Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
April 1995

If there is anything in this mailer you might want to use or republish, feel free to do so, that's what it's all about.

Meeting Location and Date change

Due to personal responsibilities, the April meeting will be in the last week of April. The date FOR THIS MEETING will be Wednesday, the 26th of April, at 7:00 PM.

NEW Location : Wyatts Cafeteria - Marsh and Forest
Date : Wednesday, April 26th
Time : Starts around 7-7:30 PM - winds up around 10:00 PM

The routine will be a bit different as to dinner. Simply go through the cafeteria line when you arrive, then pay for your meal at the 8:30 break.

Meissner Fields

Some (to me) astounding correlations with 'static' magnetic fields have been arising of late which I think need to be shared. Let's break them down as essentially being from 3 distinct sources (though there are more);


David Hudson is the first person I ever heard refer to the aura as a Meissner Field. That led to a train of correlations which have been ongoing. You see, a Meissner Field is a superconducting - pure magnetic force which has no internal resistance due to the supercooled state though they can occur at other temperatures (room temp and higher). Meissner Fields do not have to be of enormous magnetic densities, but can exist as weak OR strong fields.

The point being, since the human body is created and sustained by such a magnetic field (the aura), then once it reaches a state too weak to maintain sufficient energy in the corporeal form, the field leaves the physical and moves into a pure energy state, highly attenuated (weakened) and what we call a 'ghost'.

David claims that rhodium, iridium and other elements, IN THEIR GHOST FORM serves as 'food' FOR the aura. He is referring to how such substances would enhance the conductivity of the magnetic (Meissner) field. Such an increase in the aura density would cause the optimal reproduction of tissues in the body, just as iron filings will follow the field lines of a magnet. Not only would it heal diseases, but it would rejuvenate the tissues and possibly REVERSE AGING (as claimed by Dr. Gianni Dotto).

If a person were to be exposed to an ever increasing AURIC (Meissner) field density due to ingestion and saturation of the body with these superconducting substances, there will come a time when the aura will be so much stronger than the physical that it MUST 'translate' to another realm or dimension. David says the person becomes '5th' dimensional. It would no longer hold to the physical form.

Along with this gradual increase in the aura field density, come 'paranormal' powers such as being able to heal, transmute, manifest, levitate, experience telepathy, etc. All these phenomena are directly related to an 'expanded' aura. Mail/Contact Info : David Hudson, RT. 2, BOX 970, Laveen, AZ 85339 or HUDSON1 on KeelyNet BBS.


The earth's magnetosphere is, in fact, a singularity. A large particle, as it were. The sun blows these magnetic bubbles which remain stable for long periods of time. (These take the form of toroids or donut shapes, just like smoke rings...>>> JWD)

Actually there is some one hundred and seventy year old mathematics (George Green) which demonstrate the stability of these closed tubular magnetic surfaces. More precisely these are toroidal structures. These toroidal structures or macroparticles create neutrons along their poloidal axis. Yes, actually create them by topological transformations of the singularity's field itself. It creates little miniatures of itself (which happen to be neutrons). And if the magnetosphere is large enough and intense enough they create TONS PER SECOND.

As the magnetosphere orbits along the solar equatorial plane (lowest energy state) the neutrons produced are gravitationally localized by the macroparticle's (read magnetosphere's) gravitational field. It is the only thing that could keep the neutrons localized. Next, the neutrons break down into protons, electrons, and anti-neutrinos. The protons are enriched in the neutron soup to deuterium, then tritium. The tritium by beta decay converts to He3 and the He3 gets enriched to He4 and so on until every species of the periodic table is formed.

Eventually, the core of the magnetosphere is enclosed by gross matter and you have the early stage of planetary formation. At this point it might be termed a proto-planet or a pre-proto (or comet). As the magnetosphere continues to produce more and more mass the planet grows.

