More oxygen produces larger animals/insects

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 09:45:54 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

An interesting discovery about extra oxygen aiding in
the growth of giant animals/insects;

Some animals living near the poles become super-sized
monsters compared to their lower-latitude cousins and
now scientists know why - they have more oxygen to

Previously, scientists believed lower water
temperatures at the poles caused the gigantism, by
slowing the creatures' metabolism.

If more oxygen is available to be absorbed into an
animal's blood, then that blood can travel further
around a body delivering the oxygen. Therefore, an
animal can support a larger body.

The amount of oxygen sea water can dissolve does
depend on temperature, explaining why creatures living
nearer the poles tend to be bigger.

Oxygen availability may also explain the giant insect
fossils that have been found in Carboniferous era
rocks. At that time, 350 million years ago, the
Earth's atmosphere contained 30 to 35% oxygen,
compared to only 20% today.

"We know that they disappeared from the Earth at about
the same time that oxygen levels came down to 20
percent," Professor Peck said.

He believes that global warming could have a similar
effect in the near future. Warmer oceans would mean
they contained less oxygen.

"Under many of the expected scenarios of global
changes over the next 50 to 100 years, the places
where you will see extinction of species is likely to
be in polar seas," he said.


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