Harris Magnetic Flapper

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:16:21 -0800 (PST)

Hi Bob et al!

Thanks Bob Paddock for bringing this up, I can't see
how it works, could someone 'splain it please? A new
graphic showing the motion would make it easier to
visualize, but I can't draw up what I don't
The quote by Stuart Harris, inventor of the TOMI that
I find really intriguing is;

"Motion is merely continuous instability."

I saw that on a website that was posted here, when the
guy says motion is 'clocked' at something like 67,000
cps, forget the details but he too says motion is this
jerky movement, smoothed out by our perceptions..

Here is the diagram, perhaps it will translate
properly to the emails;

X /
/ |
/ |
/ |
0/ |
A |
D | C

'o' is an axle, a pivot point.

Mass '0' is moved from 'A' to 'B.' What do you think
happens then? Is it just possible, despite all your
inclinations to the contrary, that mass '0' could move
toward 'C,' then 'D,' then back to 'A'?

And upon reentering the track at 'A,' do you really
believe that, because it went up the incline once
before, it will not climb the incline again?

the Law of Conservation of Energy says that the
kinetic energy of the movement of the mass up the
incline is converted to PE at the upper apex.

The law of equilibrium would seem to dictate the arm
pivoting and swinging like a pendulum. The law of the
swing for pendulum, in the configuration above,
guarantees the heavier end will swing to a point just
below the original height of initial high point, to

As you can see, this is more than sufficient for the
mass to return to the base of the incline, whether it
is designed to stop it in the track on the upswing or
on the downswing.

And you are perfectly correct. Whatever gets the mass
back into the track at the low point is a mechanical

This is the 'Flapper.' It will demonstrate CM, but it
has a flaw in my view. It must be set in the first
instance, and any torque which would stop it would
also dictate it be reset.

In my view, 'Continuous Motion is merely continuous

In order for any machine to operate in a manner in
which torque can stop it, and then it restart on its
own, the entire system must be in a continuous state
of instability.

In other words, it can be stopped to allow some
resistive force to function and do work; but when that
resistive back torque, so to speak, go below the
motive torque of the machine, it must resume motion.
This can only occur if, when it was stopped, it was in
a state of instability under normal torque.

The Hamster Cage is a more expensive version, but you
can stop it with resistive torque, but because the
hamster cannot find stability at a lower apex, it must
always be in such a position as to cause imbalance,
instability in the cage. There are several of the
techniques to achieve the same effect.

If you take the hamster cage off the axle and put it
on a track, it will roll around a track, giving you
your precious horizontal circumnavigation, and without
inclines, a flat track.

I had hoped most of you scientists and engineers would
figure this all out, but it seems to be the
'inclination' to simply say it cannot be done.

This indicates, also, that in my present condition, it
is a waste of what time I have left to remain. [He
left, and this is why some think he is secritive.
Nope, just frustrated.]

Pat (Stuart Harris)


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of

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