Re: Question about the aether

Peter Ammon ( )
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 14:55:23 -0400

>Hi Peter!
>Yes, the classical aether....these days being called
>zpe....light does NOT travel at the same speed despite all
>that has been promulgated....even the original experiments
>showed variations of +/- 12mps..all averaged to give a
>supposedly 'fixed' number..there have been others who
>confirmed the existence of aether, most notably

My understanding is that either there's a preferred frame of reference
through which light moves, or there isn't. The MM experiment was such a
resounding blow against the aether because, although the effect observed
was not nil, it was extremely far beneath the result needed to confirm the
aether (approximately 2.5 %).

>You see, that is what KeelyNet uses as a given...that
>everything comes from and reduces back to aether/zpe...and
>when we learn to control gravity we will shortly thereafter
>be able to modify the technique to extract energy from the
>aether/zpe...and it also applies to health because it can be
>used to alter time to assist or promote healing and
>rejuvenation in the body...that's why our topics have always
>been free energy, gravity control and electronic health.

So aether and zero point energy are considered synonymous on keelynet?
Then that answers my question; thank you.


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