In addition to ....RE: Lee Crock Device

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 08:21:22 -0500

One more thought on testing....
Might I also add trying an increased magnetic field to lay on.
There is literally tons of information on how magnetic fields
can increase bone healing, improve health, etc etc... Also it
is of interest that in our decreasing earth's magnetic field there
seems to be more and more debilitating health issues. If you
believe in creationism (not trying to get Biblical) then imagine
a perfect balanced Eco system, where the energy of the sun, moon,
stars all energize the earth ... to replace the energy that we consume
on the earth (plants, animals, humans, etc). Now take our earth's
magnetic field and reverse extrapolate (decay rate exponential) this
field and you'll notice that it gets to be around 10,000 times our
field in say 4,000 years? Well, there is some implications to the
flood, that I will not go into...which was a collapse of the field
but... the point here is that cell development NEEDS a magnetic
field to develop and reproduce it self. So I would also try an
increased magnetic field to lay on say 1000 times the earth's present
magnetic field. This would be in order that our cells require a
steady supply of magnetic fields in order to function properly. It
is no wonder that the Electromagnetic soup we live in today.. that
our cells become confused.. we tire out..fatigue sets in.. the
immune system slows or shuts down.. cells are not able to absorb
the proper electromagnetic energy and mutations set in... imbalances
occur... etc etc.. cancer!

Just my 2 cents...
v/r Ken Carrigan

>Hi Trev!
>Well, I was kind of hoping several people would whup
>this up and try it....not like it costs anything to
>make...<g>...most of us have the stuff laying around
> lady at work who has cancer also has a
>much loved dog which has cancer and she wants to try
>it on the dog about objective testing!!
>If it works on an animal that couldn't possibly know
>what was being done to it, or why and get results,
>then that would be hard to deny....

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