Upcoming Exotic Research Conference

Steve Elswick ( (no email) )
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 05:41:01 -0700

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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A Few Notes about Exotic Research:
I am cleaning up my e-mail list. If you do not want to receive future =
e-mail from me please send message saying "take me off!" to =

Exotic Research Conference 2000 (July 27-July 30) comemorates Nikola =
Tesla's 100 Year Anniversary of the epic article... The Problem of =
Increasing Human Energy.

The most recent online version of the Conference Program for the =
upcoming Exotic Research Conference 2000 has been recently uploaded. =
There are only a few speaker slots left open and I should have those =
filled by the end of the week. Many of the abstracts are online as =
well... To get to the conference area, click the banner with Tesla on it =
when you go to http://www.exoticresearch.com

REMEMBER: Those members preregistering before March 1, 2000 get 25% =
a significant savings! For more info or questions call (520) 424-3581

The printed version of the Conference Program for the upcoming Exotic =
Research Conference 2000 is scheduled to go to press March 15... If you =
are not a member or on our mailing list call (520) 424-3581 to be placed =
on our snail mail list.

Our Volume 3 Number 2 Issue (Apr/May/Jun 1999) finally made it to the =
printer. It should hit the mail in two weeks. There were quite a few =
logistical problems. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and finding a new printer =
that could handle the job created a bizzarre situation where the galley =
was being bounced between San Diego and Oklahma City... forcing a long =
delayed publication to be delayed even longer. I now have everything =
back under control and will print it in Phoenix.

Our Volume 3 Number 3 Issue (Jul/Aug/Sep 1999) has about two weeks more =
of editing left on it. Our target print date is Feb 21, it should be =
out by March 1.=20

Our Volume 3 Number 4 Issue (Oct/Nov/Dec 1999) is still being formulated =
in my head. We may be successful in getting it out by April 15.=20

BACKISSUES? Limited numbers of backissues are available. Some issues =
have been completely sold out (V1N1, V1N2, V1N3). As an issue is =
completely sold out, we are making every effort to create an HTML =
version and place it online in the "MAGAZINE" section of our website.... =
V1N1 is completed!

Rennovation/Reconstruction... As many of you know, I virtually lost =
everything I ever owned between 1996-1997 and ended up in the middle of =
the Sonoran Desert with two computers in a borrowed car and the shirt on =
my back. For nearly three years, I lived and worked under extremely =
harsh and primitive conditons (no heat or air conditioning) yet we =
managed to survive. We are still struggling, but making tremendous =
strides thanks to the heroic efforts of a few of my =
volunteers--particularly John Baker, his wife Fay, and Thor Freidemann. =
These guys have literally scrounged up my entire inventory of appliances =
--- stove, refrigerator, sink, hot water system, furnace, etc. They took =
these items from scrap heaps and literally rebuilt them so they look =
like new. Thereby allowing me to forego a lot of expenses and use our =
resources to help the magazine and conferences grow faster. Its people =
like these that I will persevere under the harshest conditions and keep =
things moving.

Now that we have a decent facility (2400 sq ft plus a large fenced in =
area outside) we would like to replicate some of these fantastic =
inventions in the near future, but lack the resources and equipment to =
do so (things like o-scope, signal generators, meters, table saws, =
lathes, etc). Perhaps, if you have some equipment that you are =
disposing of that may have some life to it and would like to see it put =
to good use, you might give us a call and see if we can use it. It =
would be greatly appreciated, and the results on replicated technology =
that we get will be posted in future issues of Exotic Research Report so =
all of our members will benefit. Our Motto: Waste not, want not!

Our dream is to have a full-size self-contained =
automotive/mechanical/electrical prototype shop setup in a nearby =
abandoned cotton gin (they have immense electrical hookups in place) =
capable of literally building any device plan and testing it. On the =
office side, we are shooting for a mini-radio studio, more powerful, =
faster computers for video editing, and upgraded software. After the =
progress we have made in the past year, in establishing the facility we =
have now, it no longer seems like a 'dream' but an evolving plan... soon =
to be reality.=20

However, our immediate focus is the Exotic Research Conference 2000. =
Please help us make this the most successful alternative technology =
conference ever, simply by letting others who may be interested in this =
material know we exist! We have a great selection of speakers and =
topics... and hope to see you there taking notes and asking questions... =
while having a great time too!

For more info or questions call (520) 424-3581. I am generally here 24/7 =
(24 hours a day/7 days a week)... working on the future... sleep? who =
needs it when your having fun!

Thank you for your support!

