Water Dissassociation idea and question.

Slavek Krepelka ( slavek.krepelka@sympatico.ca )
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 21:39:03 -0500

Hi at al.

In my humble opinion, whoever would like to do any testing on the Keely
dissassociation, should first attempt to cause and experiment with it in
an open vessel. The thing might have much more punch than 29 000 psi,
which itself is a lot. Keely was no idiot and he knew why he had the
"safety" plug made of three plys of rubber. If someone thinks that these
three 1/16" plys, at 1 1/4" diameter would hold anything close to 29 000
Psi, he should get his facts home first. Keely used rubber to contain
the vibration at some pressure. The shear strength of the rubber will
tell you what the real pressure could reach before the dissassociation.
Forget the gage. (a radius of the edge of the orifice would be also an
important factor, as the larger the radius, the more the strength as it
goes from shear to tensile.)

When one looks what pressure gages have done on submariens during WWII
while being deep charged, one will understand that their acuracy under
oscilating conditions is more than doubtfull. I don't think that Keely
was ever able (as per experiments as described) to meassure the force,
with which the dissassociated water came out. Even the slug may have
come out before the real thing happened full blast. The demonstration
must have been impressive, but when one takes into the consideration the
open quartz(?) vessel experiment of the person X, and its results, one
can only wonder what forces are actually involved.

The most confusing "statment" is that there is no statment on what the
quartz vessel has done. If the consecutive ceilings and roof of the lab
were punctured, I would expect that the quartz vessel should have
exploded from the reaction, or at least get burried deep bellow the
basement. One has to be carefull, what one reads. That does not mean
that people are always lying, far from that. But quite often they are.
If the X storry is OK, then the result cannot be treated as pressure

As it comes to Keely, there is no doubt in my mind that he knew quite
well what he was doing.

Regards Slavek.

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