Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet
PLENUM Newsletter
March 1996

The Plenum - March 1996
KeelyNet Roundtable for March 20th

Meeting will be Wednesday 20th at Wyatt's at Marsh and Forest Lane. Begins about 7:30PM. Beginning this month, there is a limit of 5 commercial announcements of 3 minutes maximu. These meetings are for science and health oriented information exchanges, not the promotion of political, UFO or conspiracy agendas.

KeelyNet BBS 214-324-3501
Voice at (214) 324-8741 (Jerry)
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New Energy Conference in April
International Symposium on New Energy

April 25-28
at the Denver Hilton South Hotel, Denver, Colorado

Key Speakers

Dennis Cravens on the Patterson Fuel Cell
Mark Hendershot on the Hendershot Motor
Harold Puthoff on Zero Point Energy
Jim Griggs on the Griggs Hydrosonic Pump
Eugene Mallove on Cold Fusion
Tom Valone on Free Energy & Propulsion
Edgar Mitchell (former Apollo astronaut) on New Energy

Other Speakers

Harold Aspden on Ferromagnetics
Robert Emmerich on Measuring Energy
John Grow on Antigravity
William Hyde on the Hyde Electrostatic Generator
Scott Klaumizio on Power from food oils
Ron Kovac on Transmutation of elements
Peter Linderman on Thermodynamics
Roy McAllister on Hydrogen Energy
Bill Mulle on the Magnetic Motor Generator
Dale Pond on the Keely Motor
Troy Reed on the Reed Magnetic More and related research
Bert Werjefelt on the Magnetic Motor
Charles Yost on Electric Spacecraft Propulsion
Paulo Correa on Pulse Abnormal Glow Discharges
Hal Fox on Cold Fusion
John Hutchinson on Antigravity and the Energy Convertor
Russ James on the Magnetic Emission Reduction Device
Don Kelly with his Free energy update
Win Lambertson on Solid State Energy Conversion
Jeanne Manning on the Upcoming Energy Revolution
Andrew Michrowski on Free Energy in a Self-Sustaining Home
Brian O'Leary on his book, Miracle in the Void
Wing Pon with a Unified Theory of Free Energy
Pierre Sinclair on the Hammill Magnetic Gravitational Drive
Dan Winter on Gravitational Energy and its relationship to Emotion
and many more


April 25 - Thursday Evening Workshops 6:30PM - 9:30PM
April 26 - Friday Lectures 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Evening Workshops 6:30PM - 9:30PM
April 27 - Saturday Lectures 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Evening Workshops 6:30PM - 9:30PM
April 28 - Sunday Lectures 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Evening Workshops 6:30PM - 9:30PM


Location Denver Hilton South Hotel, 7801 East Orchard Road, Englewood, Colorado 80111 (south part of Denver) A private shuttle bus is available from the airport. Purchase tickets at ground transportation. Hotel reservations at 1.800.327.2242

Hotel room rates are $59 for a single and a block of rooms has been reserved, please mention that you are with the ISNE conference in April.


before March 1 - $200
between March 1 and April 1 - $250
after April 1 - $300
Workshops - $20 each
Banquet - $25

Additional information from

International Association of New Science
1304 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO
Voice 970.482.3731 - FAX 970.482.3120

Make checks payable to International Association for New Science.
Memberships to IANS $35.

KeelyNet Web Page Update

I'd like to thank everyone in the Roundtable group who contributed money to make the KeelyNet web page a reality. It was a very spontaneous and thoughtful thing to do and I appreciate it immensely. The total came to $312.00.

A search of local InterNet service providers in the Metroplex came up with several candidates. Cyberramp had a deal which would have cost $980 per year and provided 20MB of server space as well as domain name registration, email and unlimited access at a speed of 28.8.

However, another company called FlashNet had a better deal that came to $622.00. This includes 10MB server space, a web page, InterNIC domain name registration and associated fees, 4 email addresses and unlimited access at 28.8. They also have an offer where you can get 5MB of additional space for $30 per year, but with a first time offer of 10MB for $30. So the salesguy let me have an additional 20MB for $60 the first year.

