Written June 30, 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on implementation of : 1) free energy production 2) gravity reduction 3) electronic health control ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is written from a perspective of 20 years from now. It is based on much of the information publicly available and correlated through the KeelyNet network. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Society and Life in the 21st Century by Jerry W. Decker / KeelyNet Quite a few changes have occurred in the past 20 years. When science finally got back to the idea that aether permeates, creates and sustains all energy and matter, entirely new vistas for research opened up. The theories had been around for many years, with lone experimenters producing anomalous phenomena that others could not reproduce because of secrecy, ego or fear. Much discussion occurred within our networks, beginning with meetings of interested people, exchanges of information via the mail, then through computer bulletin board systems, alternative journals and newsletters, small conferences and finally through the InterNet. Once the 'crack in the egg' came about, people saw that aether could indeed be interferred with to produce practical results. I think one of the greatest contributors and staunch defenders was Walter Wright, promoter of the 'Push Gravity' theory. You see, it is hard to comprehend how gravity can be controlled or resisted when you think of it as an attractive force. However, when you consider it as a wind or pressure pushing all matter together, then we are held to the earth by this wind. It then becomes a matter of diverting the wind around us, which would result in a lessening of weight. The intial experiments were promising although based on crude electrostatics, as more was learned about just how the interference could be effected, it was found that a simple electronic circuit could be built that would divert the gravity flow around mass to a degree determined by the amount of power applied. Once people actually saw a huge stone being lifted as if it were styrofoam, then were allowed to experience a flightsuit, the world snapped to attention and all hell broke loose. This principle of shielding the gravity inflows could be applied to any form of matter for either weight reduction or outright suspension of weight. Flying vehicles led to an entirely new attitude toward transportation. Not only was travel anywhere in the world fast and efficient, but now colonization and practical space travel became commonplace. The next big discovery was that this aether could also be slowed down to produce energy, either directly as electricity or simply as mechanical force. Motors were made which did not rely on electrical or magnetic forces, they simply turned, using harmonious flows of force produced by aether interference. As a result of the use of these aether motors, there were no EM emissions and a great deal of previously unknown causes of disease simply vanished as more of these motors came into general use. With the advent of gravity control and free energy, people no longer were constricted by lifelines of wire and plumbing to carry electricity and water. They simply generated whatever energy they needed onsite as they needed it, directly from aether interference circuits. Devices came to market with their own 'perpetual' power sources, they would work outside or wherever you placed them, without needing to be plugged in. It became common for folks to live hundreds of miles from their workplace because they could not only generate all the power they needed, but could fly from one place to another, at will and at very high rates of speed. Global distances became irrelevant. Auxiliary discoveries led to hybridized systems that further supported a productive and harmonious lifestyle. Water could be precipitated directly from the air to sustain life in the most arid regions. Hydroponics, gardens, protein tanks for fish and algae, all became commonplace as people produced the majority of their own food. Disposal of waste was easily accomplished by dissociating the molecular bonds or by direct conversion to electrical energy by burning it as sludge. Transmutation also became a well understood process, allowing what was previously waste to be converted to useful building materials. Practical transmutation also led to a gradual destruction of the global economies based on gold and other rare or precious materials. If anyone could convert lead to gold, then there was no basis for money. This led to incredible changes in the way people and businesses had to deal with goods and services transfers. Bartering became a staple in the financial world, leading to a 'credit' system where material or service was rated and used to swap for other services or merchandise. Electronic interference techniques also were applied to the elimination of diseases by blowing up their molecular structure using resonance. It was logically found that removal or displacement of one or more atoms in a given disease molecule via resonance, would lead to the destruction of that molecule. Advanced understanding of magnetic fields as applied to the body found that the body was sustained by a dynamic yet 'attenuating Meissner field' that weakened over time. As long as the field was intense, the body remained healthy and young. This toroidal shaped 'smoke ring' of pure magnetic force provided the energy for transcription of the pattern for DNA and other body constituents including form. When this field weakened, the body began to decay and die because the patterns were gradually corrupted. Eventually, a means was found to recharge this attenuating field to a degree that would cause perfect transcription of the auric pattern to the physical matrix, resulting not only in perfect health but also a youthful body. People began to see a golden age as they lived for hundreds of years in a perfect state of health, only requiring periodic recharging of their dynamic Meissner field. This extension of life led to entirely new social customs, where young ones were allowed as