Facts Relative to Rife's Original Technology

In his book, Barry Lynes never mentions one word dealing with audio frequencies in the original Rife Machine.

If you will examine the single laboratory note, dated 1932 (In Royal Rife's own handwriting), you will notice the complete absence of any remark dealing with audio frequency.

This note is complete, for it not only gives the carcinoma virus Mortality Oscillatory Rate, but several significant things:

The physical size of the virus.

The "excited" color of the virus.

The fixed frequency of the crystal oscillator stage(this is not shown on the schematic being shown on the Internet as the original treatment machine patent, only the lines leading to a point where they simply stop).

The recorded setting for the variable frequency (Yes, Royal Rife used the combined frequency of a "fixed" plus a variable frequency, which utilized the combined output of both, for the maximum stability which he could obtain!!).

The voltage and current settings for the machine.

The polarity of the virus. Rife was a perfectionist, and all pertinent information is entered in this note.

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