Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
October 1994

October 11, 1994

Greetings! This is your reminder for our 24th meeting of the Roundtable. Can you believe as of October, 94' this will be two years of monthly meetings?

Something really amazing seems to be congealing in the minds of many people with whom we all have been in contact or read about. It relates to what appears to be a Universal Principle manifesting in nature as a CYCLOID.

KeelyNet has long promoted the idea that geometry, frequency and spin are key elements necessary to achieve much of the phenomena we are trying to qualify and eventually quantify through a working and reproducible device.

Victor Schauberger proved the Cycloid form was most easily created by use of an egg shaped flow pattern. Rudolph Steiner also said the heart shaped flow produced an inflowing, life-giving rotation which nature used when building new life, healing or accumulating energy. The life-enhancing effects can be augmented by using magnets, crystals, copper and other elements in the right combinations. Now, there have arisen numerous correlations in the field of inertial and gyroscopic drives from researchers such as Dean, Cook, Laithwaite, Kidd and Thornsen among others.

One must realize that there is a difference between an inertial drive such as promoted by Dean, Cook and Thornsen and the precession effects of gyroscopic drives as investigated by Laithwaite and Kidd. In the case of inertial drives, the ideal system involves the creation of a cycloid motion, currently achieved by a complex mechanical rotation of one or more spinning weights.

The simplest form is a spring with a weight attached to the end of it and mounted on a rotating disk. You can see how the weighted spring can be released at the same point in the rotation of the disk to give a hopping action in a single preferred direction.

The spring slowly pulls the weight closer to the shaft as the disk spins away from the direction of the hopping motion, this allows the spring to 'recharge' during each rotation. The device then moves in short hops only in one preferred direction through the inertia of the moving weight when it is released at the same point during the disk rotation.

In the case for gyroscopic precession, a perpendicular motion in relation to the angular spin of the gyroscope will also produce a lifting force against the weight of the gyroscope. The claims are that weight is not eliminated but reduced from its norm. It is felt that further research along this line will yield a levitating device.

But the reason I'm writing about this, is because of a fascinating discovery made in Russia by Alexander Chernetski and tentatively called the PLASMATRON. In our past meetings we have discussed MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) and the possibilities it presented as an over-unity device. An ionized gas that was 'supercharged' with high density magnetic flux seems to exhibit certain properties which Chernetskii claims to take advantage of. His description of the process;

"The self-generating discharge (SGD) emerges when the discharge current reaches a definite critical density, when the magnetic fields they create ensure magnetisation of plasma electrons and they begin to perform MOSTLY CYCLOID movements. The interaction of currents with their magnetic fields forces the electrons to deviate to the cylinder-shaped discharge axis and the electrical field emerges.

It has proved to 'switch on' the physical vacuum; in this field the vacuum is polarized and consequently the virtual pairs begin to move IN A DEFINITE DIRECTION, instead of chaotically. The current in the circuit builds up and additional energy is discharged on the resistor (that is) switched into the discharge circuit (load). Clearly, only part of the tremendous vacuum energy is extracted."

Note if you will, once the cycloid pattern is achieved, a specific direction of thrust is generated to force all loose electrons to be thrown off at whatever happens to be in its path, in the Chernetskii case, an energy collector absorbs the energy and then switches out the excess energy to a load, such as a motor, light bulb or other device that performs a useful service.

So, this is the same process as the inertial drive, except instead of using the rotation of a MECHANICAL part, we are using the spinning of the plasma, and instead of a weight, we are using a magnetic flux of a CRITICAL DENSITY.

John Keely referred to the use of an apsidal motion as a means of crude propulsion as far back as 1893 and used it to PROPEL his airship in a demonstration to the War Department in 1896. Levitation is one thing, propulsion is quite another. Once you understand how the cycloid motion can be used in any rotating mass to produce a linear thrust, you can then extend it into microscopic reaches to help explain phenomena that borders on magic.

Are not all molecules made up of atoms? And are those atoms not in turn made up of electrons spinning around a heavier nucleus? So, if you could put a dimple in the orbit of the electron in such a way that it would produce a minute off balance thrust, you would get a slight deflection as if you pinched a watermelon seed between your finger and it shot out.

Of course, the amount of deflection will be very slight but can be amplified by adding to the 'weight' of the electron by increasing it's density. When it is released at the maximum eccentric position of the orbit, an inertial thrust is produced.

