Re: Lee Crock Aura Healing update

Sat, 25 Mar 2000 06:45:19 +1200

Hi All,

The screen as proposed by Lee I would have thought is simply that the body
becomes the dielectric polarised.
I have done aura healing which is called here faith healing and in fact
does the same thing as his screens do.(to me it is a strenuous process as I
have to fully extend my whole being into my hands which can take up to 10
minutes and needs a tremendous oxygen intake over and above the normal.)
As for the observation of an aura, anyone can train to see them, it is just
a matter of learning to look with different receptors of one's eyes. You
must learn to look with unfocussed eyes and use the receptors used for
A good way I found to train on is the sun. Learn to look at is straight on
without seeing it as the sun. i.e. get command of your eye muscles. Try on
light bulbs first otherwise you'll go blind!. Once trained to look with the
side receptors, you will also see rays emanating from somewhere which
always fall at 90 degrees to the surface. Sometimes that thick that I think
it is raining. Normally it appears as a slight drizzle. I have often
thought that this is a particular particle as the speed of fall always
appears the same about twice as fast as raindrops.

I do get a bit tired of people who think that somehow death can be
prevented and is a state of life that should be avoided at all times
especially when they sue the medico's for negligence. I have no time for
the medico's but not because they are not trying but because they undress
everybody for stacks of money they don't need.
i.e. they grossly profit from others misery.
We hear and see every day on T.V the sorry stories from people denied a
heart transplant at the governments expense or liver transplants or any
other transplant. I fail to see why the tax payer at large should pay for
this treatment and the usual comment of putting the blame on the
bureaucrats for failing to provide the funds by the media is the most sick
comment I can ever hear.
One is never informed of the reasons why their organs failed which is
usually the result of the mismanagement of their bodies anyway.
As for developing a timer with a 15 minute interval, what is wrong with
one's hands ?? There are more watches than people on this earth I am sure
and if you want to benefit from the treatment, surely it is worthwhile to
keep awake for 3/4 of an hour.

Sorry to be a spoilsport but surely we don't need a gadget to hold our hand
all the time.


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