Re: How do we locate, test for and use negative resistance?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 20:06:16 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received the following from Tom Bearden about this question
of negative resistance detection and measurement;
Subject: a few questions
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 14:55:49 -0500
From: "Tom Bearden"
To: "Jerry W. Decker"


On the point contact transistor: You can tell it's a
negative resistor when the output current runs backwards,
against the voltage. In short, it gives you more energy
than you input.

Your "input" or loss is (simplest case) -Vq when the q flows
normally. Your "gain" is (simplest case) Vq when the q
flows against the voltage. This should mostly happen when
delivering sharp pulses from the point contact to the block
of semiconductor material.

Negative resistance is a time-reversal effect. Contrary to
the conventional wisdom, time is not an "external river"
down which things float. There is in fact a physical
interaction that generates the rate of flow of an object
through time. More on that shortly.

One of the major problems (I'm working on a paper on this,
which will take a year or so to prepare) in physics and
particularly in electromagnetics is that they have
thoroughly confused causes (prior to interaction with mass
or charge) with effects (after interaction with mass or

As one example of hundreds, there is not a single text in
the world which shows an illustration of an EM wave prior to
its interaction with mass (charges).

Anytime you label something "E" or "H" (or "B"), you have
already brought in that "definition" of a point charge
interacting with the thing that came in from spacetime. You
are looking at the result of that interaction, and hence the
EFFECT, not the cause. This is quite rigorous, but it is
not everyone's cup of tea.

So EM theory has horribly confused effects with causes, and
USES effects as causes. A truly major effort must be done
to ever get it back on logical track and sort out the non
sequiturs. This mess has been growing illogically for well
over a century, so correction will require a major
scientific effort and major surgery.

And it will also incur the near-total opposition of the
entire scientific community, which largely is devoted to
maintaining the status quo in electrodynamics. Bluntly, it
likely will not be done unless a private wealthy patron is
interested in funding the several key theoreticians and
about 10 years of work that is required.

Certainly the scientific community will not fund it; to the
contrary it will destroy any scientist who dares tamper with
revealing the terrible flaws in fundamental foundations.

Anyway, to get a negative resistor, one MUST produce
reversed time effects. Not to worry, the positive charges
inside the nucleus of the atom are time-reversed anyway.
Further, Maxwell omitted half the energy and half the wave
(the time-reversed half that is born right along with the
time-forward half), plus he also did not separate cause from
effect. That is forgivable in Maxwell's time, because (1)
there were only about three dozen electrodynamicists
worldwide, and (2) all believed in the ubiquitous material

In other words, they all believed that there was not a
single point in all the universe that was devoid of mass.
So they defined the field intensity and potential intensity
by referring to a standard test reaction. And it still
defines the INTENSITY of field, potential, and wave, but not
at all the FIELD, POTENTIAL, and WAVE.

Eerily, those are completely misdefined in all physics and
EM books and in all dictionaries of physics.

A few modern electrodynamicists are and have noticed the
discrepancies, and are closing in slowly on a solution, inch
by inch.

Let me give you two examples of a time-reversal generated
ordinary EM action. First, take Newton's third law. In the
theory, it does not have a cause at all; it's just a
description. So here is the missing time-reversed half of
the energy and wave that Maxwell omitted, as did Heaviside,
Hertz, Lorentz, and everyone else to the present day.

When you receive an incoming EM wave in a wire antenna, our
instruments measure the perturbation of the negative charges
in the Drude electron gas, and we call that the "measurement
of the wave". It's only half of it. Simultaneously, the
same incoming "fields" caused the positive nuclei to
interact with equal energy
in opposite direction (due to their opposite charge).

Well, unless we wish to completely throw away conservation
of energy, that energy had to be input. So it came in with
the wave. Every physicist and electrodynamicist will admit
the equal energy recoil, highly damped in amplitude because
of the great mass-to-charge ratio involved, but then will
piously invoke a magic demon who watches the Drude electrons
get kicked, and turns and precisely kicks the nuclei
accordingly. Needless to say, that is mysticism and not
science, but everybody invokes it.

Second, take the common old Lenz law effect. Well, the
recoiling nuclei in the wire, e.g., have a lot more mass per
charge than the extremely light electrons. So when the
electrons are suddenly changed, the nuclei keep rocking
along for a bit, and being field-coupled to the electrons,
they generate a great ruckus in the Drude gas to keep doing
its former thing and ignore the input changes.

Arising from a time-reversed positive nucleus, this is a
time-reversal and amplification of the input. So it
generates what is called Lenz's law.

Notice that when observation or detection occurs upon LLLT
spacetime, a d/dt operator acts to produce LLL. It strips
away the time and leaves a purely spatial thing.