The reason I got the extra space, now totalling 40MB, was because of an email I sent out to many InterNet contacts notifying them of upcoming changes. Rene Mueller runs the Spirit website for Australian KeelyNet WWW Mirror. She sent me an email asking if I would like to absorb the files now that KeelyNet would have a Web presence.

I did not want to suggest anything like that because Rene, Bill Beaty (Seattle) and David Jonsson (Sweden) had done such a great job of creating and maintaining the three mirrors. She has other uses for the space and so I agreed to absorb the files and keep them archived in a consistently available location at the site. Rene will be transferring the associated perl scripts and whatever else it takes.

There is obviously much to learn and do here to get the site populated, cleaned up and in order, but the work will be worth it because it will continue to stimulate interest and contact with new groups and people who will share with our Dallas group.

Currently, the current KeelyNet email address is The domain registration is in process and when complete, the web page will be at and the email addresses will be,, and The info and sales email addresses are standard with the package from FlashNet.

Web Page Sponsors?

An interesting contact that is associated with this web page project is a fellow who has been calling from France. He read some of the KeelyNet files and became enthused enough to leave an email, followed by several phone calls. This guy wants to become a 'sponsor' on the KeelyNet web page at $500 per year with a 5 year contract. His company creates and sells software and other innovative products and would like the association with KeelyNet since many of the people are technically inclined.

A PCB design and auto-routing program will be included at the website as freeware from his company. I am told the program is very popular with circuit designers in Europe and this would let it become available to many others at no charge. The program will serve as the 'hook' to get people to read his attached page advertising his other products. We are in discussion about it now.

It never occurred to me that people would want to do something like this, 'advertise' on the KeelyNet web page. Guess I just don't normally think along those lines, but it does offer interesting possibilities for generating some income for KeelyNet that could be used to sponsor experiments, collect ever more information that can be shared, and get some 'reality' projects done.

Earth Energy

Also got a phone call from a fellow out in California who I've not heard from in over a year. He lives way out in the boonies, has no phone and generates his own electricity using an engine and inverter. This fellow has met an old man he has been cultivating for information. The old man runs his entire house on electrical energy gleaned completely from earth type energies. My friend said the old man's house is FULL of electronic equipment, mostly vacuum tube and radio frequency equipment. The old man told him you could tap all the energy you need directly from the earth once you understand what is happening and how it works.

The earth is like a ball of water that has clouds of conducting (dissolved) elements that circulate within it in clumps. These clouds are generally associated with a given geological formation such as mountains, large rock accumulations (dielectrics-capacitors) and water. There are also layers of electrical energy like skins on an onion.

The old man says you need to establish the lowest practical ground and to do that, he sticks a one half inch diameter copper or iron rod down into the ground to at least 7 feet. This serves as the cathode. The anode must be from 6 inches to 11 inches above the ground and totally insulated so there can be no electrical leakage. Just like in water, when you create a well or negative zone, other water will move in to fill up the void in its attempts to establish no difference of potential. If a load is placed in line with this flow of energy, it will be driven by the natural flows trying to achieve balance.

I suggested to my friend that he take the greatest pains to record whatever the old man says using at least audiotape which can later be transcribed. He has been trying to get drawings and keeping notes which he plans to pass along to us and other contacts. The old man tires after about an hour of talking, so these visits are necessarily short. It is a matter of building trust and convincing the old man NOT TO DIE with all his accumulated knowledge. He could greatly benefit the world as his legacy.

This is all quite fascinating because it ties in directly with the earth batteries of Preece, Prentice and Stubblefield. Don Smith of Houston has also keyed in to this and found an intriguing way to possibly locate these high and low energy zones. Don uses Geology service maps which show elevations and topologies in different colors. The violet and blue indicate high energy zones, the red and orange indicate low energy zones. There is an account of a Tesla experiment where he built an antenna on a mountaintop. A cable was attached from the top of the antenna, running down the side of the mountain on suspended towers to prevent energy leaking into the ground. When it reached the bottom and was connected to a power grid for a small town, the sudden energy discharge blew out all the lights in the town.

Doesn't this make sense? We read and hear many stories about over/unity devices which will sustain any load attached to it. Automatically adjusting itself to the amount of energy required. The caveat here is that the components which comprise the circuit have LIMITS as to how much power (amperes mostly) that they can sustain without burning out.

