Re: Lee Crock Device

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 13:01:42 -0800 (PST)

Hi Trev!

Well, I was kind of hoping several people would whup
this up and try it....not like it costs anything to
make...<g>...most of us have the stuff laying around lady at work who has cancer also has a
much loved dog which has cancer and she wants to try
it on the dog about objective testing!!

If it works on an animal that couldn't possibly know
what was being done to it, or why and get results,
then that would be hard to deny....

That is a factor with humans which always bothers
me....the 'pre-loading' factor where people have
expectations or want to please or confirm the

So its always better not to tell anyone anything about
what it is, how it works and ESPECIALLY what to

That way, its relies on just the BEFORE tests to
verify there was a condition as stated and verified,
then an AFTER test to verify something happened,
hopefully a positive something.

--- wrote:
> Hello Jerry. I just read your information on Lee
> Crock 's device and if it really works it will be
> an exceptional weapon in the arsenal of healing. I
> see that you plan to build it and use it. I eagerly
> wait for your report on the results. As someone
> noted, I forget who (was that you?) , many of these
> devices like the Beck device or the Rife generator
> seem to use electrical energy as nutrition for the
> body supplying run-down, depleted cells with
> energy. The Lee Crock device seems to function in
> that mode. Unlike other devices, however, it seems
> much simpler and if sold as a kit much more
> affordable (the $3,000 dollar device definetly
> sounds like a ripoff) So, yes, definitely send us
> info on what results you get!


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