Re: Patent for faster-than-light speed transmitter

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 06:08:06 -0800 (PST)

Hi Paul et al!

I posted that patent thing from Bert before seeing
your post earlier on the same day, sorry, it was you
Paul who first sent it here.

I didn't even realize it had been posted, checked
eScribe several times yesterday, reloaded and even
went offline and came back and IT WAS NOT
ARCHIVED...sent them an email and NOW ITS medication??? What was that???

It has happened before, usually when their page goes
offline for 'maintenance', so something is up with
their telling how many emails to this
list have been skipped and I would not have even
noticed if Norm hadn't brought it to my attention.
(thanks Norm)

Anyway, I guess Bert doctored the title a bit more,
you know, flash and pop does tend to draw more

I sent eScribe an email about this loss of information
which has happened several times earlier but they
apparently haven't resolved it.

So how many other subscribers there have incomplete
archives and might be totally unaware of it??

Waiting for their response, the other times I
documented the skipped posts, this time I could have
been in error but I did check several times and
flushed my buffers to reload with it still not showing

So, this business about 'accelerating plant growth'
when in the presence of this 'other dimension' FTL
device is quite intriguing....could it be heat from
the lamp or the strong magnetic field, both of which
would influence the growth of plants....

Both of these certainly need to be completely shielded
before making such a claim....

> First, you need to create a hot surface that is
> more than 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.
> Next, it requires a strong magnetic field.

--- Paul Baucom <> wrote:
> Here's one that might spark some discussion:
> Hyper-light speed antenna


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