The beauty of it is this water analogy where a void is created to produce an automatic inrush from the surrounding water. In other words, the deeper the well (remember, well equals cathode or negative side of the circuit), the greater the load requirements (how many appliances you have attached to it). So, it IS SELF-ADJUSTING when tapping such natural forces.

The Prentice patent is available on KeelyNet if you might want to download it. He is the fellow who says you can run a wire over a length of about a mile. The wire must be suspended about 12" above the surface of the earth on insulated supports. On one end you have a load, in the form of a 200 Watt light bulb attached on one side to the wire, on the other side, connected to a conductive metal spike, tapped into the ground (7 foot deep maybe?).

On the 'supply' end, you have another conductive metal spike buried in the ground. A generator or power supply like a battery is attached to the end of the one mile wire with the other end (negative) connected to the ground spike. The light bulb will light up.

Once the bulb lights up, Prentice (and others who have experimented with this system) say that a current loop is established over the one mile length, through the above ground wire and in the earth.

After the load of the light bulb has established the loop, the power source is very quickly disconnected and reconnected DIRECTLY TO THE GROUND SPIKE. This is supposed to tap into the now circulating earth current which will keep the light bulb burning.

The key is to create a connection between these two potentials, one higher, one lower, as they seek to estabish balance through the conductive wire, you simply put your paddlewheel (load) in the flow of water (electricity) and let it drive your generator or power your load.

The difference of potential (electrical energy) between two widely disparate locations makes this natural rebalancing effect an interesting possibility.

Vacuum taps

Along similar lines, Ken McNeal got a copy of Bruce Perraults COLDFISS information. Perrault believes he has successfully duplicated Henry Morays Radiant Energy Tube. Ken said there was a company back in the early 1980s who had developed a similar system, though it was truly electronic in nature. It consisted of a hermetically sealed box with a card rack holding many identical circuit boards. On each of these boards were rows of 'memory chips'. The greater the vacuum, the greater the amount of energy that could be extracted from it. The 'well' of negativity is apparently DIRECTLY RELATED TO ACTUAL VACUUM.

Ken says he has one of the prototypes developed by this company and even after 6 years, it still has a 30hg vacuum. However, he does not know how it works or how to make it work.

Now, for the correlative. Ken's phone call was about 3 months ago. Another phone call mentioned a fellow named Zilensky. I am unsure of the spelling of the name. This Zilensky is from Germany and has developed a discrete circuit (constructed from separate components such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, inductors, etc.) which, when contained in a vacuum, could produce electrical energy.

To prevent it being ripped off and widely duplicated, Zilensky figured out a way to produce the circuit in its 'integrated' form, in other words a chip or IC (integrated circuit). This way, you could mass produce them very cheaply.

I have seen this name somewhere but cannot recall just where. The point here is that Zilensky is supposed to have a patent on this device and is currently looking for funding sources.

The circuit can be scaled up or down, to produce specific amounts of power based on the maximum loading values of the circuit. This means you would have a single chip located inside your computer, inside your microwave, your TV, your air conditioning system, your automobile, that would provide all the power it needs to run.

Such technology is beyond anything I've yet heard about and if true, will be the answer to our quest for practical free energy or over/unity devices. No more spinning masses, no more high voltage, chemical reactions or earth currents. Just one simple chip that extracts energy directly from the ambient vacuum.

We are looking for more information on this subject and will pass it along in file form on KeelyNet and through this mailer as it comes in. If you know anything about it, please share it with us through snail mail KeelyNet, PO BOX 870716, Mesquite, TX 75187, through the KeelyNet BBS at 214-324-3501, through InterNet email at or direct phone contact at 214-324- 8741 (Jerry).


There are many people who are fascinated by Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone. This device takes any audio signal and converts it to a special signal which can be conducted through the body and heard inside the head. You don't need speakers or ears to hear it.

Over the years, there have been several models of the Neurophone, generally priced at about $1000 each. There are several KeelyNetters who are interested in such technology, looking toward building their own unit, because of the high cost of buying one. Because of this interest, there have been various experiments done and a lot of information exchanges.

