File Name : ATLAGEN.ASC............Online Date : 05/31/96

Contributed by : QTZ.......................Dir Category : ENERGY

From : KeelyNet BBS................DataLine : (214) 324-3501

KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187

A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences

InterNet email (Jerry Decker)

Files also available at Bill Beaty's

The following file requires the image ATLAGEN.GIF. Both the text file and the image are bundled on the KeelyNet BBS as ALTAGEN.ZIP. The information was sent in a letter via snailmail from England which stated the following;

The Atlantis Generator

Dear Sir;

Thank you, your colleagues and Vanguard Sciences for your courage and dedication. I have recently read Tom Bearden's papers on the secret of free energy and remembered some other articles I had read which may indicate a source of a simple and freely available type of degenerate semiconductor material.

The materials are sea-water and sand. The sand should be placed in a porous container and the sea-water used as the electrodes either side of it. Please put this information on the world wide web and make whatever use of it that you see fit.

Thanks again, QTZ

Vanguard notes...

This purports to be a circuit to produce free energy. It is presented exactly as it came to us and we cannot verify or refute the claim at this point. If you choose to experiment with it, please share your findings, whether it works or not. Details of the operation of the circuit are not given.

The design has striking correlations with Bruce Perraults' cold fission process. Perrault claims free energy can be produced by using sand as a porous dielectric through which ionized chlorine gas flows. (See COLDFISS.ZIP)

In speaking with Bruce, he said one of his designs used a porous ceramic type material which can be purchased off the shelf. This apparently is to allow the gas to seep through and complete a circuit.

To date, we know of two people who have built Perrault tubes which did not work. One of the experimenters spoke with Perrault but nothing additional was provided to help make the experiment work. Perrault also reported that no one had come back to him saying they had been able to duplicate his device.

Beardens 'Final Secret' claimed that you must tap the potential before it converts into current flow and that this could be done by using a semiconductor which had been doped for special properties. The idea as I understand it was to grab the potential through a highly conductive wire, then for that wire to instantly become non-conductive to the current flow. This must happen extremely fast. If the potential could be accumulated or produced at a fast enough rate, a load could be driven without diminishing the power source.

This 'Atlantis Generator' looks like it uses the battery to setup a circuit through the conductive seawater with the sand acting like a very high dielectric capacitor. Perrault said the fine sand in his unit was to be as compacted as possible. Henry Moray and other successful researchers also relied on very high dielectric capacitors or corroded wiring (according to Bearden) of their own devising.

If the battery creates a conductive path through the seawater/sand/porous material and is switched out of the circuit once the circuit is established, then it might be possible to use the sand as a giant capacitor which would hold the potential. This potential could then be switched out via the electrical switch/relay to sustain a load.

It should work with saltwater in lieu of seawater.