After a sufficiently long time one would think that the magnetosphere (macroparticle) would be used up. But, just as the earth's magnetosphere can energetically couple with solar disturbances (which happen to expand the magnetosphere into an excited state) it can be replenished. Incidently, the magnetosphere acts like a giant particle when excited by solar eruptions. (This is an indication that these toroids, when they begin to decay, can be RECHARGED!!....>>> JWD)

It expands such that radiation belts found normally at 1 radii are then found at 8-10 radii. Over days the magnetosphere drops back down (going through metastable states like a particle) to its ground state. As it does this it also emits long wavelength photons from the poles which can have wavelengths measured in light hours. Of course, no one saw them. They weren't looking for them. A photon at such an incomprehensible scale would sneak by as a changing polar electric field (associated with the borealis).

We have some pretty good proof that this model is fundamentally correct. Ball lightning (a natural phenomenon) is a smaller more intense version of a planetary magnetosphere. However, experimental evidence that it creates neutrons out of its own field structure is mounting fast.

If you can't begin to get the picture and how this will effect cosmology (as a new theory) and physics, and eventually (trickling down) geology (not to mention health!!...JWD) - then you are not paying attention or have never been interested in the magnetosphere's of the planets. Look up an article in 'Science News' about 18 years ago which stated "The Sun is Forever Blowing Bubbles".

Look up another one which was titled (I think) "What was that, a comet?" Seems the magnometers on a spacecraft flipped back and forth as the magnetic surface of an otherwise undectable magnetosphere was passed through. It seemed like the bow shock of a comet but no comet was visible (and it should have been visible). As the magnetospheres depart the solar atmosphere they are no longer detectable because they no longer shape or order the stellar plasma flows as they did when they passed through it (whose photonic emissions make the structure of the magnetosphere briefly visible).

The moon doesn't have a magnetosphere but evidence shows that it once did. Uranus and Neptune testify that their magnetospheres are not related to the spin of the planet, having 60 and 50 degrees (I believe) planet axis tilt with respect to magnetic axis. And they are not in the center of the planet.

Consider Mercury which doesn't spin fast enough to generate a field but has a healthy one anyway (which incidently is 1/3 displaced from the physical center of the planet). Some planets are dead, no longer growing, because their field either completely converted into ordinary mass by neutron genesis or was displaced from the planet by interactions with another planet's field. But at least get this picture: "The magnetosphere is not generated by the planet but the planet is generated by the magnetosphere."

Remember the '5th Force' geophysicists thought they found? It was the gravitational field associated with the macroparticle. Each 'live' planet (one with an active magnetosphere) has two gravitational fields associated with it. One associated with combined mass of the elements which comprise the planet (gross matter) and one which is the gravitational field of the macroparticle/magnetosphere. We'll call the field from the macroparticle the Mag/g field and the one from the raw mass of the planet we'll call the Mass/g field. The Mag/g field intensifies with depth while the Mass/g field decreases with depth. The Mag/g field acceleration near the planetary core can be so great that very exotic species of elements CAN EXIST AS STABLE ELEMENTS. For example, consider a mythical species which I shall call Isaacium which could have 500 protons and 740 neutrons AW = 1240. Isaacium could exist as a totally stable element under a gravitational field that was of sufficient intensity.

Experiments with atomic clocks in the basement and at the top of a tall building demonstrated that the clock at the lower level ran slower than the clock at the top. Why? Because the acceleration due to gravity was greater near the surface than at the top of the building. Time dilation is not related to the velocity of Special Relativity but rather to the acceleration normally associated with General Relativity. Well, in the case of the strength of the gravitational field near the core (the Mag/g field here) the acceleration could be millions of times what it is at the surface. If the magnetosphere were to be suddenly displaced from the core of the planet it is conceivable that a great deal of matter in the core could instantly go supercritical which might actually disrupt the integrity of the planet (blow it up) and scatter it in space. Holy shades of asteroid belts!

Here's the deal. Planets grow. Read S. Warren Carey's book: Title = "Theories of the Earth and Universe" {A History of Dogma in the Earth Sciences} Published in 1988 by Stanford Univ. Press. Cost is about $45 U.S.. - ISBN 0-8047-1364-2 S. Warren Carey is the author. He is Professor Emeritus of Geology at the University of Tasmania; an Honorary Life Fellow of the Geological Societies of America, London, and Australia; and former President of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science; also Fellow of the Royal Society, I believe. He has been collecting the evidence for an explanding planet for longer than many of us have been alive.