One such contact out in Los Angeles, recently sent me a copy of a 'reverse- engineered' circuit. The group who did this bought one of the $1000 units and took it apart. Inside, they found the business end of the Neurophone to be covered in potting compound. Potting compound is a type of epoxy (usually black) which is electrically non-conductive. It is often used to provide a degree of protection for circuits which can easily be copied. If anyone attempts to cut into it or shatter it, the circuit is damaged so badly that you cannot make any sense of it.

This group of fellows found a chemical which would dissolve the epoxy that covered the insides of the Neurophone. Once the epoxy was cleared away, they could read values stamped on the integrated circuits, and could measure the various components to enable them to draw out a circuit. I am told they duplicated the circuit and it worked as the original.

Another KeelyNetter with whom I'd lost contact since 1992, recently surfaced. He too has been experimenting with many things, particularly the Neurophone. This fellow found a way to build a 'crude' version for about $50, circuit, case and electrodes.

In recent conversations with Patrick Flanagan, I put him in touch with the guy with the crude version and they hit it off as good contacts. Patrick built the circuit and compared it to his newest Neurophone. I don't recall the exact numbers, but he said the crude version put out a 40 volt signal and his new version put out a 5 volt signal. The true Neurophone uses sophisticated electronics and a specially designed algorithm to convert the incoming audio to biologically compatible information. Where the crude version produced one level of intensity at 40 volts, the Neurophone produced 3 times that level using only 5 volts, thus demonstrating the purity and compatibility of the Neurophone.

There are two new Neurophones which will be released in the next few months. One version uses a pink noise generator to produce an instant balancing of the two brain hemispheres. It is ideal for meditation and general calming. The second version is the newest Neurophone.

Patrick is now working on his own server for the InterNet where he will have an easily accessible home page. It will be used to offer their products and related information. This should become a hot site and as soon as he gets his addresses and web domain name, we all will know about it.

I asked Patrick if he'd ever heard of this group who reverse engineered the circuit and he said no. The circuit is printed on bright blue paper with gray overlays, making it impossible to photocopy. I was describing it to Patrick on the phone and he asked if there were two coils. I said yes and the values were both .5 millihenries. He said that was an error, they should be .1 millihenries. I asked if he would be willing to look at the circuit and maybe correct it so that we could post it to promote experimentation in the area. He said he would take a look at it and see if the thing was even close to the real Neurophone. (the circuit was claimed to be an early version).

What I wanted to do, was introduce a crude, experimenter type circuit so that many people would become interested and do experiments with it. Attached to the file would be an address to order the newest Neurophone so that people could go to the next level (beyond the simpler version).

I redrew the diagram and FAXed it up to Patrick on Thursday morning about 6:40AM from my job. About 10AM, I was paged for a phone call and very surprised to hear Gael Flanagans voice. At the moment, I was knee deep in a problem so did not have time to talk in detail. Gael said Patrick had received the schematic and it was completely wrong and not worth correcting. She was calling to let me know the circuit was incorrect and if posted, might mislead a lot of people.

Gael said they are expecting to begin manufacture of the two new Neurophones in the next couple of months and we would all be kept posted. That is GREAT! I get about 20 calls a year from people wanting to know where to buy an authentic Neurophone and never have anything to pass on to them. Another contact tells me ConsumerTronics sells a Neurophone, but I don't know about it, whether it works or not, the price, etc..

Also, this other experimenter has shared some of the details of his crude Neurophone (the one that runs at 40 volts) and we will probably post that circuit for experimentation.

For many years, there have been rumors of strange effects associated with the Neurophone's use. Since it appears to offer a direct path to the brain, without the filtering of consciousness, it offers amazing possibilities for information storage and some 'psychic' phenomena.

The nervous system vibrates from 50,000 cps to 100,000 cps. If you can tune into the frequency at which it vibrates, you can have the best possible coupling via resonance. The idea that many people, all using a Neurophone type system at the same time and in different locations, could possibly 'link together', if their nervous systems became mutually resonant.

