Tapping gravity to speed up electron gyroscopes

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 00:01:49 -0600

Hi Folks!

While looking for something else, this page turned up and it
referred to the gyroscopic principle which Joseph Newman
promotes as key to his free energy device. I read a
borrowed copy of his book a few years ago and found it quite
intriguing although the proofs seem to rely on miles and
miles of copper wire in a coil spread over a wide surface

As I understood it, when pulses of current were sent through
a long wire coil, the gyroscopic action of the electrons
would be speeded up (or retarded depending on the geometry
of the coil) by gravity as it passed through the coil, thus
the reason why it had to be miles of wire over a wide
surface area, i.e. to provide the greatest density of
electrons exposed to more gravity.


All atoms contain a magnetic field that consists of
gyroscopic particles emanating from the south pole of atoms,
continuing on the outside of atoms and then returning in the
north pole.

Newman attributes the production of current when a wire is
passed through the field at right angles to the flow of
magnetic flux, but does not produce current if the wire is
passed in parallel through the field, to the spin of these
gyroscopic particles.

Since the field consists of gyroscopic particles all
rotating in the same plane, a current is produced in a wire
when it is passed through the field lines at right angles
because the wire hits the gyroscopic particles as it passes
through their line of orbit.

When the gyroscopic particles hit electrons in the wire, the
electrons are knocked down the wire in the direction of the
gyroscopic particle spin thus producing an electric

However, if the wire is passed through the magnetic field
parallel to the magnetic flux, the gyroscopic particles in
the magnetic field lines are spinning at right angles to the
wire and so cannot knock electrons down the wire, and so no
current is produced. 

To get current, the wire has to be passed through the
magnetic field lines at right angles to the magnetic flux so
the spinning gyroscopic particles when hitting electrons in
the wire will knock them down the wire in the direction of
the gyroscopic particle spin.

The gyroscopic particle, postulated by James Clerk Maxwell
and named by Joseph Newman, is the smallest particle of
matter. All other particles of matter, protons, neutrons,
electrons, etc., consist of combinations of gyroscopic
particles spinning together in as yet to be defined
The idea that aether influx into matter produces the effect
we call gravity,

that all mass consists of tiny gyroscopes DRIVEN by this

and that they can be speeded up or slowed down by exposure
to more aether over a wider surface area is intriguing.

In this case, Newman refers to electrons having their
'gyros' speeded up which increases their local energy and
theoretically, would gain energy as they moved through a
very long wire spread over a wide surface area.

Now, there is resistance to electrons flowing through a wire
which would dissipate the energy over distance. With the
losses encountered from the use of direct current becoming
unusable over about 2 miles. This is the reason alternating
current is preferable though IN THE SHORT RUNS, DC is more

The concern here is that a long wire would reduce the energy
of the electron by the time it reached the end, so that the
length of the wire in the coil, in concert with some magic
number for the maximum surface area.

This would enable sufficient gravity influx to DRIVE the
electron gyros to such a speed that you would not only
compensate for the resistance losses but also add more
energy to the electron by the end of the wire than was
initially put in.

An over unity device would be the result.

The electrons flowing through the wire would have a
north/south orientation which I would think would remain
stable due to polarization by the magnetic field of the

That means as Newman describes it, that in one direction,
energy would be added to the gyro so that it would speed up
(energy increases), in another direction, energy would be
removed from the gyro so that it would slow down (loses

An analogy, if the wire points UP and the electron gyro flow
is CCW, then the gyro is SLOWED DOWN because the gravity
influx is going AGAINST the spin.

If the wire points DOWN and the electron gyro flow is CW,
then the gyro is SPEEDED UP because the gravity influx is
going WITH the spin.


The principle behind the experiment is very simple. After
spinning up the gyroscope to 18,000 revolutions per minute,
it is put inside an airtight container and allowed to fall
between two laser beams. These record how long the gyroscope
takes to fall nearly 6ft between the two beams. Any
reduction in the strength of gravity reveals itself in a
slight increase in the time it takes to fall the 6ft.

In a series of 10 runs, the team found that the gyroscope
took about 1/25,000 of a second longer to fall when it was
spinning than when it was stationary - equivalent to an
anti-gravity effect of just one part in 7,000.

And in a curious twist, the anti-gravity only appeared when
the gyroscope was spinning anticlockwise. (CCW)
Would that not mean that an object which RESISTS gravity
with more force would BECOME HEAVIER?

That if all the electron gyros were moving AGAINST the flow
of gravity to speed them up and produce more energy in each
electron, then the wire coil or circuit carrying those
electrons would be heavier and the weight of the mass would
INCREASE proportional to the power extracted from the

Which directly disputes claims such as Sweet where the
device LOST WEIGHT while producing his mysterious 'cold

Maybe HOT CURRENT F/E production produces weight increase
whereas COLD CURRENT F/E production reduces weight.

Is there a way to make a surface or solar cell type array
that would cover a wide surface area and provide sufficient
density of electron gyros to milk additional energy from

Is there a way to collect and redirect gravity over a wide
surface area so that it is FOCUSED, LIKE LIGHT onto a small
area with miles of wire coils or some other electron tap
such as a superconductor or something like the totally cool
magnetic toroid posted by Manfred at;


--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -  jdecker@keelynet.com             http://www.keelynet.com             from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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