Steven R. Elswick, Publisher =20
--- Fay Fournet, Asst Publisher
Exotic Research Report

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A Few Notes about Exotic=20Research:
I am cleaning up my e-mail list. If you do =not want to=20receive future e-mail from me please send message saying "take me=20off!" to exotic@casagrande.com<=/FONT>
Exotic=20Research Conference 2000 (July 27-July 30) comemorates Nikola =Tesla's 100=20Year Anniversary of the epic article... The Problem of Increasing =Human=20Energy.
The=20most recent online version of the Conference Program for =the=20upcoming Exotic Research Conference 2000 has been recently uploaded.=20There are only a=20few speaker slots left open and I should have those filled by the end of =the=20week. Many of the abstracts are online as well... To get to the =conference area,=20click the banner with Tesla on it when you go to http://www.exoticresearch.com<=BR>
REMEMBER:=20Those members preregistering before March 1, 2000 get 25% off...
a=20significant savings!  For more info or questions call (520)=20424-3581
The printed version of the =Conference=20Program for the upcoming Exotic Research Conference 2000 =is=20scheduled to go to press March 15... If you are not a member or on =our mailing=20list call (520) 424-3581 to be placed on our snail mail=20list.
Our Volume 3 Number 2 Issue =(Apr/May/Jun 1999)=20finally made it to the printer.  It should =hit the mail=20in two weeks.  There were quite a few logistical problems. =Thanksgiving,=20Christmas, and finding a new printer that could handle the job created a =bizzarre situation where the galley was being bounced between San Diego =and=20Oklahma City... forcing a long delayed publication to be delayed even =longer. I=20now have everything back under control and will print it in=20Phoenix.
Our Volume 3 Number 3 Issue =(Jul/Aug/Sep 1999)=20has about two weeks more of editing left on it.  Our=20target print date is Feb 21, it should be out by March 1.=20
Our Volume 3 Number 4 Issue =(Oct/Nov/Dec 1999)=20is still being formulated in my head.  We may =be=20successful in getting it out by April 15.=20
BACKISSUES?  Limited numbers of backissues =are=20available.  Some issues have been completely sold out (V1N1, V1N2,=20V1N3).  As an issue is completely sold out, we are making every =effort to=20create an HTML version and place it online in the "MAGAZINE" =section=20of our website.... V1N1 is completed!
Rennovation/Reconstruction... As many=20of you know, I virtually lost everything I ever owned between 1996-1997 =and=20ended up in the middle of the Sonoran Desert with two computers in a =borrowed=20car and the shirt on my back.  For nearly three years, I lived and =worked=20under extremely harsh and primitive conditons (no heat or air =conditioning) yet=20we managed to survive. We are still struggling, but making tremendous =strides=20thanks to the heroic efforts of a few of my volunteers--particularly =John Baker,=20his wife Fay, and Thor Freidemann. These guys have literally scrounged =up my=20entire inventory of appliances --- stove, refrigerator, sink, hot water =system,=20furnace, etc. They took these items from scrap heaps and literally =rebuilt them=20so they look like new. Thereby allowing me to forego a lot of expenses =and use=20our resources to help the magazine and conferences grow faster.  =Its people=20like these that I will persevere under the harshest conditions and keep =things=20moving.
Now that we have a decent facility (2400 sq =ft plus a=20large fenced in area outside) we would like to replicate some of these =fantastic=20inventions in the near future, but lack the resources and equipment to =do so=20(things like o-scope, signal generators, meters, table saws, lathes, =etc). =20Perhaps, if you have some equipment that you are disposing of that may =have some=20life to it and would like to see it put to good use, you might give us a =call=20and see if we can use it.  It would be greatly appreciated, and the =results=20on replicated technology that we get will be posted in future issues of=20Exotic Research Report so all of  our members will =benefit. Our=20Motto: Waste not, want not!
Our dream is to have a full-size =self-contained=20automotive/mechanical/electrical prototype shop setup in a nearby =abandoned=20cotton gin (they have immense electrical hookups in place) capable of =literally=20building any device plan and testing it. On =the=20office side, we are shooting for a mini-radio studio, more powerful, =faster=20computers for video editing, and upgraded software. After the progress =we have=20made in the past year, in establishing the facility we have now, it no =longer=20seems like a 'dream' but an evolving plan... soon to be reality. =
However, our=20immediate focus is the Exotic Research Conference 2000. Please =help us=20make this the most successful alternative technology conference ever, =simply by=20letting others who may be interested in this material know we exist! We =have a=20great selection of speakers and topics... and hope to see you there =taking notes=20and asking questions... while having a great time =too!
For more info or questions call (520) 424-3581. I am =generally=20here 24/7 (24 hours a day/7 days a week)... working on the future... =sleep? who=20needs it when your having=20fun!
Thank =you for your=20support!

Steven R. Elswick, Publisher 
--- =Fay=20Fournet,  Asst Publisher
Exotic Research Report
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