Claim of Flying Platform

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 08 Jan 2000 22:27:17 -0600

Hi Folks!

Received this email a couple of months ago and some of us
were working on it to before we posted anything publicly.

My intent was to verify any of it, before posting it like
that 'magnet/paper cone' mistake (among others), and then
making a webpage with what we had done to verify or

I will post as a URL and to other groups/people/networks
what has been determined to date to prevent one of the Hamel
cult members from trying to incorporate it in yet another
bogus book making claims of success where there are none.

It is unfortunate that some people play so fast and loose
with the truth but when ego, greed and the desire for FAME
as Author/Lecturer come into play, all sense of integrity,
decency and HONESTY fall to the wayside.

I had made an early very crude version of this document and
shared it with a few folks I thought trustworthy and one of
them was one of the Hamel cult members (author/lecturer) who
is even now working to assimilate it into his 'claims'

So, to circumvent any false or bogus claims which might
result, I will post what we have been working to PROVE and
make understandable at a cost of many hours and about $200
out of my own pocket to date.

Read into it what you wish and please credit Youlain for
sharing it in the first place and for Dr. Grebennikov for
posting some of his research. Here is the email I received
courtesy of Youlain;