I simply have come up with a mechanism (which was developed before I heard of Carey's work) that explains his irrefutable expansion data. He has other mechanisms which are somewhat plausible even though I tend to favor my own devices (which have some experimental proof). If you give an honest shake to Carey's work you also will come away knowing that planets grow; and not by accretion of interstellar dust.

How anyone can still believe that utter hogwash is beyond me. I'm ashamed that I once believed it. If you are true men and women you will also be ashamed but at once delighted that something more plausible has arrived.

Planets do grow - from the inside out! Carey's work, among other things, points to the geologically expressed tensional features of supposed subduction zones. Subduction was introduced because no one could conceive of any mechanism for planetary growth. I urge you all to look at the evidence that Carey and others have collected and then look into your hearts and find the integrity necessary to no longer go along with the crowd. You can be part of a new paradigm that will eventually emerge with or without your assistance.

Truth is suppressible; but only for so long. It will spring forth in the end. If we didn't have confidence in that (as scientists) why would we even be in science?

As I stated, there is a ton of evidence that this is true. But there is also a ton and one half of evidence that very few people will believe it to be true stuck as they are in the rotten tottering paradigms of the past. Will we, as Max Plank indicated, have to wait until everyone of the old generation is dead? Will we have to wait that long?

Until a new generation comes up that is familiar with these ideas? Tell me it isn't true. Are we unable to embrace the truth? This model has explanations for the positive correlation between earthquakes and sunspots. It also predicts that we have 'earthspots' where magnetic loops exit and re-enter the surface (just like on the sun).

Problem is we can't see the 'earthspots' because there is no plasma (excited gas state) to reveal its existence. Rotating 'Indian Ocean Wheel Lights' reported numerous times in the Marine Observer and elsewhere are examples of those magnetic loops.

The changing magnetic field of an 'earth mag loop' gives rise to an electric field which stimulates phosphorescent organisms into unique patterns of huge rotating wheel spokes. See Rutherford, W.; Marine Observer 30:128-129, 1960 also Pringle, J. Eliot; Nature, 20:291, 1889 also Barth, H.; Marine Observer, 24:74-75, 1954 and Hocking, R. W.; Marine Observer, 7:240, 1930.

Because 'earth mag loops' reflect a disturbance in the magnetosphere's structure one might consider that perturbations in the macroparticle's field could give rise to local variations in the gravitational field at depth (read Mag/g field here). If the field at great depth over some small region were to suddenly be diminished it could cause some volume of high 'Z' mass (mentioned earlier and thought to normally be stable due to the intensity of the Mag/g field at depth) to go supercritical and generate a nuclear explosion which could be the cause of deep rooted earthquakes.

Nearer the surface we might detect earthquake lights and fast variations in the surface field or even in the magnetic orientation of surface rocks. This was actually seen in California within the last ten years (surface rock suddenly changing their magnetic orientation - associated with an earthquake).

Fast changing magnetic fields generate huge electric fields which can ionize the air at the ground level (or higher). Also, these fast changing fields could also stimulate some underlying quartz bearing granitic material into piezo-electrically induced ground motion.

Mail/Contact Info :
Charles Cagle, Chief Technical Officer
Singularity Technologies, Inc.
1640 Oak Grove Road, N.W.
Salem, OR 97304
503/362/7781 - email

The Dotto Ring

One of the most amazing documents I have ever been privileged to study is by a Dr. Gianni Dotto. He did cancer research for the Sloan-Kettering Institute in Kalamazoo. His research showed an astounding comprehension of electronics, chemistry, physics, physiology, biology and other sciences as well as how they all correlated to life, health and creation. An acquaintance from New York claims to have visited Dr. Dotto at his private lab in France in 1993. At that time, Dotto was in process of moving to an island location to avoid disruption by people seeking to contact him.

The electronic machine Dotto developed not only was claimed to cure cancer and other diseases, but also to suspend aging. When the 'Ring' was energized, it also levitated off the floor.