You could be moving in negative time and I could be moving
in positive time, and sit across the table from each other
normally. Except you would seem to speak backwards to me,
and me to you!. A purely LLL entity doesn't exist or move
in time anyway; it's one frozen snapshot taken at one time
by zeroing time and examining the spatial "ice" that was

The common E-H diagram supposed to be the EM wave in
spacetime is just such a "slice" or "frozen spatial snap" in
x and y. By integrating a succession of such "frozen x-y
snaps" along the z-axis, one has an LLL composite of the
various frozen snaps. It DOES NOT represent anything that
existed in space before the snapshots/reactions occurred.

Again, it's a set of effects, not a set of causes at all,
and it really represents only half the effects, being what
one will get in a sort of "Drude" gas of unit positive point

There is another very serious omission from mechanics and
electrodynamics, of great importance. Since both
time-forward and time-reversed actions always happen (not
just the time-forward half retained in mechanics and EM), it
means that not only do we have the interaction of delta
cause => delta effect, but we also have delta effect =>
delta cause.

Actually this does appear in general relativity, because
Einstein got it in there. In GR, any change in spacetime
curvature (a causal side change for the observation process)
results in a change upon the interacting mass-energy (the
delta effect), and also any change on the effects side (any
change in mass-energy) results in a change on the causal
side (a change in the curvature of

Anyway, to test for negative resistance, do something like
the following:

place an experimental point contact on a small junction slab
of germanium, where you have completed the experimental
"construction" for a point contact transistor.

Then experiment with pulsing the point contact, at different
pulse frequencies, rise and decay times, pulse widths, etc.
and observe the results.

What you are looking for is a regime where

(1) you introduce a known, characterized pulse or pulse
train, and

(2) you observe the current running backwards in the output,
against the voltage.

The effects that cause this are optical effects. "Current"
as we use the term in electrodynamics is a very crude and
gross average.

First, the ENSEMBLE of electrons do not move down the wire
very rapidly at all, usually (simple circuit) only a few
inches per hour or so. However, even when no
net current is moving in the wire, an extraordinary set of
dynamics is going on.

Electrons are hopping from atoms into the Drude electron
gas, and back, etc. with great rapidity. In the Drude gas,
the electrons are thermal and are moving with a huge set of
velocities between collisions. There is a distribution of
the velocities, of course, and also a distribution of the
distance the electrons move before a collision.

Some percentage of electrons are very far away from the
"drift velocity" of the average of the ensemble. So INSIDE
the normal "current" there is a great dynamics of electron
"small currents" ongoing, some at high velocity, some at
medium, etc. Some in the direction of the overall average
current, some in the other direction.

There is also a continual set of such things going on in the
positively charged nuclei. I.e., the nucleons are switching
positive charges and changing one into the other, and
boiling away and so on, and this too is electromagnetically
coupled up into the Drude electron gas, and into that
internal dynamic structure INSIDE the "average electron
drift" known as "current."

Some of those "internal" dynamics going on inside the "net
average current" are at optical frequencies, for example.
So just because the "'average" or net ensemble drift is low
frequency does not mean that we are dealing JUST WITH THAT

Instead, that frequency is literally "filled" with jillions
of internal frequencies, different amplitudes of the same
frequency, etc.

All that is going on in spades in semiconductor materials,
where you also have to add in the holes, hole currents,
internal structuring and dynamics INSIDE the net hole
currents, etc.

With germanium you have another marvelous phenomenon.
Germanium has the unique capability (with certain kinds of
waves it involves) of transducing input transverse
disturbances into longitudinal disturbances and vice versa.

The Whittaker 1903 and 1904 papers (referenced a zillion
times!) can be applied in ensemble to show that there is
structure in all EM potentials, fields, and waves -- and in
fact MAKING and CREATING the envelopes that we measure and
call our "electrodynamics".

The internal EM is far more fundamental than the external

In short, the LWs occur in time-forward and time-reversed

He who learns to use and control the LWs learns to use and
control both time-forward and time-reversed phenomena, and
control all EM and EM interactions as well, in ways we can
hardly fathom at present. The longitudinally polarized EM
waves also allow one to make time-polarized EM waves, and
thus engineer not only matter but also mind as well as mind
and matter coupling (as in a living system) etc.

Mind is totally electrodynamic, but the "novel"
time-polarized EM indicated by quantum field theory. A
couple nations of the world have already extensively
weaponized the time-EM domain, but our orthodox scientists
are still rather completely in the dark, having not yet even
discovered how to make a time-polarized EM wave, much less
the discovered the phenomenology of using one.

Here is a very great secret that took me years to find.
There is a physical mechanism which acts upon a mass or
charge to GENERATE its flow through time, including its
direction of flow through time and also its rate of flow
through time. Here's the gist of it in simplified terms:

A charge interacting with more antiphotons than photons will
be time-reversed back to a previous state. After all, Dirac
predicted the positron -- not as a separate positive charge
going forward in time, but as an electron or negative charge
going backwards in time.

