Re: Subtle Energy Detection
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:14:12 EST

Hi folks,

This is to follow up on Jerry's post regarding the Flying Platform device,
and his comments regarding subtle energy detection.

I am in aggreement that to move forward, we must find ways to quantify, and
repeatably measure these subtle energy fields/emanations.

It is all fine and well for some to be able to "feel" it or sense it
directly, but if these energies are in fact connetced to our physical
reality, then we ought to be able to detect them. And since most seem to be
linked in some way with EM phenomenon, we have lots of very sensitive
electronic equipment and methods these days.

My own investigations of the Primary Energy, found a few anomalous physical
effects, including unusual crystal growth; an apparent momentary push on a
target mass; And an increase in the decay rate of some radioactive materials,
when exposed to a subtle energy emanation from an inert gas beam generation

None of these are conclusive proofs as yet. And hence the need to study
further with a properly funded and staffed facility, with individuals that
have the right balance between critical, rational thought, and open

Here are some interesting links of some clinical work in the area of sublte
energy detection:

The above page lists a whole bunch of other sites/pages with some relevance

And the following page is more specific:

>>Institute of HeartMath Subtle Energy Research
Subtle energy is used in this context as Einstein used it, that is, to
describe a type of energy that is at present not fully understood or
measurable with today's equipment. This is similar to how electromagnetism
was viewed only 250 years ago. The effects could be seen but not directly

The vision of the research team and the results of the studies we have
conducted so far have attracted eminent scientists involved in cutting-edge
human energy research. For example, Dr. William A. Tiller, Professor Emeritus
of Stanford University and a pioneering researcher of subtle energy, will be
on the IHM research team as they conduct their ground-breaking studies. Dr.
Vladimir Poponin, formerly of the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the
Russian Academy of Sciences and a co-discoverer of the DNA phantom effect,
has also joined the IHM research team.

For related research that researchers at IHM want to continue, Dr. William A.
Tiller and his colleagues at Stanford University developed a subtle energy
detector -- an ultra-sensitive Geiger counter-type device -- with which they
demonstrated the existence of an energy field that is not in the
electromagnetic spectrum. With this special detector, Dr. Tiller demonstrated
that this subtle energy field responds to intentional human focus. The
combination of the instrument that detects the DNA phantom effect and the
ultra-sensitive gas discharge detector represent two of the most advanced
technologies known for the scientific study of subtle energy.

Much of the basic research and the proof that these are workable technologies
has already been completed. These instruments will provide the tools for
careful study of subtle energy that will greatly advance our understanding of
ourselves and the world we live in. IHM is also designing and planning to
conduct experiments with a number of other types of detectors as well. A
number of studies conducted at IHM have demonstrated the effects of subtle
energies on changes in the conformational states of DNA and the structure of
water. (References for the published aspects of this work is provided at the
end of this section).

And further the phantom DNA effect:

>>This new phenomenon -- the DNA phantom effect -- was first observed in
Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise effect during
experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a
sophisticated and expensive "MALVERN" laser photon correlation spectrometer
(LPCS) [5]. These effects were analyzed and interpreted by Gariaev and
Poponin [6].

The new feature that makes this discovery distinctly different from many
other previously undertaken attempts to measure and identify subtle energy
fields [1] is that the field of the DNA phantom has the ability to be coupled
to conventional electromagnetic fields of laser radiation and as a
consequence, it can be reliably detected and positively identified using
standard optical techniques.

Furthermore, it seems very plausible that the DNA phantom effect is an
example of subtle energy manifestation in which direct human influence is not
involved. These experimental data provide us not only quantitative data
concerning the coupling constant between the DNA phantom field and the
electromagnetic field of the laser light but also provides qualitative and
quantitative information about the nonlinear dynamics of the phantom DNA
fields. Note that both types of data are crucial for the development of a new
unified nonlinear quantum field theory which must include the physical theory
of consciousness and should be based on a precise quantitative background.


.........After duplicating this many times and checking the equipment in every
conceivable way, we were forced to accept the working hypothesis that some
new field structure is being excited from the physical vacuum. We termed this
the DNA phantom in order to emphasize that its origin is related with the
physical DNA. We have not yet observed this effect with other substances in
the chamber. After the discovery of this effect we began a more rigorous and
continuous study of this phenomena. We have found that, as long as the space
in the scattering chamber is not disturbed, we are able to measure this
effect for long periods of time. In several cases we have observed it for up
to a month. It is important to emphasize that two conditions are necessary in
order to observe the DNA phantoms. The first is the presence of the DNA
molecule and the second is the exposure of the DNA to weak coherent laser
radiation. This last condition has been shown to work with two different
frequencies of laser radiation.

