Re: Weather & Gravity

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:46:40 -0500



Official version says that air convection from the heated ground
supports the clouds in the sky. How them convection columns manage to
chase them clouds, especially in arctic, is something the official
version does not say. It can=92t. The claim is so desperate and idiotic
that there is no argument against it.
If the official claim changed lately, then forgive me for challenging
this. I am more ignorant than I like.

My rough version says:

a) Droplets of water within a cloud are held together by local
multidirectional el.force exchange among water droplets and the
molecules of air (which is also cause of adhesion), which becomes not so
local elforce exchange across many droplets and molecules of air. If it
were not present, the irregular convection and air streams would
disperse the clouds.

b) As the water droplets manage to come to contact around air molecules,
they condense, themselves cooling, releasing =93latent=94 heat and heatin=
the air molecules trapped among them. (Sun helps too.) The condensation
of water droplets supplies heat necessary for the buoyancy of the
entrapped air, turning the cloud into a hot air balloon. The heat
escaping from the cloud heats up surrounding air, causing convection in
the immediate vicinity of the cloud and creating updraft. The updraft
adds to the buoyancy, but is not its major contributor. The rate of
condensation regulates the heat output, therefore the elevation of the
cloud. The heat output again regulates further cooling, therefore slows
the rate of further condensation.

c) In the final stage of an electric storm cloud the more or less random
and local el.force exchange aligns more and more due to stirring winds,
or landscape features, or solar wind effects, or may be more. Once large
enough portion of cloud local fields align, this triggers still more
general alignment (induction) within the rest of the cloud leading to a
very fast build up of the el.field, which discharges in form of a
lightning. This releases substantial amount of over all energy of the
affected part(s) of the cloud(s). * Droplets of water cool down and
condense almost instantly, suddenly becoming way too heavy to be
retained by local el.forces. They fall through the cloud, picking
smaller droplets, and eventually fall to the ground.

d) In the final stage of condensation in an ordinary cloud, the el.force
exchange remains multidurectional and "random". Therefore no general
el.discharge relieves the cloud energy, therefore the condensation
proceeds at a slower rate and droplets start falling down long before
they have time to grow to the size of lightning storm droplets. **

The last two statements come from my childhood observations:

a) An apparent and very frequent difference in raindrop size at the
storm front and the storm end.

b) An apparent and very frequent difference in raindrop size at the
storm front and a non-storm cloud.

c) Start of a deluge from a storm cloud after the first lightning. A
cloud, which had no observable smears of rain before that first

* Even though the release is not directly thermal, due to the
convertibility of thermal to electrical
energy, the lightning does release the thermal energy of the cloud.
** Nicola Tesla seems to have reversed cause and effect here, but I
might be wrong.

Use as you may.

Cloudbuster is not an acustic device. It is an electric device using
only the el.force portion of the general term electricity. The tuning
depends on the pipe length and diameter and material used, because an
acustic harmony conditions el.force harmony. (read Keely) The Buster is
el.force antenae capable of inducing el.force exchange beam between
condensed ground water and humidity in the air, indirecltly heating the
body of water and directly causing condensation of water vapour in the
atmosphere. Parasitic el.force frequencies of minerals in earth cause a
secondary condensation of polutants in the atmosphere.i.e. DOR.

The beam from a clodbuster is also capable to missalign the natural
patern of aether-el.force-orgone-whatever you want to name it.
Therefore, it will affect transmission of incoming light. It can make a
star invisible for a while. (If you don't beleive me, read Reich.).

Regards Slavek.

Joseph Hiddink wrote:

Great writeup Joe.

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