Without going into too much detail, Dotto claims that a very high current (30,000 amperes) can be produced with almost no voltage. This is in effect a Meissner Field. When living tissues are exposed to this field, it energizes and corrects the body by what I now believe is an intensification of the aura. Kind of like an inductive EEMAN screen where the weakened and faded aura is recharged. Since the aura forms and sustains the physical body, anything you can do to increase its energy will improve health.

The following is from the file DNAMAST1 on KeelyNet:

"Aging and the reproduction of defective DNA is caused by a lack of cellular vitality which is brought about by a twisting of the DNA helix as the organism ages. Since the DNA molecule only has a given number of base pairs (stair steps) due to its fixed length, this twisting adds more turns which consequently reduces the number of base pairs in each turn. Effectively, the # YEARS / # TURNS = # BASE PAIRS available per turn. As the organism goes through the birth, maturation and death cycle, the DNA helix twists to "squeeze" out the number of base pairs (stair steps) per turn, this can be shown by the following :

The DNA of the embryo cell in a mothers womb contains 46 base pairs per turn. In the 6th week of pregnancy, the DNA in the embryo cell has 34 base pairs per turn. In the 10th lunar month, a single DNA (half from the mother, half from the father) has reproduced itself more than 6 trillion times. When the baby is born, the process of reproduction decreases due to the rapid twisting of the DNA helix.

At the age of 2 years, the DNA has twisted to reduce the number of base pairs to 22 per turn. At the age of 21, the base pairs are 14 per turn. From the age of 35 to about 55, the base pairs stabilize somewhat at 10 per turn. At around 55 years of age and beyond, the 10 base pairs per turn reduce to 6 and continue to decrease until the organism achieves death.

The kinetic energy of the electrons in the Hydrogen bonds coupled with the reduced energy of the charged ions from the nervous system are so weak that the DNA stops reproducing itself and the aging process begins to wreak havoc with the body. In addition, the steadily reducing number of base pairs as life progresses acts to slowly reduce the vitality of the system on a cellular level. This makes the "scanning" of the RNA by the DNA increasingly sensitive to outside sources of interference.

If these outside sources of interference are applied while the "scanning" process is occurring, the resulting pattern will be more or less distorted from the original. If this occurs en masse, cancer and a host of other diseases can occur. Indications are that there are two beneficial effects which result from application of these concepts.

The technique involves the application of an inductive field to irradiate the body for a short time. The longer the body is within the field, the more optimized DNA replications will occur due to the intensified field.

(Just as microwaved food continues to 'heat' after being removed from the oven, just as lightning bugs shine brightly and fade before the next 'kick', just as a tuning fork will vibrate for minutes after being struck, just as cells exposed to Ultraviolet light will re-radiate that light when removed from the source, so too can the aura be stimulated...>>> JWD)

Each replication will create a DNA strand which possesses successively higher vitalities. Ever increasing cellular energy slowly "untwists" the DNA which increases the number of base pairs per turn. The result is reversal of aging and restoration of the DNA to an optimum pattern. This restoration also dissipates the patterns which allow disease to exist in the body.

During the time of the exposure, the natural replication of DNA under the influence of an inductive energy field would cause the "new" DNA to be copied with the desired number of base pairs. This is brought about by an artifically induced lengthening of the Tesla coil secondary which increases the amount of electrical potential.

This increased electrical potential on a cellular level "untwists" the DNA helix which allows more base pairs (stair steps) PER TURN to be copied for each duplication. This gradual increase in cellular vitality automatically gives the DNA/RNA scanning process more energy to both record and update the old pattern with a fresh, 'aura perfect' duplicate. This in turn, increases the rate of duplication for the removal of dead and dying tissues in the body. Thus wrinkles, toxins and various other problems which degrade the efficiency of the organism are removed. Youth and maximum health is restored and maintained through periodic application of the inductive field.

Thinking in Tesla coil terms, a primary coil with a winding of 10 turns is inductively coupled to a secondary winding of 100 turns. If a current of 1 ampere at 10 volts is applied to the primary, a voltage of (10:100 or 1:10) 100 volts at 100 milliamps will be developed at the secondary.

