Re: Newman Motor Auction

SWB ( )
Mon, 06 Mar 2000 15:28:37 -0500

"Carrigan, Ken" wrote:
> Sure would like someone to put this Newman motor issue to bed.
> I for one, still do not believe this.

Amen to that Ken!

I, (for one) would like to 'shoot it in the head', and give it a 'dirt
nap'. 'NOT', just "put-it-to-bed"!

The "offer" he is making now is a 'Real Deal': For the highest bid,
starting at "$2000" you can be the proud owner, of a "collectable",
('toy like' {My words}) "working model" with his signature on it, for
you and your posterity to stare at, in perpetuity. And, 20 years from
now, you and your kids will still be sitting around looking it (while
you 'wish', that you had your $2000 back (or, at least had invested it
in a savings account, so that your kids could have gone to college!)

> Why has he never made a 'self run' generator in all his years and
> tinkering? You would think that even if it where 200% overunity
> that he would run a small generator from the mechanical energy and
> place that back into the Newman machine.

AGAIN ! Yea, and Amen to that, brother! Though, Joe would tell you, that
he has; and, all you have to do is come to his shop to see one. But; I
assume, that you mean, one 'in productive use', which is actually 'doing
something constructive' with it's readily apparent, and easily
measurable O/U'!

If Joe was REALLY serious about raising "production funds", I know
several people personally, who would put out $50,000 PLUS the cost of
expenses; 'IF', he would just come install an 'operational', fully
functioning device, which will get their house 'off-the-grid' (AND, if
he 'could' & 'would' PROVE & Guarantee, to their satisfaction, AND, to
an independent observer -like Jerry), that it 'was doing', and 'would
continue to: do-the-job', before absconding with their check.)

Over the years, I have seen several people make that very offer (with
varying degrees of payment). That has always made copious sense to me.
But, NOOOOOO! That would make TOOOOOOOOO much sense in general; and, is
not 'in keeping' with the 'eccentric nature', of this self proclaimed

Yeah Joe, I know; anybody could still then claim, that it was a hoax;
but, that is really no excuse. There are always going to be those who
refuse to acknowledge the truth, even while it is starring them in the
face. You face the exact same problem, in trying to convince the
general public, that it is NOT the battery keeping your device alive;
and not O/U. The 'masses' will never understand O/U -
'right-out-of-the-gate', no matter WHO 'mass produces' the first working
O/U device. And, it will literally be years, before enough people are
ever going to be willing to 'take a chance', on something so majorly
expensive, and paradigm altering, (which, they have been taught for
years/decades "cannot exist"); in order to make a sizable increase in
your wallet. AND! Especially 'NOT', after all the ridiculous
shenanigans, that you have pulled over the last 30yrs. It is to the
point now, that I (and many others) don't really care if you EVER do
produce a working device. I will personally REFUSE to validate your ego,
with a purchase! There are TOO MANY 'others' out there, on the brink of
producing 'something', in a different manner, with even BETTER RESULTS,
at a fraction of the cost to their finances, OR their self esteem.

Put up, or shut up Joe. 'Sell' at least ONE full scale device, which:
does-the-job; and, then 'us people', might again 'START' to take you,
your technology, and your 'intentions' for all these years, 'seriously'.


Stephen Wayne Brummitt

P.S. It is wishful thinking, to even assume, that Joe will ever see this
letter, as he doesn't own a computer, and refuses to even 'communicate'
with anyone, unless they 'kiss-his-feet' with warm and fuzzy talk. If by
some miracle, his 'lackey' Evan does come into possession of this
letter; and, even 'dares' to FAX it to Joe; it is a sure bet, that what
will follow, will be 'NOTHING short of', a slew of insults. I hardly
call 'that' communication. Joe might think it is; but, the dictionary
doesn't. Even a real 'knock down, drag 'em out' argument, has some
element of pertinent, give-and-take 'discussion'; even IF, the parties
NEVER 'agree' on ANYTHING! I have never seen this happen in a "debate"
with Joe. If you ever disagree with Joe, you are called an "IDIOT !!!"
and, any trace of discussion ceases! He doesn't know the meaning of that
word 'debate'; (and, several others, apparently - like patience, tact,
humility, kindness, or tolerance. But, when you are GOD's, one-and-only,
personal 'High Priest' of Free Energy, I guess you don't have to bother
with 'little things' like that !!!).

(ANYONE out there agree, that this whole letter is True? Or, do you
think that it is: - Truly insulting, and Over-the-top? I really didn't
think so. Otherwise, I would have just kept my mouth shut. I'm open to
discussion. 'If', you are truly willing to "discuss" and, not just 'be
disgusting', like Joe.)

"Carrigan, Ken" wrote:
> Sure would like someone to put this Newman motor issue to bed.
> I for one, still do not believe this. I can find in what he says
> to be 'misleading'. Sure current maybe higher, and voltage also
> but NOT power. For example if current and voltage is out by
> 180 degrees, there could be 100 volts, with .1uA, and at 90
> degrees, the current is maximum, say 60mA and voltage is .01volts.
> Newman would then say (power factor near zero) that he gets a
> huge voltage and current output, more than input. Sure.. but the
> POWER is not there. With SUCH a huge inductance, I would think
> that the power factor WOULD be near zero.
> Why has he never made a 'self run' generator in all his years and
> tinkering? You would think that even if it where 200% overunity
> that he would run a small generator from the mechanical energy and
> place that back into the Newman machine.. and have it self run.
> What he needs is a TRUE power monitor (NOT an oscope) to test the
> input and output power. With all his $$, why has not he done this??
> And who also wants a 50 lb. fish tank motor??
> v/r Ken Carrigan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Slavek Krepelka []
> Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Newman Motor Auction
> Hi All.
> No guaranties. I have just run accross this one.
> Regards Slavek.
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