Comments by Rife and Milbank Johnson

The following comments and statements form a small part of what Barry Lynes has revealed in his book, "The Cancer Cure that Worked." More complete, and additional information may be gained by purchasing and reading this wonderful and complete book to understanding the works of Royal Raymond Rife.

"The frequency is set which controls the initial oscillator, which in turn is run through six stages of amplification, the last stage driving a 50 watt output tube."

"The frequency with its carrier wave is transmitted into an output tube similar to the standard x-ray tube, but filled with a different inert gas.This tube acts as a directional antenna."

"The new Rife Ray Machine had arrived at its point of construction when elaborate tests had to be made in order to synchronize the M.O.R. (Mortal Oscillatory Rate) produced by it with the M.O.R. produced by the old machine. Now, we are in the throes of accurately charting the 14,000 possible settings on the new machine. Our next process, beginnning next week, is to test its penetration, the time required in the different exposures, the different depths of lesions. So take it altogether we are just about as busy as a bear in berrytime."

"Rife began in 1920 by searching for an electronic means to destroy the micro- organism which caused tuberculosis. It was in that first year that the original radio frequency instrument was built."

"It was then that he noticed these individualistic differences in the chemical constituents of disease organisms and saw the indication of electrical characteristics, observed electrical polarities in the organisms."

"He happened to test a tube of cancer culture within the circle of a tubular ring filled with argon gas activated by an electrical current, which he had been using in experimenting with electronic bonbardment of organisms of disease. His cancer culture happened to rest there about 24 hours (with the current on the argon gas filled tube), and then he noticed (under the microscope) that its appearance seemed to have changed. He studied and tested this phenomenon repeatedly, and thus discovered (cancer virus) filter-passing, red-purple granules in the cultures."

"Rife theorized that they had released the virus by killing the bacteria-just as he had done when he destroyed the Bacillus of Tuberculosis with his radio frequency instrument."

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