Updating the subject-LEA/Ohio Devices

ashita2 ( ashita2@vif.com )
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 21:13:59 -0500

My infos were dated by at least 9 months..I do not know if Lee Crock won his
battle in Ohio Supreme court or ?

Also the LEA device as the Ohio device are RADIONIC devices..The LEA is in
addition a remedy(homeopathic,etc) replicator.Unsure about the Ohio device..

Question- Lee Crock did assure me about + 1 yr ago that he COULD transmit
the signal of his device by PHONE..That he was putting in his device a sort
of coded Universal signal(?) that made it different from others.. and thus
only HIS device was able to deliver the goods..

Finally why was he selling it for about $3,000 US(?) is costs of producing
it according to some $30 US ?

I am sure his DEVICE is much more complex and something is LEFT OUT of his
patent,a bit like Royal Rife designs...and that is the $3,000 Us
question/answer I would guess..


P.S. His Universal signal(?) is same wave(?) that makes these "mysterious"
energy devices work except it is tuned in for human vibrations.It could be a
longitudinal(Tesla) wave of some sort- like the one used in the original
Rife Generators..at a lower(?) signal that wave is similar to the cosmic
energy that powered Moray's,Tesla devices and tha tof others..like

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