( of 04/95, in light of this new set of correlations, I don't know that a Tesla coil secondary analogy still applies. This is because of the inverse nature of a transformer (Tesla coil) where voltage and current are reciprocal to each other. If we wanted to excite the Meissner (aura) field, by its very nature of being nearly pure magnetic energy, it follows that a transformer secondary should have LESS WINDINGS to INCREASE the magnetic current and DECREASE the voltage.

If the DNA is thought of as being a secondary and the number of base pairs (stair steps) per turn is equivalent to the windings in a secondary, we can see how a reduction in windings or stair steps would result in less electrical potential (cellular vitality). This in turn making the DNA progressively sensitive to outside stimuli for an eventual mix-up and distortion in the DNA pattern. These DNA distortions directly affect the formation of the enzyme-controlling genes which control all cellular functions. Without intelligent control of the duplication process, aging, disease and or death are inevitable.

All this is intended to show that the Meissner field can exist at all sorts of densities and thus can be USED in a practical sense to expand the energy density of the aura to induce healing and rejuvenation. Not to mention its ability to create mass from seemingly nothing and with a velocity dependent on the aura density. It should also affect transmutation and energy experiments.

Fast Flash

A recent Scientific American article (February 1995, 50 and 100 Years Ago, page 8) had a fascinating quote from a February 1945 SciAm;

"A photographic technique has been worked out that is so sensitive it could presumably take a picture of a ghost, if there actually were such things. This new process, utilizing an illuminating flashlight with an exposure of less than one millionth of a second, photographs things which are INVISIBLE, such as the finest details of air disturbances even to the extent of making an image of a heat wave rising from the palm of one's hands."

It struck a chord because of the amazing photographs of Dr. Edgerton and others in high speed flash photography, particularly the odd comment about being able to take a picture of a ghost. In many UFO cases where clear photographs have been produced, the person who took the photo does NOT remember seeing anything odd or unusual at the location or time of the photo. In those few cases where the 'entities' have explained what is happening, such as the Meier case, we are told their ships have been altered to vibrate in slices of our time frames, making them invisible to our 'normal' perceptions.

The human eye needs a minimum of 24 frames per second to produce a relatively smooth transition from frame to frame without flicker. So what happens between those frames? The late Itzhak Bentov called it a flicker on, flicker off existence. Does the universe or just the local environment recreate itself each time our consciousness is directed towards it? Probably neither. It makes more sense to envision two alternate ways of thinking about it.

One where a second is chopped up into innumerable slices, the other where there are other 'phases' of existence, otherwise known as dimensions. This follows the claims of quantum realities as discussed in the Incunabula files (INCUNAB1 & INCUNAB2 & ONGSHAT on KeelyNet). The point here is that a camera taking a photograph does NOT have the same flicker on, flicker off of human 'sense based perceptions' (a Walter Russell term) and so can pick up activity that is invisible to us.

When a camera is set for the base shutter, it keeps the film exposed for as long as the shutter is kept manually opened, capturing very slow movements. A fast exposure, if it happens to hit the correct portion of the phased temporal reality, could very well capture an 'invisible' event.

All the digital systems are controlled by a clock or fixed oscillator that necessarily chops up any frequencies that are being sampled. This is one of the reasons digital multimeters cannot be used as accurate measuring tools for some circuits, such as over-unity or F/E.

Water and Surface Tension

A flyer for a new product came in the mail recently advertising a new device that would 'treat' water and other substances to make them healthier for you. The device used a piezo transducer (flat crystal) emitting one or more frequencies and the claim was that the surface tension of water was INCREASED.

Since cells and life processes are enhanced by being able to absorb water as easily as possible. The higher the surface tension, the harder it is for the cells to absorb and utilize the water. The 'Crystal Water' that Patrick and Gael Flanagan have researched and sell, has a greatly REDUCED surface tension, thus making it easier to absorb, thereby enhancing the life giving abilities.

In a very amusing private email, Patrick pointed this out to the inventor and asked this inventor what kind of and how much research HE HAD DONE to come to this inverted conclusion. The reply was 4 months. As opposed to the over 80 years of combined research done by the Flanagans that has resulted in the discovery of colloidal micro-clusters. How was an INCREASE of surface tension supposed to be beneficial to life processes?

