Some detail on Stefan Marinov suicide

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 04:58:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Stefan Hartmann Hi, I just received this from Adolf Schneider from Switzerland who runs a free energy journal. I will translate it into english language, so everybody can understand it: "Hi, I have to inform you that Stefan Marinov (famous free energy researcher, publisher of the book compilation : The Thorny way of Truth) has died on the 15th of July 1997. He commited probably suicide by jumping out of the top floor of the bibliothek of the university of Graz, Austria. His motives are still unclear. Mr. Schneider did speak still to him on the phone on the 9th of July and one day before he still had a visit from Jorg Deistl, an inventor, who has worked with him. As soon as I know more I will inform you and all the other people in this group." I am very sad to hear this. Stefan Marinow was really a nice guy, sometimes a little too fast for many other people, but he truely was a genius. The free energy research circle has lost one of the best guys around....