Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
November 1994

November 10, 1994

Howdy! It's been a really interesting month with some new and some old contacts, all providing good information. Finally got a chance to drive out to see the 84 year old man with the overunity engine. Been tracking this one for over a year now....he chickened out last year when some of us (Bert, Norm and I) had arranged to take off from work and lose a day's pay, just for the opportunity to witness the machine.

Finally, he is confident enough to allow a visit, so I drove out by myself for a preliminary looksee. He uses deep cycle 6 volt batteries to run a 12VDC motor which drives a flywheel and two alternators. The alternators generate AC that is rectified to produce DC that then recharges the batteries. He claims and has rough notes showing non-stop runtimes from 25 all the way up to 53 hours, without running the batteries down. There are some strange things here, most notably variations in the configuration of the machine and the number of batteries used. He is a nice old feller and his 80 year old wife is also quite charming. It is refreshing to meet with old-style country folk.

The principle of the device is leverage applied via angular velocity of the flywheel. There are numerous discrepancies in the circuit and device which are being looked into and there will probably be another trip to his place to measure the system under controlled circumstances. It will be documented and reported when something tangible and verifiable occurs.

The very bizarre computer file called the INCUNABULA has now been listed on KeelyNet. It will be included in this information set. Basically, it is a catalogue of very odd books with comments, all of which give hints of strange trans-dimensional 'travel cults'. The principle is claimed to have been derived from a combination of chaos theorems in conjunction with what are referred to as quantum realities.

The INCUNABULA file discusses infinite dimensions that reside CONCURRENT WITH US. It is also known as the multi-world hypothesis. Picture this; as you sit and read this paper, there also exists an infinite number of OTHER EARTHS, having the same physical laws, the same day/night cycle and same time period, but each of which evolved differently from the one you are currently in. All these other Earths are here NOW, with you. If you could shift your consciousness, as is done with paranormal and metaphysical techniques, you could mentally/spiritually visit any one of these other Earths.

Using a machine called an Egg, you could PHYSICALLY TRANSPORT to any of these other Earths, appearing in exactly the same spot THERE that you left FROM HERE!

The reports in the INCUNABULA file hint that as many as 1000 people HAVE SHIFTED to numerous other Earths. The Earth from which we originate is called EARTH PRIME, the second one is of course Earth2, followed by Earth3, Earth4 and all the way up to Earth5. And there are infinite others!

In times past, the Billy Meier case was of extreme interest to me because the 'Pleidians' claim that they lived in alternate slices of time. I used to think of that as slicing a second into a million parts, and you could make your reality REAL only during 1/1,000,000th of that second. That would make it impossible for anyone to detect you because you 'live' in another time. The human eye can be easily fooled by such a clocked system, because we literally flicker on and flicker off at least 24 times per second.

Cameras, however are not subject to this and can present an unblinking eye that sees and records everything in its lens. That is why so many cases are reported where a photograph was made which showed a UFO, though the photographer swears there was nothing there when the picture was taken. Many researchers and 'contactees' claim you can simply go outside, just like Ed Walters does in Gulf Breeze, aim your camera and boom, you get UFO photos. I think this also applies to Trevor Constable's 'critters'.

Anyway, a much more advanced understanding of what is actually going on is that yes, there are complex patterns that represent a single snapshot of all the vibrations of a mass geometry DURING A SINGLE WAVE. The waves repeat THE SAME PATTERN of complex frequencies, over and over. That is how you can get a 'signature' or snapshot of the energetic structure of the mass.

Once you understand this, you can go further and see that a wave is one half positive/expansive, the other half is negative/contractive. Put the two together and they cancel out (also called a 180 degree phase shift).

Take a circle and you can divide it into 360 degrees. Now imagine a complete dimension to exist IN EACH SINGLE DEGREE. There would be NO OVERLAPS and no communication trans-dimensionally. This is what I believe to be the key to the understanding of the multi-world/dimension hypothesis.

I can see the look on your face as you wonder what the hell does all this have to do with anything. It's almost pure science fiction. Well, think again, the claims on the Internet are that something strange is going on and I'm going to go into the permutations so you can see WHY this is important.

Visualize two tuning forks. Each are the same size, frequency and geometry. When you strike one, the resonant vibrations cause the other fork to also vibrate. At first the second fork vibrates weakly but slowly comes to an energy level THAT MATCHES the exciter fork. During the time the second fork is weakly vibrating, an energy transfer is occurring via resonance with the higher amplitude exciter fork.

In Nature, unity IS THE RULE. When unity is split, you get polarity and a tension is exhibited by the two polarities wanting to rejoin to again achieve the least tension effect of unity. The energy transfer MUST eventually equate or failing that, cause the object to move into the same energy region as the principal exciter.