Tom Bearden writes about it in his 'Excalibur Briefing'. He warns of the possibility of many minds coming together at one time and on levels of complexity not currently understood or even suspected. Such a blending of minds would be analogous to some current discussions about the InterNet becoming 'conscious'. All these minds would suddenly jump to another order of complexity, becoming conscious as a single mind comprised of many smaller minds. That entity Bearden calls 'Zarg'. His warning is that Zarg would open its great eye, look around at the corruption and damage we had inflicted on our Earth and blast us out of existence for so blaspheming nature.

There have been reports of telepathy between two or more users of Neurophones. Imagine what this technology could do for the exploration and analysis of so- called 'psychic phenomena'. In the Bible, there is a comment that two or more 'gathered in my name' shall have paranomal abilities. I interpret 'in my name' as everyone directing their thinking towards a specific goal they seek to accomplish.

In witchcraft, the operation of the coven relies on everyone being guided by a High Priestess or Priest towards the 'operation' at hand. The dancing around and general stimulation is to awaken and involve the emotions, classified by Huna as being the source of power in the body. Once the emotions were flaring at the greatest intensity, all concentrate their thoughts to project this blended energy to accomplish a specific goal.

With Neuro technology, such an operation could occur at a much deeper and more complex level. Empathic linkages would seem to be a normal method of information transfer between people linked by Neuro technology. Bruce Welsh said he had been at a conference in the 1970's where Patrick Flanagan was demonstrating a Neurophone. A young lady was using the device. Bruce put his hands on her bare shoulders and instantly experienced a rush of feelings, not images, but feelings, as one experiences in compassion and empathy.

All the possibilities that open up for personal experimentation in such realms by using the Neurophone and related technologies makes it quite exciting that they will soon be available for purchase.

Copper Turned to Gold

Donald McCarthy, a physicist from Old Greenwich, Connecticutt, has discovered an incredible method for turning ordinary copper into a "gold-like" substance, which he calls "Copper 65". He predicts that it will replace gold because it has the same properties as gold.

McCarthy's process, which is extremely complicated, involves changing the structure of copper molecules with a machine known as a 'calutron'. "Copper 65" can be used in electronics, industry and dental work in the same manner that gold is used.

McCarthy needs an initial financing of about $2.5 million, but after that, TONS of copper 65 could be produced cheaply. McCarthy estimates that Copper 65 could be produced at a cost of only $30 per ounce, compared with the present price of gold. (from the December 1980, EXAMINER)

Burnable Water

The following letter was shared with us courtesy of our friend Dr. Dan Haley.

December 3, 1995

Dr. Hans A. Nieper
Zur Muhle 11
D-30916 Isernhagen
Telefax (05 11) 31 84 17

Dr. Hal Fox
Editor, New Energy News
University of Utah Res. Park
PO BOX 58639
Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639

The BiAnnual Conference of the German Association of Vacuum Field Energy on November 25, 1995, at the Fair Park Hotel in Hannover was a success beyond the expectations. About 150 qualified people attended.

Dr. Eugene Antonov - together with Dr. Vladimir Dresyiannikov - of the Plasma Institute, Ukrainian Institute of Energy Research, presented his actual work in the field of water polarization. The aim is the generation of a 'Burnable Water' by the intermediate of harnessed vacuum field energy.

Dr. Antonov's work progresses very well. Several modalities rendering water to become a burnable liquid are under development. One of those is interestingly use of a high focal heat. (see No. 33 of our mailing brochures)

The research work in Kiev is financed by the German Association of Vacuum Field Energy.

We feel that three fundamental avenues of VFE-conversion will emerge : Direct Conversion Tesla type Convertor - Jamison or Kruger, ML-Swiss Converter, Aspden, etc.. Then the Cold Fusion modalities, including Ken Shoulders, and finally the water molecule technology (Meyer, Antonove, etc.), including Sonoluminescence technologies.

I favor the 'Burnable Water' technology as the most promising project to replace both nuclear technology and hydrocarbon burning in a large and global dimension. The Antonov manuscripts will be published in No. 34 DVS.

The tool of choice to burn such 'water fuel' will be the TURBINE in all imagineable dimensions, due to its ability to support the burning process by the generation of a Schauberger effect. Piston motors and also the Wankel rotary motor (MAZDA) do not offer a comparable ability.

