Fact or Fiction?

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 05:11:35 -0500

Hi all,
I was watching a television program the other night (unfortunately, I do
not recall what show it was, or what station it was on.... the discovery
channel or something similar) and heard something that I had not heard of
At one point in the show, the topic was skydiving, and the narrator stated
(as if factual information) that sky divers do need to breath while diving,
because all the necessary oxygen could be absorbed through the skin while
diving. A quick search on the net, to try and find information to support
this claim did not prove successful, as I found statements both supporting
this claim and others refuting it. Does anyone know whether this statement
is fact or fiction? I would tend to think that it is NOT true, but it is
strange that a fictional statement like that would be made on the type of
program I was watching.
I know this topic does not directly fall under the topics discussed here,
but I thought someone on this list might know the answer, and if true, I
wondered what medical benefits or side effects would result from the
process. Again, I tend to think that the statement is false, as I would
think we would see this incorporated into some type of medical apparatus
for use when breathing normal is difficult or impossible, by normal means.
Actually the more I think about it, the more stupid it sounds, so it is
probably not worth posting this message, but since I already typed it
up.... If nothing else it reminds us that we cannot believe everything we
see on TV, regardless of the nature of television program....

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