Perhaps the most important finding of these experiments is that they provide
an opportunity to study the vacuum substructure on strictly scientific and
quantitative grounds. This is possible due to the phantom field's intrinsic
ability to couple with conventional electromagnetic fields. The value of the
coupling constant between the DNA phantom field and the electromagnetic field
of the laser radiation can be estimated from the intensity of scattered
light. The first preliminary set of experiments carried out in Moscow and
Stanford have allowed us to reliably detect the phantom effect; however, more
measurements of the light scattering from the DNA phantom fields are
necessary for a more precise determination of the value of the EMF-DNA
phantom field coupling constant.

And further this water effect is most intriguing:

>>New Technology Provides Scientific Evidence of Water's Capacity to Store
and Amplify Weak Electromagnetic and Subtle Energy Fields

The Memory of Water

Research has shown that water is a liquid crystal with a pliable lattice
matrix that is capable of adopting many structural forms. The structure of
water gives it an infinite capacity to store information within its matrix. A
growing body of recent scientific evidence is now confirming traditional
intuitive understandings of water's role as mediator between the energetic
and material worlds and its function as an accumulator, transmitter and
transducer of energy patterns and information. Much evidence points to
water's ability to effectively memorize energy patterns with which it comes
in contact and retain the energetic memory of vibrational frequncies for
extended periods of time. Homeopathic medicine, for example, is based on
water's capacity to store within its structural matrix the energetic imprint
or vibrational signature of physical substances.

....At the HeartMath Research Center, we have been investigating the energetic
properties of the Marian waters and water treated by exposure to the coherent
electromagnetic fields produced by the human heart. Our preliminary research
has shown that there are measurable changes in these waters that have
intriguing effects on various physical and chemical systems.

Crystallization experiments:
The crystallization of substances from solution is a phenomenon that has
proven extremely sensitive to subtle energetic influences. We have shown that
solutions of sodium chloride, sodium chloride and albumin and cupric chloride
to which a small quantity of the water of Mediugorje is added tend to
crystallize in more finely divided, filamentary patterns than control
solutions. These differences in crystallization patterns resemble those that
have been observed in samples treated by healers' bioenergy and by magnetic

Gold colloid test:
This chemical reaction has previously been used as a detector of subtle
energies, particularly the activation of water samples by healers'
bioenergetic fields. The reaction is the reduction of gold trichloride
(AuCl3) by formolin in aqueous solution made alkaline by sodium carbonate
(Na2CO3). This reaction gives rise to metallic gold in colloid form. The
color of the colloid (measurable spectrophotometrically) varies from red to
blue depending on the presence or absence of activating subtle energies in
the system.

We have shown that the gold colloid test performed in water to which small
quantities of Marian waters have been added yields a product that appears
significantly bluer with respect to the product formed in control reactions.
This difference is quantifiable by comparing the visible absorption spectra
of the solutions. The color differences obtained in Marian water samples with
respect to controls resemble the color differences previously observed when
the reaction was performed in samples of water treated by healers. As the
colloidal reaction acts merely as a detector of the "activation" previously
effected on the water, these results suggest that the Marian waters are
intrinsically energetically "active" by virtue of the higher dimensional
information they have absorbed and stored within their molecular structure

....Amplification of electromagnetic fields by water:
The HeartMath Research Center has developed a new technology that can detect
and measure the capacity of water to amplify weak electromagnetic fields. For
example, the electromagnetic field produced by the human heart can be
detected in a glass of water placed a number of feet away. We have shown that
water exposed to a weak electromagnetic field has the property of amplifying
the signal many times and that different types of water amplify the signal to
different extents. We have found that the amplification of an electromagnetic
field by distilled water is significantly increased when only a few drops of
water from Mediugorje is added to it.

This new technology holds great potential to scientifically measure and
document the storage of information in water. The system is also
significantly less subject to variation due to background environmental
fluctuation than are crystallization experiments and many chemical tests. Of
the many types of analyses we have performed at our laboratories, we believe
this method of measuring the effects of information transfer into water
currently holds the most promise for furthering our understanding of the
capacity of water to store and transduce higher dimensional information
associated with special environments such as the Marian sanctuaries.

There are other avenues of possible detection, too numerous to mention here,
but with a little searching, sharing and "get your hands dirty" work, the
answers will be found.



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