Re: Should Keelynet have meetings?

cer56 ( )
Sun, 19 Mar 2000 20:41:21 -0700

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Good Idea, when?


Sean Bogaard wrote:

> I know this topic must have come up at least once in the past but I
> wasn't around tocatch the answer. It seems to me that it would be
> great to have an annual shin-dig at perhaps a central location where
> we could all get to know eachother and maybe have a couple of guest
> speakers. The brave could bring thier prototypes..etc. What do 'yall
> think? sean

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Good Idea, when?


Sean Bogaard wrote:

I know this topic musthave come up at least once in the past but I wasn't around tocatchthe answer.  It seems to me that it would be great to have an annualshin-dig at perhaps a central location where we could all get to know eachotherand maybe have a couple of guest speakers.  The brave could bringthier prototypes..etc. What do 'yall think? sean


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