Re: Sound in a superconductor might produce antigravity

SWB ( )
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 17:29:35 -0500

Hello list,

Just some running commentary.

Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Found this interesting repost to
> on using sound in a
> superconductor to affect 'gravity' as in the Tampere
> experiment;
> ---------------------
> Strangely, I posted this some time in 1995 or 1996 and
> its no longer in the dejanews archives. So here it is
> again:
> It seems to me that sound waves through a
> superconductor might produce antigravity.

I must wonder about a couple of things here:
Firstly: does that sound wave in someway 'subtract' mass from the
superconductor? If not, then since gravity arises from one mass's
proximity to another; then, I must say that there is some other 'effect'
which is being mistaken for "anti-gravity".

Secondly: Why 'exactly' is the word 'might' in this sentence?
I think it is for good reason; because there is scant evidence for
proving the very 'foundational' idea implied, by that statement.

Just because a physical event happens, which has a similar 'symptom' of
'anti-gravity', doesn't mean, that the real 'disease', might not have
it's roots, in another 'cause' altogether!

This very point was covered in a similar topic, not too long ago. The
wing of a bird, or an aircraft, does NOT in any way create
'anti-gravity'; yet the 'effect' is the same. And, astronauts in orbit
are NOT WEIGHTLESS, despite what anybody thinks; because the very reason
they are experiencing the freedom, to roam all three physical dimensions
of their cabin, is because gravity is playing a VERY BIG PART, in
keeping them in a very long 'free-fall', by acting upon their 'mass'.
(In fact, if they really had 'no weight', they would have to be nothing,
but 'static energy'; which is truly an 'oxymoron', if there ever was

Another similar situation, but yet, with a totally different physical
'cause', is that executive toy; which has a globe, suspended in mid-air;
through very precisely controlled electromagnetic fields. There too, the
effect is similar; but, it is FAR from performing anything close to
'anti-gravity' (At least, NOT when 'gravity' has been properly defined.)

Don't mistake the 'symptoms' for the 'disease'; and, don't misdiagnose
the 'disease', because you are using an 'outdated' medical dictionary,
with faulty definitions! If your 'intellectual foundation' stones are
structurally deficient; then so are all of the 'walls of reason', which
you construct from those stones. In legal term, 'the 'well' has been
poisoned; and, all water from that well is equally tainted !'
(You have to admit, that the 'Peter Principal' is alive and well; when
the man who has been promoted to president, doesn't even know, what the
definition of "IS" is !!!)

Otherwise, as theorists, we are just like a physician, who prescribes
anti-biotics, for infection; when in reality, the patient's temperature
is normal, but the thermometer was just miscalibrated.

Gravity 'itself', is the 'product' of 'something; and, the ONLY way to
alter 'gravity', is to alter the physical properties of the substances
involved; and/or, the circumstances, under which, the 'CAUSE', brought
about the specific 'EFFECT', known as 'gravity.

I don't expect any of you to believe this, by my 'say so', at this time;
but, I hope SOON, to provide sufficient evidence, to at least cast a
'shadow of a doubt', on the believe, that gravity, and magnetism, are
'fields' in the conventional sense. 'YES'! They are indeed 'fields of
influence'; but they are 'NOTHING CLOSE', to being active 'energy force
fields'! And, they are DEFINITIVELY 'NOT' the type of 'energy entities',
which we see so graphically displayed in Sci-fi stuff, like Star Trek.

I think 'THAT' is part of the world's basic intellectual problem, in
dealing with things of this nature. Men are pretty much, still the
forerunners in all areas of science; and we are so 'visually oriented',
that many times, our very 'foundational beliefs' are 'tainting' almost
ALL of our perceptions; and, all because of something we might have
'seen' as a child !!! But, if our knowledge base had already been
formed, rather than 'just being formed', then we might have been able to
side-step a lot of the 'UNLEARNING', that needs to take place, in order
for 'TRUTH' to reign supreme, in our intellectual processes.

I am still preparing an essay on those foundational principals, that I
spoke of a couple weeks ago. Besides, just being busy; and the fact,
that this is NOT an easy subject, I am also doing as much 'fact
checking' as I can, before I 'put-it-out-there' for public consumption.
AND, since it is so long, I will post it to a web page; as Jerry
recently made that request so clear to someone.

> Compressing a superconductor can change its ability to
> superconductor, especially if its barely below the
> critical temperature.

That is really 'no surpprise', if one knows exactly why
'superconductors' 'CONDUCT' the way they do.

> So waves moving from the center to the edge would
> shove flux off out of the disk. Maybe it would also
> shove virtual flux (i.e. gravity) off the disk.

More than likely, since the shape of the 'mass' of a magnet, determines
the 'shape', of it's 'magnetic field of influence'; then the sound
pressure waves are literally 'repositioning' the lattice structure of
the magnet, on a molecular level, (though ever so slightly), and in a
manner which 'reshapes' the magnets 'field of influence'. This would be
true of any magnet; be it made from 'super conducting' material, or not.
And, this process, is probably only 'really' effective on one specific
thickness, of one specific alloy, at one specific frequency. All other
alloys have their own specific thicknesses; which, when subjected to a
specific 'resonate frequency', will cause this lattice distortion. This
is the very basic premise, behind all crystalline RF, and Ultrasound
transducer technology. It is very much the same thing described, by the
term 'Piezo-electric'; though the 'cause' and 'effect' here, are not as
readily discernible.

'Magnetism' has an effect, only on specific 'types of mass, in very
specific configurations. I don't believe that there is any such thing as
"flux", OR 'lines of force'!!! Here again, what we were all brainwashed
to "SEE", as being "lines of force', is merely an 'illusion'; which our
first grade teacher 'unwittingly' foisted upon us, by sprinkling iron
filings, on a piece of paper, held over a magnet. What the iron filings
MUST, and are induced/compelled to do, is to become little magnets
themselves. Each with a NORTH pole, and a SOUTH pole; and, they then
seek out the nearest iron filing with 'opposite polarity', to link up
with 'JUST BEFORE', they make the leap onto the magnet in heaping clumps
at the poles. Except, there is that piece of paper in the way. Since the
paper forces ALL of the iron filings to stay in the same 'physical
plane', they form little single file lines; because, each adjacent
strand is repelled from its neighbor, out from the magnet in ever
increasing distances, as the 'field of influence' decreases, in perfect
obedience to the 'inverse square law'. If you are not a 'ferrous
material', then YOU are not 'influenced' by that field (TO ANY GREAT

NOW, if you want to talk about how the magnetic field, of an MRI does
it's 'thing' on you; then, I will have to defer 'that subject' to my
essay; as this is already a very long post, and it is almost supper

> I've wondered if the finnish experiment results came
> from something as mundane as bearing noise!
> There might be other interesting effects from phonons.
> Anyway, it seems it would be worth a try. I don't have
> the money or setup to do it.
> Kelly Loum -

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