grebenikov's page....?

chuck's corner ( (no email) )
Sat, 22 Jan 2000 14:36:04 -0500

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hi all,
i realize it hasnt been very long since the posting of the page (and =
maybe no one has translated it yet) BUT, i downloaded a russian =
translator and from what i could stumble thru i decided to try one of =
his copper coil devices which as i understand is similar to organic =
chitinous substances in that it generates,magnifys, defines, creates a =
field,...(feel free to jump in here and stop me anytime) and have made =
several models for household fun and have discovered that yes indeed =
there is something and the larger the coil the more noticible the =
effect. i have tried several different shapes and winding variations and =
all seem to have an effect to some degree expressed by their shape, no. =
of wraps in coil .....and none were so specific that it required a =
precise method of configuring....(i made them all by hand) and well =
.....has anyone else had these results? has anyone else tried it? could i =
interest anyone in trying it for verification sake? and here's the =
kikker if someone does then tell me what it is ....?since it doesnt =
behave like a magnet and the coil is made of copper(cant be allowed to =
be grounded i found......personal least not with any =
noticible effects? and even the drawing showed it with a wooden =
handle..?..0) and sometimes it seems to require 'charging' in that the =
'sensation' isnt always noticible at first....with that i wont taint any =
potential experiments you may wish to 'blind study' conduct..... plz =
write me and let me know what was experienced as i have already =
expressed to a few my observations and am anxious for outside =
verification based in good sound scientific logic.=20
i have tried many forms and many experiments since reading his =
mention of it ....i really shouldnt go into them until i hear from =
others so welcome....
Chuck Farrar =

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hi all,
  i realize it hasnt been very =long since the=20posting of the page (and maybe no one has translated it yet) BUT, i =downloaded a=20russian translator and from what i could stumble thru i decided to try =one of=20his copper coil devices which as i understand is similar to organic =chitinous=20substances in that it generates,magnifys, defines, creates a =field,...(feel free=20to jump in here and stop me anytime) and have made several models for =household=20fun and have discovered that yes indeed there is something and the =larger the=20coil the more noticible the effect. i have tried several different =shapes and=20winding variations and all seem to have an effect to some degree =expressed by=20their shape, no. of wraps in coil .....and none were so specific that it =required a precise method of configuring....(i made them all by hand) =and well=20.....has anyone else had these results? has anyone else tried it? could i =interest anyone in trying it for verification sake? and here's the =kikker if=20someone does then tell me what it is ....?since it doesnt behave like a =magnet=20and the coil is made of copper(cant be allowed to be grounded i=20found......personal least not with any noticible =effects? and=20even the drawing showed it with a wooden handle..?..0) and sometimes it =seems to=20require 'charging' in that the 'sensation' isnt always noticible at=20first....with that i wont taint any potential experiments you may wish =to 'blind=20study' conduct.....   plz write me and let me know what was=20experienced as i have already expressed to a few my observations and am =anxious=20for outside verification based in good sound scientific logic. =
 i have tried many forms and many=20experiments  since reading his mention of it ....i really shouldnt =go into=20them until i hear from others so welcome....
          &nbs=p;            =;            =           =20Chuck Farrar
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