The specific frequency effective against the BX virus is given by various sources as 2127 or 2128 cycles per second, but apparently the original Rife ray swung through a range of frequencies perhaps as great as plus and minus 10. So the ray might encompass 2117 to 2137. This was superposed on a carrier frequency and applied through the specially modified X-ray tube filled with helium, or perhaps also other noble gases.
Rife indicated he was using a +/-25 meter wavelength (11.78 Megacycles) as well as another which was 17 6/10 meters (17.045 Megacycles) Note: Should be 17,045,455 Cycles The following is taken from Rife's notes of November 20, 1932:
Filterable Virus: Passes W: K medium motile-small ovoid granule Highly plastic visible only with mono chromatic light angle of refraction 12 3/10 color by chemical refraction Purple-red length--1/15 micron : breadth 1/20 micron. Polarity + anode - cathode x Death rate in milliamperes 175 D.C. Influence of X ray none " Ultra Violet slows motility " Infra Red none Thermal death point 42 C. 24 hrs. Filament voltage 10 Filament amperage 86 Plate voltage 928 Cycles per second 11,780,000
There are several aspects of Rife's original work that is not clear. For example the above notes indicate the virus was attracted to the cathode or - negative terminal. In other notes, Rife also reported that the cancer virus was electro-statically bi-polar and could be segregated into two groups: some attracted to the positive terminal and some to the negative terminal respectively. Samples from a segregated group could not produce the disease. So this is not clear.
The above quoted note also does not list an audio frequency,which as mentioned by later researchers is noted to lie in the range of 2,000 to 2,200 for sarcoma and carcinoma virus respectively.
The Rife modality of treatment of disease falls under the classification of physical remedies. Others in this class are Roentgen or X-rays, light, diathermy or heat treatments. Today there is an effort to define Rife's work as "energy" medicine. Based on studies of Rife's own words and reports from those who knew him, Rife would not accept such a definition. He was following the standard protocols of medical research and advanced the methodologies of research in the process.
He never brought into the arena of his work concepts foreign to research engineers of his day, although he did wed scientific findings and methods from fields outside the selected sciences of microscopy and medicine (as he did in utilizing an opthomological tool like the Risley prism; and the concept of resonance to shatter biological forms just as resonance may shatter a glass or an earthquake shatters buildings). Although Rife did utilize ideas suggested by the work of Albert Abrams, he did not espouse Abram's philosophy. He sought merely to extend the potentials of physical science and microscopy.