Re: DeAquine

Anna ( (no email) )
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 05:06:31 -0700

Here it is, and you can judge this claim
for what it is worth.

I just found a link to Fran Aquino's papers on

The link is to a directory called MASTERQ

Fran DeAquino (Professor in Brazil) for the
has been working to design an experiment to test his
antigravity theory. Last week he was successful!
Exact information is located in the propulsion physics
vault at

Attached you can find a picture of the EKIP Flying Fuselage.
The article with a real picture during assembly is located at

Ekip was designed by Lew Schtschukin who belongs to the Buran (Russian
Space Shuttle) engineering team. So we can well imagine that this team
knows about plasma aerodynamics.

Lew writes that he sees this craft as an alternative to the commercial
airplanes of the 21st century. Ekip is propelled by jet engines (suppose
the Vatazhin model with EGD generators). The nine tons craft can also
start and land from water. The video in RTL showed such a landing and
added that the project is now classified by the Russian Military Agencies.
The project was born in 1978 during military projects. But it took nine
years to start the project classified as "top secret".

The fuselage shall act as a lifting body. About 50% of the lift is
generated from the fuselage. This is comparable with the B-2, the author

The author continues with: The unconventional concept could only be
realized, says Schtschukin, because the team found a breakthrough in
boundary layer control. This mean: If you want to use the fuselage as a
lifting area, you need laminar and unseparated flow around the body.

Dr. Stoll (CEO of FESTO) claimed to know more.
His Stingray was also developed by Russian scientists.
BTW, BMW Rolls Royce (now Rolls Royce Germany) was founded by Prof.
Kappler from the University of Munich. He had the only institute in
Germany which studied extensively electrofluiddynamics. His assistant Dr.
Dittrich published several papers on electroaerodynamics also quoting the
Northrop studies. He is alive but seems to be absorbed by the military
aviation industry. Prof. Kappler moved to Fairchild Dornier where he works
as head of research. Nearly all project leaders at Rolls Royce Germany are
students of Prof. Kappler. The other aerodynamic project leaders are
students of Prof. Nitsche.
So if something will happen in aeroengines in Germany, then, it will
(Electrospraying is a further application in advanced combustion
technology. The NOx emission rate is highly dependent on the droplets
size. Electrostatic atomization could improve the efficiency. So there are
more reason to apply electrogasdynamic generators (flame jet generators)
in modern civil aeroengines
The side effects are also cool.:-)

Originally Boeing planned to apply electroaerodynamics on its supersonic
counterpart to the Concorde which is stone age IMO. But the stuff got
classified later. So we could see a new spring for such things in future.
Helmholtz showed that space charges can influence the vapor condensation.
Contrails could become to a big environmental problem in the future with
the increasing air traffic. So it should be logical to use EGD generators
to reduce such trails. The control effect is very high when using water.
Flying wings with water as fuel (greetings to Shah.:-).
What a nice future on the way to anti-mass crafts:
Who will help to change the world in such a way to safety will reach
higher levels than many holy men of the past.

This is what DeAquine says:
This experimental results are the conclusion of the research
which I began 25 years ago.The experiment showed
another important gravitational phenomenon ; when the total gravitational
mass of the annealed iron was nullified, we verify the GRAVITATIONAL
SHIELDING phenomenon . At this moment disappears the weight of everything
that is inside of the annealed iron tube ( i.e., iron powder, antenna,
etc.), the scale just indicates the weight of the steel tube which involves
the one of annealed iron.
Can the iron be made thinner and still shield?
Yes, the iron can be made thinner ( up to nearly one nanometer)and still
shield because are the gravitational masses of their ATOMS ( diameter
approx. one Angstron) that still nullified. The annealed iron tube is the
gravitational shielding WHILE its gravitational still nulified.The
experiment confirmed that everything inside it lose its weight under these
conditions.If we decrease the frequency we reduce the power radiated by the
antenna.This way , we must INCREASE the current to produce the apparatus
levitation.In the experiment the system-G doesn't levitates because the
maximun current was 300 A. It was necessary nearly 400A.We will try to reach
this in a future experiment.
In attachment the archives named "New apparatus1" and "New apparatus2" that
contains all about the experiment carried out today.If you want , you can
try to carry out this experiment it is easy and not expensive.
So initially I used a dynamometer and later
an electronic balance. The results were the same ones.By the way , out of
the tube of annealed iron the ELF radiation is almost null, because nearly
ninety nine percent is absorbed by the tube.(to absorb the ELF radiation is
exactly the function of the annealed iron, remember?).
I would like to say you that the experiment was posted at Los Alamos
e-print archive as appendix of my paper gr-qc/9910036. I think that you can
see tomorrow . Also will be published .


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: Driving cars with hydrogen peroxide

Hi Anna et al,

Anna writes:
>>Hello, I just heard the news that DeAquino
has tested his antigravity
device and it worked. Any comments?
If so, this would be a real start into 21 C.

Please enlighten us! Details, descriptions, etc!

Who is DeAquino, what is his device, and how does it work?

Hearsay is fine, but it is just that - (hearsay) - until there are details



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