Re: Gunnerman A-55 30-50% water to fuel mix

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:22:48 -0800 (PST)

Hi Chuck et al!

No reason in particular that I'm not stuck on GEET as
the only option...I know Paul and I think he's great
but the web is swamped with stuff about GEET.

With so much being available about GEET these days,
why join the herd and further confuse the issue?

I much prefer the lesser known material that needs to
see the light of day and hopefully get picked up,
copied and experimented with...

Lots of ways to skin a cat.

You seem to be particularly fixated on GEET..<g>...not
my business to ask why but its just there is SO MUCH
out there about it and a lot of people marketing it as
franchise distributor and all that jazz.

Some of the MANY sites;

and on and on and on...

We have MORE than covered GEET as per KeelyNet posts

Geet is mentioned twice in this water/fuel doc;

Twice mentioned - Naudins experiment with GEET and
free GEET conversion plans at;

and the posts on this very discussion list are at;

and it came up with 31 OTHER mentions of GEET, so I
don't understand why you think its not sufficiently

Sounds like you need to start a GEET discussion list
so you can fill up on it..<g>..for hoots, looked it up
and guess what came up, a post to THIS discussion list
recommending the GEET discussion list as at;

You must not have received the email threatening
repercussions for anyone who talked about GEET
publicly...<g>...JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- chuck's corner <> wrote:
> Jerry,
> ?
> curious..... I know I was able to reach you with an
> earlier there a reason why people (and you
> as well it would seem) have been quite close-lipped
> about the Geet fuel processor or its potential place

> in our present predicament regarding fuel prices...?

> or is there another reason I'm not aware of....? I
> for one find it remarkable but am having to re-
> evaluate my 'conventional wisdoms' regarding engines

> as this controls fuel consumption as well as heat by

> restricting flow ....


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