Online News Sources - 08/13/00
links verified 07/05/05

Science Sites

American Institute of Physics Update
BBC Science page
Beyond 2000
Physical Review Letters online
Electrifying Times
Electronic Engineering Times
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA primary site
Newswise Science section
New Scientist
Physics Web
Physics Today
Popular Mechanics
Popular Science
SciCentral Gateway to the best Science
Scientific American
Science Daily
Science Magazine
Science News
Scirus - Science only search site
Science Week archives
UniSci Science & Research News
Technology Review (MIT)
University of Toronto Science page
ABC SciTech
BBC SciTech
CBS SciTech
CNN SciTech
MSNBC - Science
SkyCom Science
SciTech Daily
Hindu SciTech
Times of India - Satellite views of your site


Patents - IBM Womplex Patent Server

Patents - United States Patent Office
(The US Patent Office uses a TIFF file format, if you click on Images and nothing comes through, you need to download and install the;
Free AlternaTiff Viewer
install it, reboot your computer, open a patent image, all the patents before 1971 are ONLY IMAGES, after 1971 they are text and image)

European Patent Office

To check up on any subject being talked about in all the public Newsgroups;

Deja Usenet page

Google superfast search engine


Technology News Services

AP Tech Wire
Reuters Tech Wire
SV.Com Breaking Tech NewsBusiness Wire
BBC Technology News
CNN Computing News
CNN FN Digital Jam  
Daily Tech News
InfoWorld LookSmart Tech News
MSNBC Technology
New York Times Technology Site
Newsday Tech Page
PA Internet News (from UK)
PC Week Online (updated daily)
Red Herring
SiliconValley.Com (San Jose Mercury News)
Silicon Valley.Internet.Com
ZDNet News
Yahoo Technology News

Wall Street Journal Technology Section

Updated Less Often

MacWorldNetday News 
Network Magazine
PC Magazine Online 
PC World Online 
Tech Republic
Windows Magazine


Daily & Weekly Papers

Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Boston Globe

Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Tribune

Christian Science Monitor

Cleveland Plain Dealer

Dallas Morning News

Dallas Observer

Denver Post

Detroit Free Press

Electronic Telegraph (London UK)
Financial Times (UK)

Hollywood Reporter

Houston Chronicle

Independent UK

Irish Times

Jerusalem Post

Jefferson City News Tribune

London Daily Mirror

London Times  (Sunday Edition) (Daily Edition) (Free subscription required)

Miami Herald Online

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Online

Morrock News Digest (quick daily news summaries)

New York Times
New York Times Technology Coverage (free subscription required)


Orange County Register

Palo Alto Weekly

Philadelphia Inquirer

Saint Petersburg (FL) Times

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Examiner

San Jose Mercury News

Seattle Times

South China Morning Post

St. Louis Post Dispatch

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

The Age (Melbourne Austrailia)

The American Reporter

The Guardian (London UK) - The Guardian Computer Section

The Scotsman (Edinborough, Scotland, UK)

USA Today

Wall Street Journal (paid subscription required) WSJ Tech Section

Washington Post


The Globe

National Enquirer

Star Magazine

Weekly World News online


Yahoo Directory of U.S. Newspapers (by state)

"Newsies on the Net": Thomas Mangan's links to the web sites of editors, columnists, reporters and other journalists.

Weekly Papers

LA Weekly
St. Louis Business Journal

TV Network News Sources

BBC News (UK)
CBS News
CNN Interactive
FOX News
UK & World Headlines

By Itself recycled web news

Odd News from Yahoo

Drudge Report

Worldwide News Sources Online HUGE!

Wire Services

Associated Press


RealAudio or Video News Services

Click TV view TV listings & content for your area

Just The News: Directory of audio and video news sources.

Virgin Radio

News/Business Magazines

Business Week
Inc Online
Forbes ASAPFortune
Hot Wired
Mother Jones
The Nation
Time magazine
Time Magazine
US News and World Report

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