Why an Orgone page at KeelyNet?


by Chuck Henderson of KeelyNet We felt that we needed to create an Orgonomy page at the KeelyNet website in order to better present our side of the continuing conflict with Dr. James DeMeo (sociologist) and his associates over the posting of an edited version of Joel Carlinsky's article:
"Orgonomy Peddlers, Cloudbusting, and the Environment".
The article was originally posted on the Orgonomy Mailing List by Carlinsky. Although the OML is now defunct, many of the archives still remain. I understand that due to the influence of DeMeo and his associates, most of the archives after February 1996 have been well sanitized to exclude references to and or dialogs concerning the Carlinsky article, as well as the article itself. The conflict between DeMeo and Carlinsky has been on-going since the 1980's. Both can provide evidence of the other's short-comings, whether factual or fantasy, but neither are pristine innocents. Their conflict is simply that, "Their's". The edited version of Carlinsky's article was posted, first to bolster our stance against posting "how-to" plans on the construction of devices that could inflict large-scale damage, and second because the article pointed out several areas of concern that must be addressed by anyone considering the use of a cloudbuster. Carlinsky also provided the independent sources of information used in his article. DeMeo was given several opportunities to post any response that he wished to post at our site, which he refused. Instead, we received private e-mail that was full of venom and veiled threats. He would not allow us to post his three-part "Response" to Carlinsky's article at our website and said he'd take legal action if we did. The refusal was his choice. DeMeo did send an email to Jerry Decker with the links to his site which responded to the Carlinsky article. Now, some close associates of DeMeo's have chosen to stir things up a bit. Jim Martin and Kenn Thomas have recently written a new conspiracy/hit piece for the Steamshovel Press attacking any and all who even consider peaking through DeMeo's self-imposed veil of censorship, violating DeMeo's Eleventh Commandment -- Thou shalt not Critique DeMeo! It is time that we provide a bit of understanding from our perspective.

Comments from Jerry W. Decker

The Cloudbuster article written by Carlinsky was first sent to me by Chuck Henderson on the original KeelyNet BBS. We discussed it and I edited out some of the more insensitive comments which resulted in the edited file that was posted on the BBS. We agreed that Carlinsky had a point and that the article was very on-track by asking people to be considerate and take responsibility for their actions when experimenting with weather engineering which could cause serious damage to the environment and the people who live in the experimental area. From day one, the KeelyNet BBS refrained from posting detailed instructions for weapons or techniques that could be used for mass destruction, including weather modification, on the basis that it would be irresponsible and immoral. Despite numerous emails from various warped individuals accusing us of 'hiding information', we persisted and still have not bowed to the desires of those who are simply too lazy to do the research in open literature which would provide them with the information they seek. Nothing requires us to be party to the distribution of such negative information. KeelyNet was never intended to be a public system and was originally devoted to those who are seriously trying to make free energy, gravity control and electronic health a reality. With the advent of the InterNet, our files and email conversations were picked up and reproduced worldwide. I received emails from Demeo demanding that the only Orgonomy file on the website be removed, with a warning that NONE of Demeos email could be reposted, in part or in full. Yet I gave him full permission to repost ANY of my emails to him. If your comments can't stand the light of public scrutiny, perhaps you shouldn't be sending them. The tone was outrageous and made a threat that I would not have believed had I not seen it in my own email...specifically, 'how would you like it if someone called the FBI and claimed KeelyNet was distributing child porn?' What kind of sick mind could come up with such an analogy? Admittedly, this was the worst of the 'threats', but I responded that he and Carlinsky should work out their problems and stick to the point of the subject, Orgonomy and its use/abuse in cloudbusting technology. I also told him that I was only mildly interested in Orgonomy, but I was concerned when people were being shown how to manipulate rainfall at will and without any kind of concerted, well-thought-out plan that involved serious followup to ensure the minimum damage to the environment of the targeted area. There are many people who have no problems capitalizing on certain experimental technologies with little concern or sense of responsibility for ensuing damages. Demeo also accused KeelyNet, myself and Chuck of 'supporting' Carlinsky. This makes no sense whatsoever, I've met Joel Carlinsky once and he visited Chuck when he came through Dallas. We have never given him money or in any way 'supported' him other than posting this one article on the KeelyNet. It surely seems that Demeo can't stand even this one thing written by Carlinsky, available to anyone to read, whenever they wish and so he creates all this furor trying to snuff even that single text from the public interest. ...Methinks the lady doth protest too much.... The world of Orgonomy does not revolve around Carlinsky or Demeo as much as Demeos obvious over-exposure to excessive orgone energy have driven him to believe (and if you could read some of his not for public emails, you would CLEARLY see what I am getting at.) The point of the matter is quite simple, Reich is dead. One of his major legacies is the discovery and certain experiments which he called Orgonomy. Neither Demeo or Carlinsky are the 'new Reich', nor are they the primary or sole sources of Orgonomy information available to an educated public. They both need to get over their petty squabbling that is so openly aired to pollute the true focus, or leave the scene for those who can be objective and help to qualify, then quantify, the principles of Orgone. Chuck and I had a special meeting to discuss this matter and how we should handle it. After weeks of consideration, we MUST post this information so that all interested parties can see our side of the story, rather than the highly exagerrated case as promoted by the conspiracy rags and Demeos acolytes. One file out of all the material on the InterNet. Very telling as to who is hiding something or in fear of discovery. Carlinsky's article stays on KeelyNet. - Jerry W. Decker/KeelyNet