Re: A new motor

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 05 Mar 2000 19:21:43 -0600

Hi Hans, Paul et al!

The following page;

from the website you posted reminds me of an experiment on
video that we saw at a conference in Denver. They had two
very large aluminum cylinders...SOLID, mounted on DC motors
and spinning on a horizontal axis...

The two cylinders were space about 1/2" apart and rotating
in opposite directions so that if you were to blow smoke
underneath, the smoke would be drawn in by the air currents
and thrown out the top...

What was intriguing, they had a cylinder magnet floating in
the air as these two aluminum cylinders spun at high
velocity....the magnet induced a hysteresis mirror image
current in each cylinder as it spun and so kept the magnet
floating in space and perfectly was marvelous
to see.

An extension of the science museum demonstration where an
aluminum ring is at the base of a pole with a bell at the
top....there is a large coil connected to a switch and a
large capacitor....when the capacitor is discharged into the
coil, a high density magnetic field throws the aluminum ring
up high enough to strike the bell...very similar to the EV
Gray motor as posted at;

The guys at the conference who had the video were promoting
the effect as a potential monorail or linear motor
system...I don't know what happened with them but it was a
novel and fascinating experiment.

At the now defunct International Tesla Society Museum, JW.
McGinnis showed us a magnetic braking system that used this
very effect....a large, very heavy spinning aluminum
cylinder was brought up to high speed and the power
removed...the cylinder continued to spin due to the mythical
'inertia'...(entrained aether/zpe) a large magnet was
slowly brought near the cylinder it slowed and stopped
instantly due to the mirror image hysteresis
was amazing....and the cylinder WAS HOT from the induced
currents....amazing demo....he said they had been trying to
interest automobile companies into converting over to this
non contact braking system but they were quite happy with
the disc pad brakes...

Paul Baucom wrote:
> For those of you who were unable to find the author's e-mail address, it's
> posted on his main page at:
> His proofs of his ideas relating to Lenz's Law may also be of interest to
> some of you.
> // pb
> Hans von Lieven <> Wrote:
> > here is something you might be all interested in,
> >
> >
> >
> > have fun
> > Hans von Lieven
> >
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