MIR for rent as hotel for rich

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 16:33:18 -0600

Hi Folks!

Can you believe this? 20 million PER PERSON to visit the
MIR for a brief holiday??

Do we have to know somebody or what to get that kind of
money to discover how to produce practical gravity control?

Geez, 10 million and 3-5 years, I think we'd have it
down...check out;


Space Station Set to Orbit As Hotel for Rich?

LONDON (Reuters) - It would be the ultimate tourist
destination the Russian Mir space station decked out as a
luxurious resort orbiting 125 miles from earth.

This is no James Bond fantasy. A group of investors has
signed a $20 million deal to rent Mir and turn the aging
space station into an out-of-this-world holiday spot and
commercial laboratory.

``We're sending a mission up in March to knock on the door,
switch on the lights and see how everything's going up
there. It's a risky venture but we're feeling confident,''
said Jeffrey Manber, president of MirCorp, the company
behind the venture.

But it doesn't come cheap. Space tourists will be asked to
fork out $20 million a head to visit the outpost which
measures five school buses in size.

--                  KeelyNet -  From an Art to a Science          Jerry W. Decker  -  http://www.keelynet.com/Interact discussion list http://www.keelynet.com/discuss.htm    KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187

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