Keely said that a mass could be differentiated and essentially tuned so that all components of it would become harmonized to each other. Once this was done, they all act as little tuning forks. Because they are so tuned, you can change the rotation or properties of one and THEY ALL CHANGE simultaneously. Thus, you could dimple one electron and all others would also dimple IN THE SAME DIRECTION to produce a MASS THRUST.

You then have a way of moving mass without needing a transmission, something to react against or any visible means of driving it beyond the circuitry necessary to create the effect. This could lead to all kinds of new technologies if it could be realized as a prime mover. As you can see, the applications of the cycloid motion are manifold and ripe for further research.

A friend from Houston sent a gift in the form of a book called 'The Celestine Prophecy". It offers some unique insights into what is going on with our modern world and the many odd convergences that we are all being affected by. Not only are we at the end of the century but also at the end of a millenium or thousand year cycle. The book is about an ancient Manuscript that was discovered in Peru and translated.

It revealed information so shocking that governments and religious organizations were doing all they could to surpress it. It entailed a total of 9 Insights into the nature of man and the nature of the Universe, why we are here and how everything works together for a specific purpose. I have not gotten past the 6th Insight, so can't say much more about it, but the book is written in such an informative way, that you will also find it very hard to put down.

It appears to be fiction but the forward says it relied on many people for the information in the book. If you can get a copy, I HIGHLY recommend it. It was published in 1993 so should be easy to find.

Got a call from a fellow out in Florida who has been working with a psychic to locate various treasure sites, ranging from buried treasure on land to sunken ships. He says his group is having great success and recommended reading the book "The Alexandria Project" so I could understand how they worked. Though the book is long out of print, a quick trip to Half Price books at Greenville and Northwest and coincidentally enough, there was the very book I needed to read! (The Celestine Prophecy would claim this as indicative of an Insight, things happen via the principle of CONVERGENCE, when you are open and needful of information or help in the form of a beneficial event, it will 'manifest', I'm telling ya, it's a POWERFUL BOOK!)

He says he's been working with a psychic who can touch an article, photo or whatever and pull information from it, even to the point of being able to converse with people that might be portrayed or described in the information. Yes, this is psychometry but to be able to make BIG money from it???

The psychic says time is NOT AT ALL SERIAL like we imagine it, but instead all things COEXIST with each other, using the same physical locations but with different activities going on in each depending on which TIME PERIOD our consciousness is aware of. In this way, you can shift your consciousness directly to the time period you want to visit or view for any given location. What a bizarre thought, but this fellow seems to be able to get information on subjects that just can't be gotten any other way.

Do you remember the FARROW levitating box that was included in a mailer several months ago? The psychic read a copy of the original 1911 article and said he COULD SEE the box lying in an attic TODAY and that he knew where the family lived. The location of the family was verified and they were contacted.

Sure enough, they did have an eccentric inventor uncle who left some of his inventions. Most were simple, like a tent or mechanical device, but one they could not figure out. It was still in the attic and was a wooden box, just as the psychic described, obviously hand made and nailed shut. There were some electrical 'things' attached to the top of the box.

My contact arranged to visit this family and see the machine, with an eye to opening or photographing the insides of the box. If this is the same FARROW box that is seen freely levitating in the same pictures we have, then this could be a major discovery, especially if it can be made to work or duplicated.

One other point, he says the psychic visited Coral Castle that was built by Ed Leedskalnin and that much new information came about as a result. For one, there used to be wires strung over the entire castle but they were taken down when the military base was established there. The coral used was a form of something called 'oolite' (sp) and that when a certain kind of acid was applied to this along with an electric signal, the coral would LOSE WEIGHT.

However, if not carefully controlled, the coral would explode in a very dangerous fashion. The odd thing, this ONLY occurs AT THIS geographical latitude and longitude just as Bruce Cathie's Grid Harmonics predicts. When a sample of this coral was taken to other areas, nothing happened.

He also says that recently, the well on the property was lowered to reveal a secret room. Inside that room were several devices, one of which was a WWII transmitter, the other some odd kind of barrel or piston driven electro- mechanical oscillator. It is believed that the wires and circuits seem to be related to Leedkalnins ability to lift the stones by himself.

One final point, Leedkskalnin was no genius. The psychic says Leedskalnin had worked with a very advanced scientist in Europe before he came to the United States and during that time, he had picked up certain ideas and techniques which he later used in the building of the Coral Castle. No doubt he was a careful observer of Nature as well, but beyond that, he was just an ordinary man who'd had an opportunity to work with a genius. Well, that's about it for this notice, just some of what has transpired since the last meeting....see ya there!

Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
October 1994