Re: Flying machine

T. Bastian ( (no email) )
Mon, 07 Feb 2000 21:57:52 -0500

Specs on the "Piston Powered Rocket Belt"
2 ducted fans (5 bladed 36 inch diameter each)
48 inches high
100 inches wide
engine: Rotax 503 2cyl 2cyc air cooled 50 HP
gas tank 3 gallons
weight (no pilot) 80 pounds
load capacity 250 pounds
max speed 50 miles per hour
max fuel range 1 hour
rate of climb 500 feet per min

Any more info on it I would love to get it..... esp the plans..

Terry Bastian

>At 10:10 AM 2/7/00 -0800, Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:
>>Hi Folks!
>>Not antigrav yet, but I saw the tail end of a video
>>segment on TV of what looked like two turbo fans
>>attached to a stand with an arm that would let them
>>pivot. I never heard them mention a company or person
>>so I don't have any reference for it, but they had a
>>physical model of it shown standing in a warehouse. I
>>think earlier in the video, they actually showed it
>>flying but I missed that part.
>>They did show an artists rendition of several people
>>flying these things over mountains and other rugged,
>>less accessible terrain with the idea of locating
>>crash survivors, though it would be applicable for
>>many things, a consumer one man flying machine like
>>the old Bell flying backpack.
>>What if the Russian scientist Grebennikov is correct
>>and has a flying platform that works as claimed but he
>>indicates it actually distorts and nullifies gravity?
>>I'd love to have one of those, no more traffic jams,
>>mostly 3 dimensional transport with speed lanes based
>>on in back to the future...

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