Everything has its own unique signature or set of frequencies that represent an energetic picture of the mass. Thus, each of these other Earths HAS ITS OWN complex of frequencies. In the Hindu Vedas, a mandala is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional ENERGETIC geometry. A mantra is a verbally spoken pattern or chant that PRODUCES THE THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY OF A two dimensional mandala, projected INTO 3-space as proven with vibrating waveplates (Chladni waveplates).

Vedic Science makes the very simple claim, that you can use focused concentration on a mandala while chanting the mantra that represents it. This causes an energy replica of the mandala to pop into three space and to fulfill whatever its function might be. For instance, in the file VEDA1 on KeelyNet;

"On a recent (May 89) visit to the local Hare Krishna temple here in Dallas with two visiting friends, one from England and the other from Maine, we met an interesting young devotee. This man was conversant in Sanskrit and was able to read the ancient Vedic documents. On discovering this, one of our party inquired what the young man knew of the ancient technologies of which the Vedas speak, including Vimanas.

The young man proceeded to tell us of the Disc of Rama, known as the Sudarshan Disc. It seems that periodically the world becomes infested with men who have lost their direction towards unification with the Godhood. When this occurs, and the numbers of these men are such that they begin to drag down the rest of struggling humanity, Rama was said to release the Sudarshan Disc.

The Disc went forth to seek out these "miscreants" who have forsaken the path, to bring about their destruction. On the successful destruction of such people, the Disc returned to Rama to await its next call to action. Apparently the Sudarshan Disc was capable of some type of signature analysis in that waveforms and/or frequencies associated with certain modes of thought or behavior would cause the weapon to seek out and destroy the offending target.

There is a story which we have been unable to verify which says that Tesla had come up with some type of weapon or technology which would vaporize any item which might be picked up with the intent to harm another. Mr. Tesla was alleged to have presented this idea to Congress in an attempt to acquire funding for a weapon which would obviate all wars or hostile actions on the planet. This device also must have been capable of detecting certain "orders of vibration - Keely" which would be associated with such behavior. Of course, the offer was turned down.

The devotee told us that modern man was wasteful and negligent in the dispensation of his weapons of war and destruction when compared to the abilities of the masters of Vedic technologies. Modern weapons are sent forth without regard for innocent people who have nothing to do with the anger which brought about the problem in the first place. As a result, many innocent people are needlessly destroyed. The Vedas speak of a technology which provided for specific and precise direction of those destructive energies towards a singular target.

As an example, the young devotee spoke of the "Fire Arrow". This was a specific mandala (a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional form) which could be mentally projected in conjunction with the mantra/yantra (the vocalization of the pattern encoded in the two- dimensional mandala). The use of the Fire Arrow was to project an all- consuming fire into the object of your anger.

It was done by mentally imaging the pattern of the mandala which represented the Fire. When the pattern was fixed in the mind, the sender was to physically carry out the action of firing an arrow using an imaginary bow and arrow. As the string on the imaginary bow was released, the sender would WILL the Fire Arrow Mandala to be sent toward the target as if riding on an invisible arrow. He must then visualize the Mandala actually striking and consuming the target.

At the same time, the vocalization of the Fire Arrow Mantra would also be directed at the target. This would effectively energize the mandala pattern, much like charging a capacitor or an inductor, to provide it with the energy required to unspin from a two-dimensional image into its time dependent three-dimensional image and thus consume the target.

When this process was carried out with a directed WILL, the target would be completely consumed. Nothing which was not included in the original target would be damaged. Thus, due to its specificity, the Vedic system was much to be preferred.

The point here is that once you identify the geometric pattern that represents a mass, you can reproduce it in a collapsed form as a 2 dimensional mandala. When excited by its matching mantra, you can cause the mandala to resonate to other similar structures.

So, you now see how we can have infinite Earths with us NOW. Each of these Earth's would have its own 'signature' which could be REPRESENTED as a mandala and mantra. If you concentrate on the mandala and excite it with the mantra, you are RESONATING WITH THAT OTHER-DIMENSION EARTH!!!

It is of course, not the exact frequency, because of the size disparity, but THE PATTERN is the key, not just the frequency. You then have a very large resonating structure in another co-existent dimension to which you are now resonating. If you can sustain it long enough, you will ABSORB ENERGY through resonance and create a charged field around you that will 'pop' you into that other reality!!

Tom Bearden postulated this exact idea in the 'Excalibur Briefings' in his idea of tulpoids. Years ago, Tom and I were driving to a lecture and I asked him point blank if he'd ever done actual experiments using scalar fields. He said yes, he and an unnamed friend had setup a device in a wooded area, turned it on and nothing happened. They came back a few hours later and at the juncture of the two signals, a large black void was forming. Not knowing what might 'pop' through to our 3 space, he and his friend shut the machine off and stopped the experiment. Years later, I visited Peter Kelly in his lab in Georgia and told him this story. Peter said he was that 'friend' and verified what Tom had told me.