So "going backwards in time" is not really such a big deal.
Note that it is NOT time-travel in the sci-fi sense. For
"time-travel" you would have to have you yourself continue
to move forward in time normally, while all the rest of the
universe was time-reversed back to a previous state. That
is not at all what we are talking about.

It is possible to let the rest of the world continue
normally, while concentrating antiphotons upon one single
object (charge, or even a whole human body as Priore
demonstrated) and have the radiated entity time-reversed
back to a previous state.

The laws of physics that we state for a FORWARD TIME
SITUATION are reversed for a time-reversed situation. E.g.,
like charges attract in a little zone where more antiphotons
than photons are interacting with the charges. This
happens, I believe, in cold fusion electrolytes.

Using that, I was able to propose specific new nuclear
reactions that generated the alpha particles, the deuterium,
and the excess energy. Further, I was able to show
consistency (not proof, but the first requirement for proof)
with the eerie instrumental anomalies in electrolyte
experiments in U.S. Navy facilities at China Lake.

All of that is just to get back into that germanium slab.
Contact tip amplification occurs of the normal Poynting
component of the energy injected, as well as the unaccounted
but present Heaviside component (which is huge, being many
orders of magnitude greater than the Poynting component).

So the pulsing injects

(1) amplified accounted energy,

(2) amplified unaccounted energy (which can be taken as a
special case of energy from the vacuum, since the Heaviside
component is an ORGANIZED local vacuum; the
"organization" implies energy a priori,

(3) some transduction between transverse waves and
longitudinal waves, which means you "get at" that infolded
electrodynamics and not just the "envelope" stuff they
taught us in university,

(4) the involvement of the "internal" EM in all those
complex processes in that slab of germanium, and hence the
immediate involvement of nonlinear optical phenomena
including the interacting components serving as pumped phase

There are some other phenomena, such as iterative phase
conjugate reflections internally (just call it "internal
ping-pong" for short), Anderson-type trapping, and positive
feedback, but these are an asymmetrical self-regauging
process and thus an energy amplifying process.

But the overall effect one is seeking is the emission of the
TIME-REVERSED energy/power effects.

Once you get negative resistance effects, increasing the
load will simply result in increasing the energy flow from
the vacuum. Nature pays you to do negentropy, and that's
really what "free energy" is all about!

In short, when one sees the current running backwards
against the voltage in the output, then one is seeing the
envelope of the results of the time-reversal functionings.
And that is what underlies what is loosely called "true
negative resistance".

You do not have to "move" things with huge velocities, in
order to affect the rate of flow of time. It's a process (I
discovered it in 1971 at Georgia Tech, and also found that
no one wanted to hear about it!) and is also engineerable
with some difficulty.

Time is also spatial energy that has been compacted by at
least c-squared. So it has at least the "energy density" of

Finally, here's a great secret, astounding in its
simplicity. So simple that it easily goes right by one's
mind. It deals with entropy and negentropy.

Entropy is the hard way of doing business. By definition,
entropy is the growth of disorder in the energy involved in
some process or processes. All that "disorder" really means
is that one has "lost control" of it. Not a joule of energy
has been lost, just the "control" of it.

Entropic energy is regarded as hopeless trash and waste by
most scientists. You get it, they say, by doing positive
work. Actually they are thinking a little further, where
not only did you change the form of the energy, but you
"lost control" of the resulting form. That is the real
definition of work; you change the form of the energy, and
you "lose control" of the new form, in which case you have
"made some entropy" so to speak.

The heartbreaking thing is that they have not realized it is
largely recoverable if we use and develop the proper
negentropic processes! Instead, mostly they just shrug it
off and use "equilibrium with losses" reasoning to assume
you cannot recover it.

Nature will be happy to give you control of the energy
again, if you let her.
Indeed, nature likes negentropy, and will pay you for
allowing her the conditions to do negentropy in.

So we have the direct connection between "positive work,
lose control of energy, entropy". Unconsciously, we were
also thinking in "forward time" without explicitly stating
it, and often without even realizing it.

When we lose control of pieces of energy, we lose control of
pieces of time also, because neither energy nor time occurs
independently. They occur in little angular momenta called
"quanta" (photons), each comprised of a little piece of time
welded to a little piece of energy with no seam in the

About half the scientific literature completely ignores the
time component and deals only with the energy, erroneously
stating that energy is "quantized" which is false. It is
discretized, but not quantized.

If we do not alter the rate of flow of time, the discrete
chunks of energy all have the same size, but they are still
not "quanta" in the fundamental sense. If
we alter the rate of flow of time or the frequency, etc., we
alter the discrete chunks of spatial energy.

