pete's aether que's

chuck's corner ( (no email) )
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 18:30:52 -0400

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hi Pete,
I for one have my own reasons, (i got a dui and needed some =
'time-out', this was my diversion) but I have always been fond of =
science from an early age ....I clearly see from your perspective and =
recognize the need for fundamentals or we would have no foundation to =
build from......however, I also recognize the music when I hear it that =
even tho darwinism is only a theory (to the last of my knowledge) it is =
taught in the schools as if it were law......irrefutable(at least by my =
teachers), and truthful and honest to be considered complete in itself =
(with only a missing link discovery or two to fill in the gaps) and then =
I hear of some of the anomolous effects that manifest themselves as a =
result of some of the weird experiments and I wonder......if it really =
is 'I before 'e' except after 'c' then is it 'efficient' (spelling is =
correct) to assume that all laws are correct? It is my understanding =
that we are here to challenge, with foresight as guidance, to correct or =
affirm the existing laws as needed to include ALL facets not just those =
that are 'sufficient' (am I breaking a law?) to warrant serious concern =
by the are obviously not un-educated, so my question =
to you would be ..... "will you have the courage to change the things =
you can, patience to accept those you cant,.....and.......the wisdom to =
know the difference.....we here dont have all the answers but we DO know =
the difference and with luck someday maybe one of us can do for science =
what standard practice cant.....a unified theory...
Jerry's pill may be a bit big and hard to swallow but,...... I took the =
advice and am having the time of my life building these =
projects.....maybe it could even be me.....wish me luck I'm sure =
all here will express to you as well, thanks, Chuck Farrar=20
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hi Pete,
  I for one have my own =reasons, (i got=20a dui and needed some 'time-out', this was my diversion) but I have =always been=20fond of science from an early age ....I clearly see from your =perspective and=20recognize the need for fundamentals or we would have no foundation to =build=20from......however, I also recognize the music when I hear it that even =tho=20darwinism is only a theory (to the last of my knowledge) it is taught in =the=20schools as if it were law......irrefutable(at least by my teachers), and =truthful and honest to be considered complete in itself (with only a =missing=20link discovery or two to fill in the gaps) and then I hear of some of =the=20anomolous effects that manifest themselves as a result of some of the =weird=20experiments and I wonder......if it really is 'I before 'e'  except =after=20'c' then is it 'efficient'  (spelling is correct) to assume that =all laws=20are correct? It is my understanding that we are here to challenge, with=20foresight as guidance, to correct or affirm the existing laws as needed =to=20include ALL facets not just those that are 'sufficient' (am I =breaking a=20law?) to warrant serious concern by the are obviously =not=20un-educated, so my question to you would be ..... "will you have =the=20courage to change the things you can, patience to accept those you=20cant,.....and.......the wisdom to know the difference.....we here dont =have all=20the answers but we DO know the difference and with luck someday maybe =one of us=20can do for science what standard practice cant.....a unified=20theory...
 Jerry's pill may be a bit =big and hard=20to swallow but,...... I took the advice and am having the time of my =life=20building these projects.....maybe it could even be me.....wish me =luck I'm sure all here will express to you as=20well,         thanks, Chuck=20Farrar 
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