Re: Idea Thieves

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:22:12 -0600

Hi Folks!

The eScribe list was down for a few hours so a couple of
posts didn't make it to the archive, I am resending them so
they will be included;
Hi Dwayne & Ken et al!

Thanks for the good words....that April fools thing was just
that, intended as a joke, not to slight anyone...not sure
about other 'countries' but in Texas, humor is a way of

Got another pair of emails from a loser using a fake name
and email address, asking if I'd check out a magnetics site
which had long ago been posted here...the answer was yes,
that it was the site run by Orlowski's son and had a listing
for several 'plans' that were freely posted with a request
for donations to support the site.

This person wrote back and apparently finds fault with this
approach and said perhaps I should join forces with them
since that is what KeelyNet does, posts a new file and slaps
a donation request on each of them...<g>....saying it was a
scam to do this, drawing in people, then asking for
donations....I hunted each person down, twisted their arm
and squeezed their wallet......RIIIGHHTTT! What an idea!!

Such a SCAM!

Not like selling bogus plans that are being SOLD as

Not like promoting a discovery offering franchises or
licenses with no fixed date of product delivery.

Not like asking for investors without anything more than a
trick demonstration which only the inventor can carry out.

These approaches are much more honorable than just an
optional donations note.

I think we should all know our limitations and our degree of
dedication. When I was making good bucks, I provided almost
all the money for KeelyNet including paying for myself to go
to conferences, buying books and magazines, long distance
calls, dinners with interesting people and such, reporting
what might be of use to KeelyNet type interests....not so
these days, no conferences and almost no books or
magazines...but that will change.....

So I can't see any fault in offering the option, NOT THE
REQUIREMENT to those who do find things of use here and can
afford to make a small donation. We give tips for service
in a restaurant, $3 and up per meal based on service and
price of the meal, we subscribe to mags, newspapers and
services for a year at a time for anywhere from $20 to ???
so it's shearly a question of is the service worth anything
to you over a one year period...compared to entertainment
with a movie at $7.00 each, live theater/opera/orchestra at
$20 to ??? each, research services ???....yep, we all pay in
one way or another.

As I recall, there are two notes about donations on KeelyNet
(the updated version), one on the main page, one on the
archive page, that's it.

Over a period of a year, donations average $300-$600
income....though every year or so there is a fellow out in
Florida who will send in from $200 to $400 from his own
pocket..last year, Duncan Roads of Nexus sent $100 towards
the website costs and once, about 3 years ago, I got a check
in the mail for $1000.00 from a doctor who I'd never heard
of...he wrote a very nice letter about a couple of files
that I had written and some links that referenced pages that
he found of particular interest. I thought it was a joke
and was amazed when the check cleared....I added about $300
of my own to buy a new 233 CTX computer whose hard drive
recently went out and has been replaced with a 15gb Maxtor
for $124, on sale at Fryes for Valentines day...(good

The website was costing nearly $600 per year which included
$150 dialup, but Dan York, who has been providing the
KeelyNet interact discussion list for free, offered me the
opportunity to migrate over to his server for $300 per year
for up to 300mb of we did a deal for that and
Dan has continued to provide the discussion list out of his
own pocket (THANKS DAN!), he also did the great job on the
search engine for the website and has been just the greatest
guy about all of this.

Yes, even Dan and I do disagree on a few things, and that's
true with everyone, but I have come to know Dan as one of
the most honest, reputable people that Cheyenne Turner ever
introduced me to and we have continued our friendship since
her passing. It would be a very boring world if everyone
agreed on everything.

So, never had anything to hide, just here, like many others,
doing what we can to make positive changes...quite happy to
be a catalyst, not the master, or the guru, or having all
the answers....a perpetual student tring to figure it all
out along with a lot of others.

"Carrigan, Ken" wrote:
> Real short.. I also FELL for the joke, am an Electromagnetic Engineer
> and once I got to the end.. DAMN! Was I upset! LOL But thought..
> that was a GOOD ONE JER!!! Good for you! Have to have a sense of
> humor or we all will go BONKERS... Laugh a bit.. good for the soul.
> v/r Ken Carrigan

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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