific frequencies relating harmonically to the body under study changes the structural arrangement within that body and makes it more receptive to these frequencies.

The structural changes are subtle and cumulative.

In other words, the vibratory stream causes a structural re-arrangement on the outside of the resonator, perhaps only one molecule thick. This layer now being capable of transmitting pure concordant harmonies influences the layer below and so forth until the whole body is free from nodal inferences. The depth to which the vibrations can penetrate and cause a structural re-arrangement at any given time is what he calls in his later writings "sympathetic outreach".

He continually talks about the absolute necessity of doing this with all parts of his equipment. He calls this his system of 'graduation'.

I had often wondered why it had taken him four years to graduate the parts of his "quartz disintegrator". No tuning of resonators should have taken that long, even to the fine tolerances that he required. Now I know why.

He must have later found some way of increasing the "sympathetic outreach" thus shortening the process or he could not have built the multitude of devices that he did.

The question here is how does that sit with conventional physics and it is there some evidence other than Keely's writings that the phenomenon exists.

There is no problem with orthodox science, there is ample proof that the phenomenon exists.

Every musician knows that a well played string sounds 'sweeter' than a new one. A fine musical ear can tell the difference.

Especially in Keely's time opera singers delighted in shattering a thin wine glass with their voice alone. If that is not a structural re-arrangement I don't know what is.

Engineers know that vibrations close to the fundamental frequency (or a harmonic thereof) of a component part bring about its premature failure. We call this metal fatigue. Engineers go to extreme lengths to avoid these kind of vibrations in their equipment and use every trick in the book to neutralise or dampen their impact.

We are still on safe ground as far as orthodox science is concerned, no new theories, metaphysical or otherwise, are needed.

Every day of the week scientists and engineers subject parts under study to various vibrations and carefully note any changes that occur.

So what brings about these structural changes and in what way does it alter the properties of matter?

To get some answers we must look at the properties of sound, what is it, and how it behaves.

I will not go into a long dissertation on sound, there is better stuff around on the subject than I could ever write, just enough of the basic principles to enable the reader to follow my line of argument.

Next Chapter:


Hans von Lieven, copyright 2007