A similar phenomenon is associated with the discoveries of Albert Roy Davis and Walter Rawls (magnetic monopoles). It was noted that South pole magnetic energies caused matter to expand. When applied to water, it became easier to absorb, believed to be due to this expansion and the associated reduction in surface tension. To my knowledge, a test was not made of the actual surface tension but the effects were similar. In fact, they discovered that North pole magnetic energies caused contraction of matter and when applied to water, either flowing or static, would reduce the growth of bacteria because it took more energy for the bacteria to use this now 'tighter bound' water.

(By the way, J.W. McGinnis and Steve Elsewicke of the International Tesla Society in Colorado Springs, were in Dallas this past month and J.W. says Walter Rawls will be speaking at the 1995 Tesla Conference towards the last of July. This is amazing as Walter rarely speaks in public, so don't miss this!) Mail/Contact Info : Patrick & Gael Flanagan, 1109 S. Plaza Way, Ste. 399, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

SchadenFreude (shah-den-froi-deh)

A couple of years or so back, PBS had a documentary showing the traversing of Germany's waterways in a medium sized boat. During WWII, the Germans had set up dams or re-routed the connections of the various waterways. Some were no longer connected.

In order to get the boat to the different rivers, it had to be transported by truck from river to river. In this movement over land, the makers of the documentary seemed besieged with many problems. One time the boat slid off the trailer, another time the trailer axle broke, another time they could not get under a bridge and had to take a long route to their destination, etc..

In each of these instances, the producers noted that many of the Germans stood by, laughing up their sleeves at each of these misfortunes. The producers could not understand this obvious display of mirth at their problems and were told there was a German word that was used to describe the attitude. It was very funny to me because who among us has not at times been quietly amused at the occasional mishaps of others, (hopefully just those which were not serious or that only caused minimal damage).

Since that PBS episode, I have been trying to find out what the word was and just this past week, I met a German fellow named Rudi who knew it. The word is 'Schadenfreude', pronounced 'shah-den-froi-deh' with emphasis on the 'Schad'. Schaden refers to misery or misfortune, Freude to joy, mirth or pleasure. It simply refers to taking pleasure, joy or amusement when you see someone experiencing difficulties. In some ways, I think it might even be satisfaction and a form of teaching from 'being allowed' to see universal law in action in the form of payback.

Why such a maledictive interest in this attitude? It just makes sense that we learn by observation and so, we should take every opportunity to learn from others errors or even something as 'fetched' as 'closure' of a circle. These circles take the form of good or bad actions which INEVITABLY and IRREVOCABLY catch up with you. Some people think of it as windows or 'runs' of bad luck, but I prefer the old saying 'What goes around, comes around - MULTIPLIED'.

This is the nature of the cycle, a slow build to maturation, then an ever faster decay to closure. This cycle phenomenon just happens to apply to free energy and gravity control if you can see it. Such a closure has happened to me in the recent past, with an operation after nearly 40 years of perfect health, then a car accident which had never happened before. And on pondering WHY these things happened, I DID find things I had done in the past which I feel were the closing of a circle, returning as lessons or 'payback' (depending on your perspective, i.e., is the glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?).


On a recent evening radio talk show, an elderly lady called in with an excellent joke referring to a 'weaning' process FROM government controls. Hilary Clinton was walking near the White House one day and noticed a small boy sitting on the steps of a closed McDonalds. Next to the young man was a cardboard box. Hilary asked the little boy what was in the box and he replied, 'Puppies!' She asked what kind of puppies and the little boy said 'Democratics!'

Finding this reply very amusing, Hilary made a point of telling Bill about it that evening. He wanted to talk to the sharp witted child but could not find the time. A few days later, while jogging near the McDonalds', Clinton remembered the little boy. He detoured towards the building and sure enough, the little boy was still there with the cardboard box. Bill walked up and asked the child what was in the box, to which the boy again replied 'Puppies'. Clinton asked if they were 'Democratic puppies?' and the boy said 'Nope, these puppies have their eyes open, so they must be Republicans!'

If you have a something you want to share, bring it!
See ya!..............>>> Jerry

Vanguard Sciences / KeelyNet Newsletter
April 1995