Re: Chaos Converters

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 13:18:58 -0500

Hi Folks!

With this recent spate of information about negative
resistance, time reversed waves and microstructures, it
appears we are talking about cavities which would intercept
zpe and be phase conjugated to quench the incoming zpe or be
translated into lower frequencies to produce electrical

In a laser, you inject light into the cavity, it bounces
back and forth between two reflective mirrors (one which is
a half mirror) until it reaches a density that overcomes the
half-mirror and emits out of a weak area (by design) as
collimated light.

Thinking of it in terms of air, filling a basketball. You
have a rubber flap that is sealed by pressure. When you
pierce that flap by the needle and inject air, the pressure
inside initially is lower so the incoming higher pressure
will continue to flow until the inside pressure matches the
incoming pressure, at which point equilibrium will be
achieved and no air will flow. You remove the needle, the
rubber flap is pushed shut from inside to retain the
pressure. Now you have a filled (charged) basketball.

In an orgone box, the principle is multiple alternating
layers of organic and inorganic material. Orgone is
supposed to be attracted to organic material and repelled
from metal such as foil.

The claim is that such a box will attract orgone to the
organic material until it reaches a specific density, where
it will break through the metal foil to build up on the next
inside layer of organic material and repeat the process
until the inside of the orgone box reaches a very dense

Orgone is supposed to repel from itself, much like
electrons. So the dense orgone will be self-disturbed and
over time will produce a pale blue glow as well as heat from
these interactions.

It appears to function like a capacitor where the plates are
analogous to the metal and the dielectric to the organic
material as where the energy is stored.

With two tuning forks, if you strike one, the other will
receive and begin to resonate with the excited one, coming
to near the same energy level.

So, with the idea of a cavity that is small enough to
intercept one or more ambient zpe frequencies, it would
function like a tuning fork or an antenna, absorbing energy
and establish equilibrium to the power level around it.

With many of these zpe points appearing and disappearing,
there would be a complex of frequencies, including many at
the same frequencies though probably not in phase unless
there is some kind of universal clock.

Still have no answer to that one, as cesium clocks and such
appear to be at the same phase and frequency
everywhere....but nothing I have found states this to be the
case, if it is, then they are being clocked by something.

With many such tiny amplitude frequencies coming into the
cavity via resonance then it could be tapped to draw off as
much energy as is necessary since the cavity would be
drained as fast as it fills back up from the ambient zpe.

In capacitors, AC passes through them because of the
alternating currents, Once a capacitor is fully charged, it
appears as an open circuit to DC voltage while passing AC.
If you have a DC circuit and want no AC, you can charge the
DC cap up and the capacitor will then let any AC signals to
pass (bypassing and coupling).

I'm trying to get a handle on the zpe interactions on micro
levels and so far the tuning fork seems to be the best

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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