much time as they needed to grow up and experiment with life and love. No longer were people held back by the threat of death or disease such as AIDS or cancer. Sex took on an entirely new social acceptance, where titillation through pornographics became a thing of the past. Women routinely went without tops and in some places, no clothing whatsoever. Partial nudity in most places is not considered offensive in the least. Another discovery that also led to acceptance of this new social trend was a means of regulating the temperature of the body using electronics. You could be in freezing weather, yet be stark naked and perfectly warm, or you could be in 110 degree weather and remain cool. Religion had begun to change from one of reliance and restriction based on myth and legend to one of a guide for morals and how people should interact. This in turn led to changes in laws that came ever closer to the single ideal that each person is responsible for their own actions and such actions would determine the degree of social reward or correction. Interestingly enough, once it was determined that the body was sustained by a dynamic attenuating Meissner field, it became apparent that 'ghosts' were in fact de-coupled Meissner fields. By de-coupled, I mean separated from the human body because the energy field has become too weak to remain coupled. This led to a means of direct communication with 'dead' people which added to the changes in religious thought, customs and beliefs. People now had a degree of continuity even beyond life, at least until these de-coupled fields further weakened and shifted out of our dimension. It took folks awhile to realize that just because someone was dead and they could still talk to them via technology, it did not mean that these discarnate people were any smarter than when they were alive. Some confusion was created at first because many took the pronouncements of these contacts with the dead as being all-knowing. However, there was no ability to transcend time for predictions although they did have the ability to provide information useful in our daily lives. Crime was also almost eliminated by the realization that high blood flows in certain regions of the brain excited the tissue to a degree of action that was found to correspond to certain thoughts or activities. Knowing that north and south magnetic poles have either contracting or expansive effects, polarized magnetics in conjunction with counseling and hypnotic suggestion, were used to reduce the amount of blood flow to the region of the brain determined to be causing the aberrant behavior. Another series of realizations occurred within the populace which led to other astounding changes in the law which filtered down into society. Someone once said, "Public opinion is but the average stupidity of mankind." As people became more independent, they were forced to think for themselves instead of believing everything that was taught to them as a one and only truth. As the 'criminal population' continued to grow ever larger, requiring more government enforcement, the building of new prisons and the spiralling costs to support all of it, people noticed that many of the crimes were totally non-violent. These included drugs, alcoholism, sex 'offenses' such as prostitution and other crimes that did not hurt society at large. The person only hurt themselves and those who chose to support them. Public support insisted on the abolishing of all criminal laws which did not involve violence or damage to another or their property. Drugs, prostitution and just about any activity that did not hurt someone or damage property became a legal activity. 95% of the prisons were emptied within a period of three months from the adoption of these new, logical laws. Counseling and peer pressure were offered to those who had abuse problems as well as magnetic restructuring of the brain as detailed elsewhere. This was totally optional on the part of each abuser. One of the most exciting social changes that I have seen in the past 20 years, is the development of small, tightly-knit communities which are completely self-sustaining. They produce their own food, power, water, waste disposal, local laws and societal attitudes. The world took on entirely new and diverse social patterns with the advent of a globally accessible computer database that allowed you to input the parameters of what kind of community and environment you wanted to live in. Your selection criteria determined a closest match against all known similar communities in the database. It also provided for an adjustable tolerance so that you can select from the widest range of matching communities. Once you selected a community that matched your ideal conditions and decided to move there, you were required to interview with the community and seek their acceptance. No longer are people lumped together in communities attempting to force them to get along. Now, there are communities worldwide which have chosen to be totally black, totally white, totally Korean (or other races), mixed, religious, scientific, philosophical, New Age, artistic, health- oriented, sexually oriented, various types of entertainment, sports oriented and thousands of other permutations. All these communities network and share information and resources, as well as trade. I now live in a community which is devoted specifically to networking and research into numerous areas. With the discovery of practical gravity control, free energy and health techniques, I at first thought my goals had been accomplished, however, there are hundreds of more pursuits that are worthy of investigation. The degree of information exchange and discovery is astounding and I live every day in the presence of people who I like and admire. When we get together, there is a palpable excitement in the air as we exchange ideas and information, or report on new discoveries. At last, a Golden Age, as everyone is finally allowed the opportunity to fulfill their destiny, and I am not wasting another hour not pursuing mine. FINIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------