Re: Lee Crock Update - 03/09/00

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 09:16:16 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

Quite an interesting device.

So we have a lipid oil film on the surface of cells
which acts as a dielectric to hold charge on and in

He does refer to an 'static' charge on cells which are
discharged when the polarity alters the dielectric of
the body to allow the breakdown.

Cells are like tuned capacitors and inductors (with
DNA as the coil) as per Lakhovsky and others who
pioneered 'electronic medicine'.

Charged Ions can carry elements into and out of the
cells depending on polarity of the cell and the
ambient medium.

I believe somewhere I have read that cancer cells are
electro positive with respect to surrounding tissue.

A capacitor consists of two conductive surfaces
separated by a dielectric that has high resistance.

The two mesh screens serve as the capacitor plates,
the body of the subject serves as the dielectric.

A positive current flowing from one electrode through
the body into the other electrode should cause the
ions in the cells to migrate and carry out any excess
of elements or toxins.

By changing the polarity, so that a negative current
now flows, the polarity of the tissues should reverse
and ions would be absorbed into the cells.

Lee says this system works by emptying and refilling
the tissues, like a bucket full of mud, that is filled
and emptied over and over with clean water, until all
the mud is gone and the bucket is clean.

The ions would carry the toxins out of the cells where
they would be caught up in the blood stream,
intercepted by phages and probably stored in the lymph
system to be excreted during urination or other waste

When the polarity of the body is reversed, the cells
would now accept ions to add electrical energy,
hopefully carrying in nutrients and other material
beneficial to the body.

By repeating this process, over and over, IF it works
as he says and this basic description/analogy is
correct, then I think he is onto something very basic
that appears to be fundamental to health in general.

I'd think that drinking pure water would help in
purging the system as he did comment on dehydration as
a possibility if you overuse it.


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