___________________________________________________________________________ | File Name : ARRNEURO.ASC | Online Date : 06/18/96 | | Contributed by : DANE ARR | Dir Category : BIOLOGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences | | InterNet email jdecker@keelynet.com (Jerry Decker) | | Files also available at Bill Beaty's http://www.eskimo.com/~billb | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| In a phone conversation with Dane, I asked him what the Neurophones he has feel or sound like when they are put on and powered up. He said at first, you hear and sense nothing. After a few minutes, you hear a 'pop' and then you hear the music that is being transmitted through the machine. Almost like the skin has to do an impedance match to the signal.........>>> Jerry --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where to buy your own Neurophone (Mark 11) Date: Tue, 23 Apr 96 15:48:26 -0700 Subject: Neurophones From: Dane_M._Arr@fc.mcnet.com (Dane M. Arr) To: jdecker@keelynet.com Jerry: It was nice to talk to you on Wednesday, I've been reading the info from your board for quite some time, and I'd like to complement you on your efforts. You're doing everyone a great service. As I mentioned on the phone, my wife and I have a number of Neurophones that we inherited from her father, Lloyd Sundin, who died in 1981. Lloyd paid Patrick Flanagan $40,000 in advance for 100 of the Mark XI models, and we still have about half of those. I'm having some photos taken and when they are developed I'll send them to you. While we have always valued them as important tools, we were unable to clearly communicate their value and purpose to others. The passage of time and development of the internet has spread the word about Pat's ideas and knowledge, as well as the certainty that there is far more to be discovered about the physical world than is presently known. Lloyd was a brilliant man, who understood the importance of Pat's work and took it upon himself to publisize and promote the Neurophone as well as other advanced ideas that he encountered. He was a pioneer in spirit and his death left a void in the lives of his family and the world. We still miss him, and the Neurophones he left us represent a tangible reminder of his presence in our lives. I think that is why we still have them after all this time. It has always been important that these instuments be appreciated for what they are: proof of the existence of physical properties that defy conventional science and point the way to new realms of knowledge. It is necessary that these Neurophones get into the hands of interested individuals like Lloyd, people whose curiousity pushes the edge of the envelope, who are willing to think about what we don't know and try to find answers that extend the potential of us all. The Keelynet board has become a mecca for the thinkers who travel this path, and I do greatly appreciate your offer to post a message about the availability of these original Neurophones. We have over forty of the Mark XI models that are have never been used, as well as a number of demonstration units. Available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis, these are collector quality Neurophones, hand-made in Pat's workshop in Tucson under his close supervision. Each Neurophone includes the original accessory packet containing electrodes, audio input connector, and instructions. The size is approximately 9x7x4 inches, and the shipping weight is about five pounds. The price for each unit is $235.00 plus $15.00 for shipping and handling in the continental US. The cost of shipping to areas outside of the US will be determined on a case by case basis. I can be contacted by voice at (602)756-1157 E-mail: dane_m_arr@fc.mcnet.com Orders and US mail inquiries should be sent to: Sheryl Lee Arr 1863 E. Magdalena Dr. Tempe AZ, 85283 USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note : These units were $1000 each at one time and this is an excellent deal for a rare instrument for inner exploration. Patrick will soon be offering his newest version called the THINKMAN (see file on KeelyNet) for about $550. If you purchase one of these, we would appreciate hearing of your experiments/experiences with it. In time, we would like to setup a 'users group' of Neuro-type experimenters for projects ranging from group telepathy to consciously influencing events (as hinted at in early posts in alt.psychology.synchronicity where 'coincidences', either positive or negative could be made to happen at will). To that end, we are collecting and experimenting with low level Neuro-type circuits which will be freely posted and shared with all who might wish to build one and become involved in this type of research. >>> Jerry/KeelyNet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------