So when we lose some "quanta", we lose (disorder) the energy
parts and also the time parts. In short, we have in nature
(but not in our science) an entropy of time as well as an
entropy of energy.

Rigorously, we "lose" energy by losing control; we never
really "consume" it. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Every joule back there at the beginning of the universe, is
still present. And it does many more joules of work than
one joule, because it continues to change form in its
interactions with matter and with other energy.

Eerily, the same is true for time, since time is just highly
compressed energy.

One of the odd things is that the gravity our scientists
have worked out where they disregarded temporal entropy, is
incomplete. They certainly have not examined temporal
"recovery" or reordering. And so they have run full tilt
into huge effects involving the entire universe, which are
inexplicable by their present gravitational theory.

In open systems far from equilibrium (steady state), the
system does not have to obey the old equilibrium
thermodynamics. It is permitted to do some remarkable
things, such as

(1) self-organize,

(2) self-oscillate or self-rotate,

(3) output more energy than we ourselves input (the excess
is received from the active environment),

(4) power itself and its load (all the energy is received
from the active environment), and

(5) exhibit negentropy.

Now that is also true with time-energy. So in open systems
far from equilibrium, the systems can permissibly

(1) self-organize time-energy,

(2) self-oscillate temporally,

(3) output more time-energy than is input by the operator
(the excess is received from the external environment),

(4) output one kind of time upon a target or "time-energy
load", thereby controlling whether the load moves in forward
time or reversed time, and

(5) exhibit negentropy in time-energy.

None of that is yet in physics, but it is true nonetheless.

Here is the startling thing:

To make ENERGY entropy, you have to "pay" for it by doing
positive work (i.e., furnishing input energy which is
"dissipated"). So you "brute force" nature to do what you
want, but nature makes you pay handsomely for insisting on
raping her that way.

To make TIME-ENERGY entropy, you have to "pay" for it by
doing positive time-work, which is just time-dilation by
another name. Again you "brute force" nature to change the
rate of flow of time, but nature makes you pay handsomely
for insisting on raping her that way.

To make ENERGY negentropy, you don't have to pay for it at
all, since you would do "negative work", which means that
nature pays you handsomely by giving you an outflow of
energy for free. Nature pays you back handsomely for
leading her by the hand and treating her like a lady.

To make TIME-ENERGY negentropy, you don't have to pay for it
at all, since you would do "negative time-work", which means
that nature pays you handsomely by giving you an outflow of
time-energy for free. Again, nature pays you back
handsomely for leading her by the hand and treating her like
a lady.

In short, we must pay nature if we do entropic work.

Nature pays us if we let her do negentropic work.

The entire trick and attitude one takes is that, since all
our science is entropic because we've developed it that way,
we must seek to do just the minimum positive work necessary
to "tickle" or "trigger" nature to do the time-reversal
reactions she so dearly loves. If we do that and succeed, a
grateful nature will reward us with all the energy one ever
dreamed of.

Now as to that gravity thing that has our scientists
bumfuzzled. According to our present theory, as we look out
there further into the universe, the force of gravity ought
to be slowing things down, so to speak, by attracting them
back. Well, just the opposite is observed. Instead, what
is seen is that a "negative gravity" effect is operating, to
further accelerate the masses in their flight.

What we are actually seeing is the negentropy we have been
ignoring in almost all the interactions. Every system is an
open system in that it continuously and fiercely interacts
with both virtual and observable photons. We have been
ignoring much of the antiphoton-induced negentropy that is
ongoing in the nucleus (else it would not have a positive

The nucleus of every atom is actually time-reversed anyway,
but since we "see" in positive time by the photon
interactions with the electron shells, we have to transpose
everything into forward time, usually by reversing the
spatial vectors.
Again, any positive charge is a negative charge going
backwards in time, as seen by the observer.

Anyway, the "weak negentropic gravity" part also exists, and
as we get out there further, we see its effects. In short,
we see the antigravity that has always been there anyway,
but just omitted from our theory.

You see, gravitational energy is "negative" energy, as is
well known. So again, antigravity is "positive" energy. So
when we see the effects of some additional "positive" energy
out there, unaccounted for in the prevailing theory, we
probably are looking at the previously unaccounted "positive
energy" time-reversed gravitational counterpart we've been

Anyway, good luck with the point contact transistors.

I might make one other suggestion. There is a
"recombination time" effect in semiconductors also. When
there are temporal changes in the vicinity, obviously the
recombination time of the semiconductor should be affected.

If someone wishes, a circuit (I believe NASA had a good one
some years ago) for measuring recombination time might be
useful in detecting the effects of time-energy alterations
and indirectly indicate the presence of longitudinal waves
which produce them.


--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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