Re: Weather & Gravity

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:08:38 -0800 (PST)

Hi Joseph et al!

What a fascinating post!!! Thanks!

It ties in well with Chucks correlation of Reichs
orgone energy cloudbuster as using acoustic and tuned
resonators which is posted at;

and I have to add that I grew up in a small town of
about 5,000 people, which is Childress, Texas.
Childress has to my knowledge NEVER had a tornado as
the local view is that this is due to the town being
between two rivers which server to capture and direct
the path of the tornado.

Wichita Falls is in 'tornado alley' and they have had
some disastrous tornadoes, but Childress, which has
seen its share of them coming close, hasn't been hit
to my knowledge.

The two rivers are the Red River and the Pease River
as you can see by the map below (if it translates);,cjtsc%28y,f7c3m%280,c2j%7cxqwa0q.3rs%3b_nu6a2ly,i4o6%40n7m-lwrlgw,i4o6%40n16-%29u7216b0%24bcjs%7cdyx1de%280,i4o6%40klqr-bl-9.fif5s%40tb5m%28lsr7dc%3bxnduk1%29jrbl-1.W%40BBD-B%7cWIK.libbdf%281qqxog%3bedv8rm%7cYvo3e4dgf%26%2bMK%26%2b%10F

This also ties in somewhat to claims in Mary and Dean
Hardys excellent book on pyramid energy where they
claim that an obelisk and pyramid can be so
constructed as to be tuned to resonate with each
other, producing a 'standing columnar wave' which
affects weather patterns by altering orgone flows.

Now when I first read all that and met Mary and Dean I
had a lot of problems with some of it, but as time
went on and they very kindly clarified some of the
points, other information arose from disparate sources
which adds to their premise.

Such as our DIRECT tests with the molecular frequency
discriminator which seems to produce just such a
standing wave that remains long after the machine has
been turned off and is detectable.

I think your observation about polarity having to do
with storms such as tornados and VORTEX formation is

Perhaps the local medium can be polarized with methods
other than electrical. Such a comment brings up the
idea of the aether spectrum where orgone could well
fit within that spectrum, so that;

aether slowed and wave(s) extended yield;

orgone slowed and wave(s) ext. yield;
magnetism slowed and wave(s) ext. yield;

electricity slowed and wave(s) ext. yield;
light slowed and wave(s) ext. yield;

heat slowed and wave(s) ext. yield;
sound slowed and wave(s) ext. yield;

physical vibrations slowed and wave(s) ext.yield;

so perhaps, if this is remotely accurate, orgone or
any of the other waves produce effects of pressure
(positive) and vacuity (negative) with opposite
properties as a cascade type artefact...<g>...

--- Joseph Hiddink <> wrote:
> "We all talk about the weather and we do not do
> anything about it....!" (Famous saying since the
> caveman was hunting).
> But can we do something about it?


> I live on the North Shore of Lake Ontario.
> It showed a positive reading. More to the West
> it was less positive, more to the East it was
> more positive. We have almost never a thunderstorm
> (the prevailing winds are from the west).

> Never a tornado and practically no earthquakes
> (although a few months ago we had a 3.1 quake in
> the lake). That was the reason that the site was
> the Commonwealth Prime Ammunitions Plant during WW
> II. They had a guy climbing up a big chimney when
> thunderstorms came from the South-West, ready to
> evacuate all the ammunitions plants if it came
> close. But during all of the War, they never had a
> thunderstorm at the site. They never had to
> evacuate because of the weather. It went from the
> Lake on land to the West or East of it.
> About 10 miles to the North of us, the ground is
> negatively charged. There is where thunderstorms
> and tornadoes occur.

> I have concluded, that this STATIONARY positive
> charge (it does not seem to move) is responsible.


> Returning to some more positive effects:
> We can make a town tornado-proof by just making
> the ground positively charged. If e.g. we need clear

> weather for some event like an important golf match
> and the weather threatens to mess it up, we can
> change the polarity in the ground. The clouds will
> still be there but they will not come down as rain.
> Also, if we need rain and the clouds will not
> open up, we can change the polarity in the ground
> and it will pour. Yes, Sun, Moon and wind do
> something, but what governs the wind?

> It is the electrical charges in the earth's
> surface, that move from place to place. If a
> negative charge on the surface starts rotating,
> we have the beginnings of a tornado in the
> Northern half of our planet.


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