The point here is that if you can produce a resonant geometry that resonates to a space/time coordinate, you quite possibly could TRANSPORT yourself to that space/time coordinate, just as the INCUNABULA indicates. A loose description of the egg follows;

"At this point a Fellow of the ICS (Institute for Chaotic Studies) is prepared for work with the device we call the "egg." This consists of a modified sensory-deprivation chamber in which attention can be focused on a computer terminal and screen. Electrodes are taped to various body parts to provide physiological data which is fed into the computer.

The explorer now dons a peculiar helmet, a highly sophisticated fourth- generation version of the early "brain machines," which can sonically stimulate brain cells either globally or locally and in various combinations, thus directing not only "brain waves" but also highly specific mental-physical functions.

The helmet is also plugged into the computer and provides feedback in various programmed ways. The explorer now undertakes a series of exercises in which the (chaos) theorems are used to generate graphic animations of the "strange attractors" which map various states of consciousness, setting up feedback loops between this "iconography" and the actual states themselves, which are in turn generated through the helmet simultaneously with their representation on the screen.

Shades of Montauk, you reading this ED??? Now that the correlations are beginning to snap, it looks like something is either going on or should be because we now have a tangible theory from which to work.

Needless to say, there are some fascinating permutations with this entire concept. Forget about survival HERE. Why, if you could simply pick your own planet, undeveloped and ready for your group? There are infinite numbers of Earths' here now. Note the Bible speaks of " my Fathers house are MANY MANSIONS". Where did the Mayan race go? What happened to Judge Crater and those hundreds of other people who have DISAPPEARED IN PLAIN SIGHT of others and never found. What about the Bermuda Triangle and its many disappearances that leave no traces? Perhaps Shamballa, Hyperborea, Agharta, Lemuria, Atlantis, Mu and many other never found cities or continents WERE NEVER HERE!

And what of Sasquatch, Loch Ness, UFOs and other anomalies which disappear with very little if any physical traces. Could they not be charged enough to temporarily 'pop' into OUR EARTH, wander around lost, then when their energy decreased to match that of their homeworld, 'pop', back they go, leaving us (and them) confused and wondering WHERE THEY WENT?

Many of the reported visits to these other dimensional places were through metaphysical or drug induced means, which could very well have been a trans- dimensional trip. Imagine the possibilities. Suppose a government or terrorist group got hold of such a technique. They could send a fighter with a nuclear bomb or biological weapon through a trans-dimensional portal to a duplicate, though undeveloped Earth. From that point, they could fly to the exact latitude/longitude on the duplicate Earth, drop or launch the weapon back through the portal to reappear ON OUR EARTH and do it's dirty deed. They then fly back to their starting latitude/longitude and 'pop' back to their home base. Who would know or be able to trace it?

As you can see, this also applies to other not so honest actions. Locate the latitude/longitude of your local bank vault. Pop to Earth2, walk over to that lat/long, pop back through INTO THE VAULT, take what you want, pop back to Earth2, walk back to your starting position and pop back home.

As far as I can tell, this in no way deals with TIME, simply physical transport. To check up on the Vedic Science linkage, I went over to the Hare Krishna Temple and visited with Rama Chundra and Rada Krishna, both very conversant in physics and the Vedas, but of course with the religious slant.

They agreed with the Vedic linkage and techniques and suggested reading 'Alien Identity' by Thomson to get a good understanding of how this all hangs together. Bookstop ordered the 1993 book for me. One of our KeelyNetters said the first half of the book was UFO stuff but the last half was right on target. The Hare Krishna devotees consider Mr. Thomson very well informed regarding the Vedic Sciences and are putting us in touch for further correspondence on the subject.

Dennis Barfoot sent an email telling of a subtle energy workshop being put on by Russian scientist Yury Khronos this past weekend. Norm and I attended and were quite intrigued by the claims made. No doubt Yury has something but it needs work. He did bring up some points about Marcel Vogel and Russian experiments that were informative. This is all documented in the file YURY.

Must be the 'time for Russians' as an old Russian acquaintance called up from Houston and wanted to get together. We did and it turned out to be a Celestine message event, where we both exchanged useful information.

He is working on techniques to stabilize and enhance the subtle energy systems of the body. (By the way, in case you missed it, Oprah had James Redfield, Dannion Brinkley and several others on who talked about their inspiring books such as the Celestine Prophecy, interviews and comments from the show and the CP book are all now listed in a file called INSIGHT on KeelyNet, they will be in this information set.)

Two final points, a notice was sent about a recent German patent for a device that needs only one thermal pole and can produce mechanical energy, the other was an email message sent to KeelyNet telling us of an interview by Tom Valentine of a fellow named Girard. This guy has a company which has developed a laser type beam that is aimed into diseased tissue to get a sample. The molecular signal is then rebroadcast to destroy the disease. We will include the info for your files. Shades of Royal Rife! Seeya!

Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
November 1994