Fwd: rejuvination & alchemical medicines

D G ( DJG5555@webtv.net )
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 18:51:03 -0700 (MST)

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From: DJG5555@webtv.net (D G)
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 11:57:50 -0700 (MST)
To: jwdatwork@yahoo.com
Subject: rejuvination & alchemical medicines
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the following is from the 1893 edition of Basil Valentiine's "Triumphal
beginniing on page 144. he calls it "simple" here, but in the index it
is listed as "royal oil".
"place pulverized hungarian antiimony in a glass cucurbit; add
(distilled) vinegar rendered more acid by means of its salt.
ckose the cucurbit and plunge it in horse dung, or st. mary's bath, for
40 days, 'til
the matter putrefies and the vinegar turns
a deep red.decant this vinegar, and keep adding more until no more red
colour can be extracted. strain off all the vinegar, place into a clean
vessel, plunge in horse dung and allow to utrefy for 40 days. then the
body is again disolved, and the substance becomes as black as ink.
this is the sign that the true solution has taken place which will
ultimately effect
the seperation of the elements.
place this black substance into another cucurbit, and on an alembic;
distill the vinegar over a moderate fire, and it will rise as a clear
fluid, while there remains at the bottom a dirty substance. pulverise
this, sweeten with distilled rain water, dry
gently, and place in a long necked circulatory vessel. the vellel should
resemble three spheres placed one on another and communicating by means
tubes with a long neck at the top. add highly rectified sirit of wine so
that it covers the substance to a height of two or three inches; close
the vellel well and expose to gentle heat for 2 months, when the sirit
of wine will becoome a bright red.
pour out the extract, filter, and place into a cucurbit and remove the
black sediment which is of no further use to us.
place the alembic on the cucurbit, and distill gently; the spitir of
wine will carry the tincture of antimony, upward, the elements are
seperated, and the alembic and reciever resent the apeearance of bright
gold. finally, some few dregs remain, but the gold colour in the glass
utterly perishes. place the red substance, which has by distillation has
passed into the reciever, iinto a circulatory vellel for 10 days.by
means of this circulation, seperation takes place; for the oil has
therby aquired gravity, and sinks to the bottom, while the sirit of wine
is limpid,
as at first, and floats above the oil.
then seperate the spirit from the oil in a seperatory vessel. this oil
is of remarkable sweetness, mmost pleasant to use and free from all
are there any chemists on the list that could get a handle on what
compounds are being created?



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