Important : (a) The German Association of Vacuum Field Energy plans a conference in the SINGAPORE HYATT, Singapore in the first days of October, 1996. Inquiries may be directed to FAX Germany (0) 511 - 31 84 17. (b) The prestigious German public science journal 'P.M' in its November 25, 1995 copy brought a 5 page cover story in which the author, Peter Ripota disproves Einstein's Theory of Relativity in various aspects, mainly on five different experimentally proven topics. This is in particular the non- constancy of 'c', but also of 'g' and 'G'.

The text will come to you in our next (No. 34) brochure. The image of the world as Puthoff and many others and also I see it (since 45 years) becomes highly realistic. As you know, I am a hobbyist in gravity theory (Shielding Theory of Gravity) which is in total disagreement with Einstein.

Only the clever fox Isaac Newton left the door for our modern image open. Also the public press here is now correctly reporting on the 'Conversion'.

(c) The German Association of VFE has decided to apply for a partnership with the EXPO 2000, the World Exhibition which will take place in Hannover (Germany) in the year 2000, from May to October. Ten million people plus X are expected to come, up to 100,000 per day.

The talks with the EXPO management will start in the spring of 1996. We intend to present ample information, videos to hardware in work, displayed hardware, etc. Also we plan to organize lectures of leading scientists and engineers in this field. Pleas think already now of how you and your NEN can be instrumental to make the EXPO 2000 THE big breakthrough. I have also asked Dr. Antonov to head for hardware which can be displayed or videoed.

The logo of the EXPO 2000 says : MAN - NATURE - TECHNOLOGY which matches excellently with the conversion of VFE. For this reason we expect to become a pivotal bolt of the entire EXPO 2000.

Thank you very much for your efforts, Dr. Fox, and with my kind regards, sincerely,

Dr. Hans A. Nieper
President, The German Association of Vacuum Field Energy

Funny Warnings

The Washington Post: Sunday May 14, 1995, Final Edition

Report from Week 110, in which we asked you to come up with absurd warning labels for common products. We loved one particular entry for its wonderful idiocy:

On a cardboard windshield sun shade: "Warning: Do Not Drive With Sun Shield in Place." We were going to make it a winner, until we discovered that it wasn't made up.

Fourth Runner-Up -- On an infant's bathtub: Do not throw baby out with bath water. (Gary Dawson, Arlington)
Third Runner-Up -- On a package of Fisherman's Friend(R) throat lozenges: Not meant as substitute for human companionship. (Tom Witte, Gaithersburg)
Second Runner-Up -- On a Magic 8 Ball: Not advised for use as a home pregnancy test. (Chuck Smith, Woodbridge)
First Runner-Up -- On a roll of Life Savers: Not for use as a flotation device. (Jean Sorensen, Herndon)
And the winner of the Power Ranger pinata -- On a cup of McDonald's coffee: Allow to cool before applying to groin area. (Elden Carnahan, Laurel)

Honorable Mentions

On a Pentium chip: If this product exhibits errors, the manufacturer will replace it for a $2 shipping and a $3 handling charge, for a total of $4.97. (Russell Beland, Springfield)

On a refrigerator: Refrigerate after opening. (Cissie J. Owen, Leesburg)

On a pack of cigarettes: WARNING -- The Tobacco Institute has determined that smoking just one cigarette greatly increases your risk of heart attack by making you so incredibly sexy that gorgeous members of the opposite sex surround you night and day, begging for intercourse and wearing you into exhaustion, unless, of course, you have another couple of cigarettes to steady your nerves. (Jacob Weinstein, McLean)

On a disposable razor: Do not use this product during an earthquake. (Jim Gaffney, Manassas)

On a handgun: Not recommended for use as a nutcracker. (Art Grinath, Takoma Park)

On pantyhose: Not to be used in the commission of a felony. (Judith Daniel, Washington)

On a piano: Harmful or fatal if swallowed. (Peter Fay, Herndon)

On a can of Fix-a-Flat: Not to be used for breast augmentation. (Jerry Robin, Gaithersburg)

On Kevorkian's suicide machine: This product uses carbon monoxide, which has been found to cause cancer in laboratory rats. (Meg Sullivan, Potomac)

