Re: Patents assigned in the public domain

Chris ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 01:58:28 -0800

Is there a waiver that the members of the group could sign to prevent
this misuse of the patent law. I was just wondering if this was a feasible
way for us to get around this B.S. of having someone patent an idea as their
I find this very disheartening to say the least. I'm not a technical
person, but I do have ideas that I think would benefit everyone and this is
why I subscribed to this group. As I'm sure that MOST of us are people
willing to give their thoughts and ideas freely without compensation, there
are a few people who are out to make a quick buck.
I believe there is a document that prevents people from patenting
ideas posted on this net or any other information posted by you. When I
submitted an idea to ISC a few years ago, they signed it saying that they
would not market, patent, or submit it to industries without my consent. . .

Just a thought. . .


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