On Lyndon LaRouche literature: Mr. LaRouche is a serious political figure and not a paranoid lunatic, and should therefore -- Hey, what are you looking at? Quit staring at me. (Meg Sullivan, Potomac)

On work gloves: For best results, do not leave at crime scene. (Ken Krattenmaker, Landover Hills)

On a palm sander: Not to be used to sand palms. (Patrick G. White, Taneytown)

On a calendar: Use of term "Sunday" for reference only. No meteorological warranties express or implied. (Elden Carnahan, Laurel)

On Odor Eaters: Do not eat. (Chuck Smith, Woodbridge)

On Sen. Bob Dole: WARNING: Contents under pressure and may explode. (Doug Keim, Schaumburg, Ill. )

On a blender: Not for use as an aquarium. (Gary Dawson, Arlington)

On a fax machine: WARNING! Never attempt to directly fax anyone an image of your naked buttocks. Always photocopy your buttocks and fax the photocopy. (John Kammer, Herndon)

On syrup of ipecac: Caution: May cause vomiting. (Paul Styrene, Olney)

On a revolving door: Passenger compartments for individual use only. (Elden Carnahan, Laurel)

On a microscope: Objects are smaller and less alarming than they appear. (J. Calvin Smith, Laurel)

On children's alphabet blocks: Letters may be used to construct words, phrases and sentences that may be deemed offensive. (David Handelsman, Charlottesville)

On a wet suit: Capacity, 1. (J. Calvin Smith, Laurel)

And Last: On The Washington Post: Do not cut up and use for blackmail note. (Joseph Romm, Washington).


New Energy News, PO BOX 58639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639 (801) 583-6232 Monthly newsletter about new energy activities. $30 per year

Ratbag Antiphysic newsletter, send paper, manuscript or other work attention Millenium Twain, Plasmatronics Inc., PO BOX E, Menlo Park, CA 94026 USA

Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 100 Bronson Ave. 11001, Ottawa, Ontario KIR 6G8 Canada Phone 613.236.6265

Electrifying Times, 63600 Deschutes Market Road, Bend, Oregon 97701 only $10 per year phone 541.388.1908 FAX 541.388.2750 Email

Creative Science & Research, PO BOX 8001, New Albany, IN 47150 Sells plans for Fuel from water, Fuel-Less Engine (Ed Gray), a Gravity motor and a video of a Gray-type engine and the Gravity motor.

Infinite Energy, PO BOX 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816 (603) 228-4516 Bi-monthly magazine on energy happenings, $30 per year

Extraordinary Science, PO BOX 5636, Colorado Springs, CO 80931 (719) 475-0918 Quarterly newsletter of the International Tesla Society $30 per year.

Electric Spacecraft Journal, 73 Sunlight Drive, Leicester, NC 28748 Quarterly newsletter about electrical approaches to flight $30 per year.

Borderlands, PO BOX 220, Bayside, CA 95524 (707) 825-7733 Quarterly newsletter on wide range of alternative subjects $25 per year.

Space Energy Association, PO BOX 11422, Clearwater, FL 34616 Monthly newsletter on tapping space energy (ZPE, vacuum, etc.) $25 per year.

Final Remarks

Steven Elsewicke, an old friend who has been instrumental in making the International Tesla Society what it is today, has decided to go his own way.

He will still work with ITS and continue to publish and sell books. Steve is also beginning a new magazine.

PO BOX 5382T
Security, CO 80931

Steve can be contacted at (719) 630-0693.

The ISNE Conference will be coming up in April as noted here. If you are go ing from the Dallas area and would like to share a ride with some of us, please call me at 214-324-8741 or get with me at the meeting so we can arrange to include you.

We expect to rent a van and drive up on Wednesday evening. We should arrive in Denver around noon at Thursday and the conference begins Thursday evening. We will drive back Sunday evening and arrive in Dallas around noon on Monday. Everyone takes turns driving and we all have a good time and meet lots of interesting people as the 'Texas contingent'. We will split the gas and van rental costs. You have to provide your own hotel room and other costs.

Average travel costs when we split like this ranges from $100 to $200 per person. We then have a vehicle while we are there to take speakers and new contacts out for meals and private conversations.

See you at the meeting!....>>> Jerry

Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
March 1996